Sunday, 12 July 2015

" Don't Succumb To These Things " - UG

UG escorting Nataraj?

It was March 1998.

I and Kamal, our pilot friend, were in-charge of UG's temporary joint in Bandra, Bombay.

I played the door-keeper , Kamal the chauffeur and Miss Tanuja Chandra, the film director played the store-keeper in charge of the larder, taking care of UG’s supply of cream, coffee and milk.

Mahesh Bhatt remained busy with his directorial commitments and would drop in only towards late evenings!

Kamal and myself were hanging out with UG , most of the day hours. UG was kind and generous and pampered us by preparing our coffees! Mostly, we lunched and dined outside.

Late Nataraj, the German astrologer was accompanying UG on this trip and was put up in a hotel nearby. He was a knowledgeable astrologer in the Western tradition.

That summer afternoon was terribly hot and muggy, UG refused to stir out and preferred to stay indoors. To add to the woes, there was no air conditioning in the flat!

I and Nataraj kept him company. Kamal was out on an errand.

UG kept joking, “Nataraj, where is Pluto? What about Neptune? .....Tell me how it will influence my travel plans this year?..... What about money, will I be making more dollars?.....”

After some more banter about planets, UG appeared tired and tried to catch a catnap.

 There was hardly any conversation now going on in the room. I took this opportunity and decided to query Nataraj on the veracity of the claims of astrology and the planetary influences in one's life.

I personally had no knowledge about astrology and also I was a little sceptical. Of course, there is tangible, documented evidence on the influence of lunar cycles on animal and plant life ! Planets and heavenly bodies do influence our life but to what extent?

Nataraj knew his domain pretty well. He explicated the basis of astrology in a layman's language. He elaborated on many interesting aspects of astrology in a nice way in what was a primer to me! I was beginning to see some semblance of 'science' behind those surmises of the 'unscientific' astrologers! 

As we spoke, UG dosed on and off !  

Between his catnaps, once I caught UG, “Sir, I think there seems to be some truth in what Nataraj is saying! Planets, after all might influence our minds, what do you say?"

UG broke his silence, his words were carefully chosen and measured, "Yes, planets certainly play their role! But it's like this - today is terribly hot and humid. Weather conditions like this are deterring and discouraging ! You don’t feel like going out or doing anything. You are forced to stay indoors. The planetary influences are somewhat similar". And added a key rider, "It is important that you don’t succumb to these things!"

At this, Nataraj jumped  out of his seat , " Yes, UG's right! You should never succumb to such things! ”He was overjoyed that UG had endorsed his views.

This anecdote holds out an important lesson, "Not to be deterred or overwhelmed, when we find ourselves prisoners of situations or circumstances, many times of our own making! Takes real determination and courage to see things through !"

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