Saturday, 4 May 2024

“NOT GETTING WHAT YOU WANT is sorrow, is frustration” – UG

Mahesh Bhatt sparring with UG

The Real McCoys or sages are grounded and purposeless. They go about leading ordinary lives, completely engaged (but not involved) in the mundane affairs of life.

The real men and women shy away from all recognition and reputation, staying clear of ceremony and pomp, security and fortification. The Real McCoy is never caught in the trappings of a Pope or a jagad-guru. (“If Jesus had security, there would be no Christianity.” – UG to Mahesh Bhatt pointing to the heavily-guarded Vatican).

Sages never hesitate to speak out or act when they sense danger or harm either to the community or an individual. When circumstances demand courage and wisdom, they are ready and willing to forsake their reputation and even their lives to avert a crisis or prevent harm.

The sagely utterings and sayings are all born in such benign interventions. Like the sudden onset of an earthquake, or the abrupt eruption of a volcano, the outpourings are extempore speeches or statements, not delivered from the convenience and comfort of pulpits or platforms.


The timeless classic of Bhagwad Gita was birthed right in the middle of a pitched battle when Sri Krishna got engaged in a dialogue with a deluded and despondent Arjuna who had given up his resolve to fight even before the war started.

The iconic warrior had ironically succumbed to his own internal enemies, the demons of dichotomy, unable to choose between his ‘duty’ (to fight injustice) and ‘loyalty’ (to his elders and teachers standing against him in the opposition camp), he was clueless about his response, completely muddled and utterly perplexed!

This is the deceptive power of a conditioned mind under the vicious grip of a hypocritical value system.

Sri Krishna does not waste time and embarks on the discourse of Gita, exorcising the demons of delusion in Arjuna who then readily embraces ‘duty’ over ‘loyalty’, ‘rightness’ over ‘uprightness’ accomplishing his goal.

Gita has since become a beacon for all those battling with demons of despondence and delusion.

The famous epic Bhagavatam similarly came about during a personal crisis. It was delivered by the sage Suka to King Parikshit while the latter was on a death sentence through snakebite because of a curse.

Socrates gave his famous ‘Defense Speech’ before his death sentence through consumption of the deadly hemlock.

Jesus delivered his momentous sermon while ascending the gallows.

The sagely Nisargadutta Maharaj, on his way to organize his wife’s funeral, stopped short and wholeheartedly addressed the concerns of a spiritual seeker, on a road-side chat, while the seeker remained oblivious to the circumstances.

All of them acted promptly in response to people overwhelmed by their struggles and crises.

Contrast all this with the bogus speeches of today’s platform-gurus. The scripted speeches are filled with cheap platitudes and palliatives, full of entertaining quotes, jokes and stories. They are completely stage-managed by army of cronies, time-bound, carrying huge price tags, pepped up by ceremony and music, in club-class comfort creating the ambience of a ‘spiritual spa’.

Platform performances and con artists in the spiritual business are far removed from harsh realities of life.

The real ‘awakening’ is more like ‘a kick in the gut’ by a sagely character and a grim reminder of reality.

Intense exchanges of friends with UG are real kickers filled with raw energy and emotions.

Only those who remained brutally honest, and prepared for the gut-punches could get into the ‘ring’ with UG, and survive the intense pressure and heat, and the relentless body blows.

A countable few really dared to ‘take the bull by the horn’ teasing out some of the finest repartees from UG, true gifts for posterity.

We are grateful to these daring men and women.

Here is such a high-voltage encounter between the fiery UG and a vicious Mahesh Bhatt.

In this rare clip, UG is holding forte, pushing the envelope and ‘frustrating’ his longtime friend Mahesh Bhatt.

