Saturday 25 May 2024

“We can''t (even) live together if you don't believe in what others' believe.” - UG

“You are nothing but belief, and when it dies, you are dead." - UG

We cannot live with another individual, or be part of a family or group if we don’t believe what they believe.

Belief is the entry ticket to coexistence. Not sharing or accepting beliefs of others could mean – ‘no admission’ to the group or worse, the threat of expulsion from the group.

Come to think of it, all our social or political structures are nothing but institutionalized beliefs.

In any social group (including the WhatsApp or Facebook Groups), there is always some form of group dynamic, an element of control, to ensure status quo.

Group dynamics are a ‘soft’ form of control, a power-play where willing members are reined in by ‘the group mind’, an invisible power-center.

Unspoken, unwritten rules (norms) guide activities of many social groups. Rules about how to solidify beliefs, how to recruit members into the fold, how to indoctrinate newbies, how to chastise dissenters, how to rehabilitate deviants ensure the status quo and continuity of the group.

‘Sense of belonging’ is a powerful motive deep-rooted in the human psyche.

Without subscribing to some form of belief, without affiliation to some group, one feels empty, crippled, lost and lonely.


Is it then possible to free oneself from the tyranny of beliefs and groups and ‘to function sanely and intelligently’ in a society?

UG emphasized three things to be on our own and not to succumb to any influence of a group or a belief system:

First, ‘Brutal honesty’ - this is the place to start with.

Honesty is to see things for what they are, to see or own one’s flaws or ugliness, to junk pretense or fakery, and to dare to be ordinary and real.  

At the same time, it is important not to escape reality by ‘trying to become someone’, or ‘following some model.’  All such efforts will only help keep the old, ugly ‘self’ continuing in a modified form.

UG therefore asked us to STOP, to drop all movement in any direction, at any level, in any dimension.

Self’ is the ‘movement of knowledge’ -UG.

Second, UG spoke of ‘uncompromising and uncomplaining self-reliance.’  

(Psychological) dependence is the beginning of all corruption or corrosion or compromise.

With self-reliance, one gains the ability to say ‘No’ to all falsehoods and fake relationships.

The more one becomes self-reliant, the less is the psychological burden, more the freedom to follow the dictates of one’s heart.

And finally, the third, the ‘the courage to stand alone.’

With ‘brutal honesty’ and ‘uncompromising self-reliance’ already in place, one is naturally freed from the stranglehold of societal dictates, norms and beliefs.

That bestows the strength or courage to walk alone.   



Video Transcript:



     - UG

Q: So, you don’t have any belief system, but does that make your life a little bit empty if you don’t believe anything…

UG: I want to assert, and I have time and again asserted this point that there is only a belief there, there is no believer. So, you are that belief. What you call ‘you’. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in God or whether you believe in the assertions of the scientists or value the assertions that President Bush makes time and again that ‘I will see Americans will have the same standard of living forever.’ You invest your faith in that guy…because he is asserting you know, like that.

So, there is no believer there! You don’t have to take my word, you see, there is only a belief. You are that belief, what you call ‘you’ is that belief. It doesn’t matter what that belief is – whether you believe in God or whether you believe in love or whether you believe in this, that and the other.

So, if that belief comes to an end, you as you know yourself and you experience yourself is coming to an end.

Q: When I die, my shit box goes.

UG:  It goes first, before that, what you call clinical death cannot take place, cannot occur.

So, if that goes now, you will drop dead at this moment. What will remain after that is not your interest, is not your concern because you are not going to be there to tell yourself that you are dead.

So, those who say that you are dead, and define it as clinical death, use their knowledge and tell you that you are not breathing, you are not responding to that stimulus, there is no pulse there, using the knowledge and they say that you are dead, but the fact that you are dead is something which cannot be experienced by you or even by them or even by those beloved ones. What they experience is not the death of their dear, near ones, but the void created by what you call death makes it impossible for them to live the same kind of a life forever, you know.

So, for all practical purposes, there is no such thing as death for the body. Birth and death is a simultaneous process. The moment you are born, you have to die!

Birth is a definition, death is a definition, health is a definition, disease is a definition – all these are definitions. We swallow all those definitions. And we think we know what they are talking about. They don’t know, nothing. Nothiong at all!

So, they assert based upon what they think that they have found out through their research projects or through their beliefs passed on to us from generation to generation. So, the assertion that there is no believer but there is only belief cannot be accepted by you. IF THE BELIEF COMES TO AN END, ‘YOU’ WILL COME TO AN END. So, you cannot but replace one belief with another belief.



                                                                                                                  - UG

So, you have to accept all that (beliefs), for what? We can’t (even) live together if you don’t believe (and accept the beliefs of others), in our (own) homes. You know they force us to eat the same kind of a food…

I was not interested in that (societal belief system), I was only interested in my want. Whatever I want, they(society) didn’t want me to want.

My family members, my teachers, everyone (society) - you should want this, and not that!


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