Thursday, 25 April 2024

“All your questions are born of your answers” - UG

What we ‘know’ is who ‘we’ are.’

Culturally filtered, acquired knowledge makes each of us unique. We are all products of a lifetime of intellectual investment.

What each of us know, is the subset of all possible solutions and answers given by ‘others’ for day-to-day problems across every sphere of life – social, political, spiritual or the mundane.

No wonder, greed for knowledge is as powerful as the greed for money.

Every moment, consciously or unconsciously, we are seeking answers from this collective pool of what others have said, felt and experienced.

Coming to intellectual curiosity, many of the fundamental questions of humanity, to this day, have remained the same,
“What is the purpose of life? What is God? What is enlightenment?”

Some wise men and women, here and there, seem to have found their own answers to these burning questions, now part of the vast pool of common knowledge.

While questions have fundamentally remained the same, answers given by the worthies, are each strikingly different and unique.

Perhaps the intellectual makeup, the integrity, intensity, humaneness, and sincerity of the questioner throws up a unique question (specific to the individual) that results in a unique answer.

No wonder, we see multitude of answers, for seemingly, the very same question! We find that many of these answers even contradict one another, giving rise to more confusion, and more questions.

UG’s remarkable observation is that any borrowed answer will midwife the birth of new questions, tormenting you endlessly!

UG said that your question must be your own, and not borrowed from others, “I don’t have any answer” but “In a way, I could try and help you formulate your own question.”

Finally, when you come up with your own question, that doesn’t let you sleep, there is a possibility of finding your own answer!


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