Friday, 6 September 2024

" If he tells he is spiritual, you should not touch that fellow at all " - UG

    Once you encounter a spiritual claimant, and recklessly throw caution to the wind, and start living with him or her under the same roof, even for some time, all your questions on Reality, Life, Enlightenment, God etc. will slowly evaporate, and, instead, you begin to encounter the Reality of the Guru- the raw human ambition, the delusion, the self-deceit as well as the gullibility of followers and the vicious grip of tenacious, debilitating relationships. 

    The only question that you will be left with is, 'how to escape from the clutches of the guru?'  

    Having personally spent tumultuous times with gurus (teachers) and jagat gurus (world teachers) for decades, as a willing victim, I too, like many others, have witnessed firsthand, the dangers of spiritual seeking and its many traps. 

    The very fact that someone is prepared to let go career, money, property, anything for the sake of spiritual goodies, makes one an ideal candidate for recruitment by spiritual conmen.  

    Market gurus thirst for limelight, feverishly recruit followers, mindlessly grab assets - palatial mansions, acres and acres of land, fleet of high-end cars, and ruthlessly pursue power and control, over ranks of followers or 'willing victims'.

    In this clip, UG comes across as a powerful voice and force, offering immense strength and courage, to all those silent victims, struggling hard to come out of highly demanding and demeaning spiritual relationships.

    He vehemently calls the bluff on all spiritual freeloaders pointing to their true colours,

"There is no way that those people (gurus) can prosper in this world.

The struggle that they have to deal with (to survive in the materialistic world), is absent in the religious field. It is exploitation. It is easy living."      


Audio Clip

Audio Transcription

The problem is not what is the meaning of life, what is the purpose of life. The problem is living. It is the living that is causing the problem, for us.

How to live?

In other words, you and I, how you and I can live in this world. What is the kind of relationship that you and I have?

Is it possible to have relationship between two individuals?

So, the meaning of life, the purpose of life, is anybody's guess.

You don't probably see any meaning in your life.

And so, you are looking for the meaning of life.

You don't see any purpose. You are sick and tired, of doing the same thing day after day, day after day, day after day. The same thing. So, you are bored.

Is that all, that is there? So then begins the mischief. Is that all?

Then there must be something more. Then there is speculation.

Then anybody who thinks he has the answers, comes along and leads you on this kind of a path.

The problem is not what is life.

Nobody will ever know (life). You can only define what is life. 

But life is something like the live wire.

If you try to find out what the live wire is all about, you will be burned.

Life is something living.

So, the one that is interested in finding out the answer for life, the thought, which is matter, thought is matter. So, all our questions are materialistic.

You may talk of eternity.

You may talk of the eternal life, this, that, and the other, spiritual goals.

But even those spiritual goals are materialistic in value.

The spiritual goals you are looking for, you think, will satisfy your material needs and help you to achieve your material goals, faster than otherwise.

That is why you are interested in the spirituality, you are interested in the religion, you are interested in all these things.

But actually, all spiritual goals are materialistic in value.

The man who talks of spiritual values, the man who talks of spiritual goals, the man who tells you that he is a spiritual man, you should not touch that fellow at all. He is more materialistic.

That is why everything associated with the so-called spiritual and religious institutions are interested only in amassing wealth.

There is no way that those people can prosper in this world.

The struggle that they have to deal with (to survive in the materialistic world), is absent in the religious field. It is exploitation. It is easy living.

And so, we are responsible for that.

We make it easy for that fellow to amass wealth in an easy way and thrive on our gullibility and credulity.


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"It is neither physical nor psychological transformation" ~ UG

JK and UGK - T he Anarchist Duo     The current audio clip has been sourced from two separate recordings of UG's conversations. Here,  U...