Friday, 20 September 2024

"Actual relationship between two individuals is relationship between two images." - UG

    UG led a truly untethered life making sure that none of his associates could ever manage to build any relationship whatsoever with him or around him. This was indeed a remarkable feat, a demo of real guts and gumption to reject the lure of power, control and worldwide followership, the ultimate goal of all greedy gurus and godmen. 

" I don't want any circus or buildup here...I don't need you, and you don't need me...there is nothing you can get from me or from anyone else, for that matter. Stop seeking what you already have." - UG

      Friends of UG, across the globe, got to meet him for a few days or weeks of the year. He ensured that those times were joyfully spent with no burden of the past nor anxiety of the future. He was a real, genuine friend and placed no demands of any kind whatsoever, on anyone. His company was truly unburdening. Time spent with him provided a real break, a pause from all the suffocating daily grind or societal nonsense that is our life. The many concerns and problems of living, the feverish chase, the meaningless goals, all took a backseat in his presence.

     Is it possible to live with someone without mutual expectation, obligation, dependency? Is it still possible to be committed to bringing out the best in the other person? Also, is it possible to fearlessly point out the fallacies or shortcomings of the other person even if it meant losing a relationship or a friend?
    UG proved that it is indeed possible to associate this way with many of his friends. If there is any definition of true friendship, this, by far, is the closest that you could ever witness. 

    Real friendships can happen when we truly possess the courage to walk alone. In UG's words, it means:

"Uncomplaining and uncompromising self-reliance"

    Association with UG demanded only one thing - brutal honesty about oneself and that took real courage!   

    In the audio clip, UG lays threadbare the hollowness and shallowness of all relationships, and the enormous amount of psychic energy we expend to keep them going. 

    In this unique take down, he gets to the bottom of all relationships,

    "The most important thing is the security, you see, and then, the possessiveness." - UG

Audio Clip

Audio Transcription 

We are not honest, decorous, and decent enough to admit that all these relationships are built on the foundation of what do I get out of these relationships.

It is mutual gratification, if that is absent there, to keep that relationship for whatever reasons, for social reasons, or for other reasons, children, property, activity, and all this.

Part and parcel of the whole, the relationship business that we are all trying to maintain, when that fails, when that doesn't give us what we really want out of this relationship, we superimpose on that what we call love. So, it is just not possible to have any relationship on any basis except on this.

But the whole culture, for its own reasons, has created this situation for us. It has created the value system.

But the most important thing (in all relationships) is the security, you see, and then, the possessiveness.

I want to possess the other individual.  When my hold is becoming weaker, for various other reasons, it wears out after a while, you see, you cannot maintain this lovey-dovey relationship, that the relationship started between man and woman, all the time, because it is based on two fundamental images that we create for ourselves.

So, the actual relationship between two individuals is the relationship between the two images.

But your image is changing, and the image of the other person involved in your relationship also is changing, changing constantly.

But the demand to keep it in the same basis, the same image level, is just not possible. So, when everything else fails, we use this final, the last card in the pack, and the marvellous romantic ideations around that thing called love, to me, love implies two.

Wherever there is a division there, whether it is within you or without you, that relationship cannot last long.

The relationships are formed, and then the relationships are dissolved, and both of those things happen in the same frame, in the same frame.

So, that is really the problem.

To me, you may think that I am a very crude man, but if anybody talks to me about love, it is to me a four-letter word…

That is the only basic relationship between man and woman.

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"It is neither physical nor psychological transformation" ~ UG

JK and UGK - T he Anarchist Duo     The current audio clip has been sourced from two separate recordings of UG's conversations. Here,  U...