Saturday, 4 July 2015

"No! He Has No Cancer" - UG

Chandrasekhar Babu and Pratapji Karvat

An anecdote related to Pratapji Karvat.

Among many in Bombay who regularly visited UG , Pratapji remains singularly unique. He never stopped arguing and challenging UG at every juncture. He vehemently defended JK  whenever UG launched his famous tirades on JK.

One morning, many of us regulars arrived at Parekhji's home to discover that the 'hot seat' was empty. UG had gone out visiting someone.

After a while, Pratapji walked in. He looked pale and completely run-down! After he settled down,  someone asked him why was he looking so dull and weak? 

Pratapji shocked everyone, " I have been diagnosed with brain cancer!"  And pulled out his medical papers from his shoulder bag.  

The news was terrible! Everyone was shaken up! Uneasy silence reigned over the room. 

Mahesh Bhat trooped in a little later, found out that UG was out visiting and proceeded to his usual corner. He got busy with his incessant calls and messages. 

At some point,  someone broke the news of Pratapji's 'cancer' to Mahesh. He too was shocked and expressed his disbelief. Pratapji  gave the details of his medical report that had confirmed the malignant growth in the brain. Persistent headaches in the recent past had forced his doctors to order a brain scan. The result - a devastating discovery of brain cancer! Mahesh too was hit by the tragic news and fell completely silent like the rest of us.

At long last, UG trooped in and settled into his ' hot seat' in the main hall.

Mahesh wasted no time,  quickly moved over to Pratapji and dragged him over to UG, " Sir! Doctors are saying that Pratapji has brain cancer, what do you say?",  eagerly and expectantly looking into UG's face! 

Everyone waited with bated breath!

UG took a long look at Pratapji's face, after a pause, uttered his verdict,"NO! HE HAS NO CANCER!" His words carried a ring of finality! 

What happened next was just incredible!

Pratapji still unconvinced, pulled out his report and started explaining to UG about the tumour. But Mahesh Bhat simply got up, "Pratapji ! Did you hear what UG said? You don't have cancer!" and walked away to his corner without even looking back! He got busy once again on his cell phone!

Turned out UG was bang on ! 

The next morning, a beaming Pratapji walked in and  to everyone's relief, joyfully announced that the cancer diagnosis was a goof up by the hospital staff  who inadvertently mixed up his report with that of a real cancer patient! It was a real case of mistaken identity!

For Mahesh Bhat, UG's words, His Master's Voice (HMV) nailed the verdict!  His trust was complete! Pratapji always called Mahesh a Bhakta, a devotee with consummate faith! 


  1. Master is ALWAYS right.
    Nothing is more to MASTER.

    nothing is more than MASTER

  3. Udayji , the sage functioning in pure consciousness transcends our human limitations and can 'see' much more than ordinary minds . So many masters like Ramana, Ramakrishna etc.who demonstarted the potentiality of the 'human flower' . indeed fortunate that we could meet and interact with such a one in flesh and blood !


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