Wednesday, 8 July 2015

"Do Not Make Failure Into A Virtue " - UG

This was sometime in 2003.

UG was staying at Parekhji's house in Santacruz (West), Bombay.

Many of us had gathered around UG in the morning. 

Shortly later, Mahesh Bhat walked in. Proceeding straight to UG, he suddenly gave him a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek! It was so sudden, UG was caught unaware, his remonstrations proved a tad late and futile. 

Finally settling down on the floor, in front of UG, Mahesh offered the reason for the unabashed display of public affection,

"UG! Thank you! You have given me everything that I ever wanted! I am ever grateful to you! I can't ask for more!"

UG sat quietly! It was a poignant moment! As I sat watching, in a flash, the famous words of Sai Baba of Shirdi, a great spiritual master, came flooding to me!

I seized the moment! Looking straight into UG's eyes, I added, “Shirdi Sai Baba said, ‘I give you what you want so you begin to want what I want to give you’, UG is no different!”

As the import of this extraordinary statement hit Mahesh, he looked overwhelmed and insisted that I do an encore! Fully aware that UG would not suffer any flattery, in yet another bold attempt, I defiantly repeated the statement, half suspecting that the ‘machine gun’ would go off any moment!

Surprisingly UG sat calm and collected. He appeared unusually quiet and reserved.

Talking of material wants and pursuits, sages since long have recommended the fulfilment of biological and material cravings for majority of spiritual aspirants. Unfulfilled wants and desires leave behind deep discontent and dissatisfaction in the individual and could only prove counter-productive in realising one’s true potential.

In fact, a celibate life is not everyone’s cup of tea. UG emphasised that celibacy in the name of spirituality only amounted to ‘denial of nature’! He recommended marriage in many cases. Unfulfilled desires could lead to morbid perversions and act as impediments in the unfoldment of our true and essential nature!

Save in the case of a few select individuals, who were really serious about spiritual quest or ‘sadhana’, UG advocated a normal life to most people who came to see him and backed them in their pursuit of material goals and aspirations. To this end, he worked on a ‘case to case basis’.

To use a metaphor, UG did not offer ‘over the counter’ medicine! That is to say, he did not offer any generalised form or body of formal teaching! Rather, like a true physician, he metered the dosage and potency of the drug , best suited to the individual. His instructions were direct, personal and immediate, like ‘designer drugs’ packaged to serve the special needs of a particular individual.

In this regard, how UG helped Mahesh is quite fascinating!

In a way, UG did offer tips to Mahesh Bhat on film making! In early part of his career, Mahesh had only a few flops to his credit. UG cautioned, “Mahesh, do not make failure into a virtue. I will never excuse you if you are not a successful director”.

UG once took Mahesh along to a theatre to watch a blockbuster Telugu film, ‘Maro Charitra’, a movie by the famous film star Kamal Hassan, to bring home the essential ingredients of what makes a film into a box-office hit!

Mahesh recalls, The year was ‘79. UG insisted I watch this film even though I did not know the language. He sat next to me and insisted I too along with him watch the entire film. Don't ask me why he did that. But that changed my approach to movie making!”

There were many similar success stories among UG friends, thanks to his timely intervention and advise in their lives.

Many flocked to UG for various reasons.

Some looked upon him as a guru! Some were drawn to him for his sheer brilliance, some appreciated his guts and some admired his charisma! Some sought the ‘company of UG's company’ of intellectuals, celebrities, and famous personalities.

Some relished his bashing of gurus, some enjoyed his take on mundane matters including international affairs, politics or economics. Some were enamoured by his astounding knowledge and grasp of science and scriptures.

Some sought peace while others sought spiritual instruction!

But his true genius lies in shedding light on false ego trips including self-centred spiritual pursuits. 

In case of many disillusioned and deluded souls who were lost and shipwrecked in the unchartered spiritual waters, UG essayed the role of an anchor and proved a great stabilising force!

Grounded in Natural State ( Sahaja Stithi), UG was a pure, natural and impersonal expression of Life Force, a rare flower that touched many individuals, each in a unique way!

Happy Birthday UG!


  1. "But his true genious lies in....." Suresh , you caught him right.

  2. "But his true genious lies...." Suresh, you caught UG Correctly.

  3. Udayji, true ! UG said, " You must be saved from the saviours... !" And UG helped many like me to retain sanity after a devastating relationship with gurus..examples galore !

  4. "Firstly, you must be redeemed from the redeemers and saved from the saviours...." -- UG

  5. I visited UG in Bangalore when I was in PUC, yr I got remembered that, I Have the captures and his sayings with me still today and the words are about " self enlightenment ", its the luckiest moment in my life.

  6. I visited UG in Bangalore when I was in PUC, yr I got remembered that, I Have the captures and his sayings with me still today and the words are about " self enlightenment ", its the luckiest moment in my life.

    1. Hi Pranav! Nice to know that you met UG !Looks like your visit must have been in 2006. That was his last visit to India, he died in March 2007.


"It is neither physical nor psychological transformation" ~ UG

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