Mahesh is forcefully pushing back, here, he is the very personification of vehemence, taunting UG and touting JK, making a case for ‘frustration’, and doggedly defending the ‘reality of frustration’. He is genuinely and fiercely rooting for ‘freedom from frustration or sorrow’ (some common ‘JK themes’ – familiar to many ‘JK-widows’)

UG, as usual, is unperturbed and nonchalant, brushing aside the rationale for ‘the reality of frustration’ advanced by a rebellious Mahesh.

UG has the last word and nails it, “All your romanticized pain, sorrow or frustration are rooted in NOT GETTING WHAT YOU WANT.” Period!


Our unfulfilled wants or desires, feelings of hopelessness or pathos, make for rich mental imagery and juicy word-salads. These could be spun into romantic poetry, into drama, movie scripts, into profound philosophical or intellectual or spiritual doctrines (‘the doctrine of suffering’), into enchanting writings and discourses by skilled pundits or wordsmiths.

Words solidify experiences, letting us relive a moment of joy or pain or loss giving it a life and momentum of its own.

Society has always glorified and celebrated verbalization. The gigantic collection of books in world’s libraries is a testament.

Wordsmiths who lack empathy and the sagely wisdom could easily weaponize the words with enormous consequences for humanity.

Only a sage could exorcise the demon of verbalisation. 


Transcription of the video clip: 

UG: Its all bullshit. Nothing else. What’s sorrow, you are talking about?

Q: No you keep on saying, something which we are battling with every now and then, that it’s not there!

What’s it that there?

Q: It is there!

UG: What is there, you tell me?

Q: I am frustrated! Frustration is concrete. Sorrow is concrete here! You just say it’s not there!

UG: Where is it?

Q: It’s there inside of me. It is there.

UG: Because it’s not there, the vehemence is coming! Its’s not there,

Q: It is there

UG: Where?

Q: I feel it inside my body, as a physical ache, I feel

( The dialogue gets repeated)  

UG: It is throwing out, that nonsense!

Q: What is throwing out?

UG: It is not throwing out, you are talking about it, it is not there.

Q: Where?

UG: You say it is there, I say it is not there, that’s the end of all conversation, finish!

Q: For you its not there,

UG: For you also its not there, you are just talking about that nonsense

Q: It is there for me and it is there for everyone.

UG: I don’t see, how is it expressing itself?

Q: You are the only person for whom, it does not seem to be there

UG: No, no, no, it’s not there

Q: That’s why a man like J Krishnamurti or a writer like that makes more sense to me than you

UG: Certainly

Q: This Frustration makes more sense to me. I relate to that frustration and not to you. You don’t seem to understand what we are talking about.

UG: I understand you.

No. I don’t think so. You say there is no sorrow, no despair, no frustration.

UG: Why you are still trying to be free from that frustration

That’s my whole tragedy is, I am still trying to…

UG: Why you are still (trying to?), YOU HAVE NO PROBLEMS…


is sorrow, is frustration – UG


Go anywhere, do anything you want, that’s the only thing I am saying.

All frustration, write poetry, some nonsense, some romantic stuff, what frustration? What is it you are doing? I don’t see any frustration!

I have frustration (mocking), what the hell you are talking about?



You want to be free from frustration, then you want me to tell you ‘how I can be free from frustration?’, That ( the effort or yearning to free oneself) is the one that keeps the frustration there.

The HOW is related to the frustration. So, you don’t want to be free from frustration. You want to live with it, romanticize it, and make movies and make money, sit on a platform and talk about it – ‘don’t condemn it, don’t justify it, don’t identify yourself with frustration, be choicelessly aware of that…


There is no other frustration other than the bastard’s (JK) statement – ‘choicelessly aware of frustration’ – THAT IS THE FRUSTRATION!

Because you will never be free from that, that’s a joke – ‘be choicelessly aware of frustration’, just look at it, that (frustration) doesn’t exist. (It’s) the only thing that exists(are) his empty words, that you have picked up from somewhere else. That’s all. So you don’t want to be free from that.

If you are really interested in freeing yourself from that which you are not (a frustrated human), that shit (all empty words and borrowed ideas) must go…




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