Thursday, 11 April 2024

“What is Life? I really don’t know!” – UG

UG, afresh, full of energy and vitality, is effortlessly taking on the intellectual offensive of a roomful of sharp-tongued, theorizing philosophers. Armed with matchless logic and reasoning, the questioners are hell-bent on teasing out the definition of Life on their own intellectual terms and conditions.
As with UG, the vitality of life is on full display, overshadowing the rigidity of intellect.
A bubbling UG, unfazed by intense probing and prodding, maintains that Life is beyond thought or intellect. Life has its own rhythm, its own continuum, way beyond the grasp or boundaries of finite thinking instigated by intellect. And one can never experience Life!
The acquired, sharpened intellect is only an artificial construct, a ‘squatter’ in the biological system. Intellect is the ‘creator’ throwing up ideas and concepts as opposed to the brain which is a ‘reactor’ responding to stimuli to ensure biological function and survival.
Many times, we are easily swayed by artifice or mental conjecture of a mighty intellect, falling prey to its superior reasoning and logic. This is how powerful people and leaders of humanity continue to dictate our thinking, impacting our lives through their peculiar ideas, ideals and ideologies.
The sheer number of mega awards, rewards, prizes instituted globally to celebrate intellectual feats (mental gymnastics) is an unmistakable sign that we slavishly surrender to intellectual hegemony.
UG emphasized and re-emphasized that extreme intellectualization (over-sharpening of the instrument), other than for purposes of learning for earning, of functioning and survival, is a sheer drain on our energy and vitality.



Q: How do you define Life? If you define a Non-Life, that is ( that will help define) for the rest of your Life…

UG: What is the point in capturing something ‘living’ within the framework of a dead structure and define it? Why do you want to define Life?

Q: Why do you NOT want to define?

UG: We are all defining Life all the time. You see…how to live?


The Life never asks the question … am I alive or dead?

If you ask me the question, Are you alive? I would say certainly I am alive because of all these definitions, because of all the information given to me by the doctors and you (too are alive ) because you are sitting here and you are talking or you are responding to the stimuli, you are doing all kinds of things so you are very much alive.

Good, I am delighted that I am alive but the fact that I am alive is very difficult for me to experience.

What is death?  What is Life? I REALLY DON’T KNOW. It is expressing itself…

The expression of Life is energy. You are the expression of Life, I am the expression of Life, the mosquito, if there is, that is the expression of life.

Everything that is there around, is the expression of the same Life!

There is an integral unity but unfortunately we separate ourselves and we have given to ourselves the tremendous IDEA that we are quite different, place ourselves on the top of the whole creation but we are not (different or separate from Life). We ( existing as psychological entities) are NOTHING in the scheme of things. You are no more important!

All of us, all these human bodies will be used by nature because it needs this energy somewhere else. If not cancer, if not AIDS, it will be something else, it will wipe us all out! You can have any number of doctors in this world. They are not going to do it! It is not a pessimistic (view)

…You are no more important in the scheme of things but through our THINKING we are made to believe that we are something extraordinary, that we are souls, that we are life…

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