Friday, 29 November 2024

" The whole of your being is that question 'how'." -UG


    In this intense, penetrating, high-energy audio clip, UG shines light on the very nature of inquiry, calling attention to its incredible and unfathomable depths. 

    Any serious 'inquiry' or 'search' or 'exploration', according to him, encompasses not only the intellectual (or psychological) but also the little-known physical or the biological dimension. 

    The psychological and the biological seem to be intricately intertwined, way beyond our wildest imagination, or deepest comprehension.

    All serious spiritual search revolves around the 'how'? 

    'How' to know life? 'How' to realise God? 'How' to attain enlightenment? 'How' to achieve Samadhi? 'How' to overcome anger? How, how, how?  

    We have tremendous investment in the 'how'. Why not? 'How' is the magical key of the scientist that has unlocked the myriad mysteries of nature. 

    No wonder we try to deploy the same 'how' to know or understand life, to resolve problems of living, problems of anger, of hatred, jealousy etc. 

    UG clinically and surgically dismantles the little-known aspects of 'how':

    " That question 'how' is there in every cell in your body, in every nerve in your body. 

So, the whole of your physical organism is involved. 

'How' has no answer (but) that 'how' itself is the redeemer, you understand?

So, it cannot move, it cannot split itself into two. 

That (how) is the question of all questions. 'How' can I understand, 'how' can I resolve this problem?"

    UG goes further: 

It is not just asking an intellectual question 'how'. 

The whole of your being is that question 'how'.

It is not just asking an intellectual question 'how', but that 'how' is the whole of this mechanism.

So, then it has GOT to find an answer, if there is any answer!

    It is really fascinating that the 'how', a mere thought or intellectual pursuit could penetrate biology affecting the chemistry or nature of the body. No wonder UG constantly reminds us that 'thought is nothing but matter.'


    Knowledge, UG explicates, is not merely intellectual or physiological but visceral or physical. Knowledge or memory gets embedded into the physical cells is well known to science but is still getting explored. 

    Importantly UG explains that knowledge spawns the delusion of the 'self': 

"What you call 'self' or whatever name you give it, is created by the knowledge."

    While UG asserts that the process of 'knowledge getting embedded in the physical' is real, he maintains that its reverse process or 'the throwing away of knowledge from cells' too is a physical phenomenon. For UG, the death of cells or the death of the body is the way the organism gets to 'throw out all acquired knowledge'. 

   " So, the ending of knowledge is the 'death'. 

That is why death is a very important thing. 

Unless you die, you cannot understand anything. 

That death is not a psychological death but a physical death because the physical body is involved." - UG

  UG avers that even after physical death, (not suicide but a natural happening as in his case, not through any will or volition) there is a likely chance of 'resurrection' again as happened in his own case and other individuals like Sri Ramana etc. 

    This phenomenon is seen in only in a handful of individuals over centuries and the chance of this rare occurrence is 'one in a billion'

   UG maintained that there are very few 'serious' individuals who try to intensely pursue the question of 'how' to its logical end. He puts the great scientists like Einstein in that category who relentlessly explored the workings of nature. Any serious search, unbeknownst to us, could penetrate the realm of the physical and may not remain mere intellectual inquiry anymore. 

    UG, in no uncertain words, warns us that any deep inquiry could seriously affect the nature or chemistry of the body, sometimes even leading to pathological disorders. There is a clear danger in any serious search or pursuit, especially of spiritual goals: 

    "You either flip or fly, and the chance of your flipping is high." - UG.



Audio Clip

Audio Transcription

The 'point' ('centre' or 'I' or the 'self') is the most important thing.

Without that (the 'centre'), you see, there is no 'circumference' (there is no 'world' to experience).

You are all the time moving on the circumference, trying to reach the centreBut if this is knocked off, there is no point (or centre), there is no (more) circumference.

Say, we have lost the bearings.

So, this (the point or centre) is the most important thing!

Is the 'point' there? The 'self' or whatever you want to call it, the 'I', the mind or psyche, use whatever word you want. So, that itself is questionable. 

Because whatever you experience, what you call self or whatever name you give it, is created by the knowledge. 

So, what is there is only the knowledge and nothing else!

I am not using the word in the Vedantic sense, (but as) the knowledge about yourself and the knowledge about the world around you.

So, it is that that you are fighting, so the ending of knowledge is the 'death'.

That is why death is a very important thing. Unless you die, you cannot understand anything. 

That death is not a psychological death but a physical death because the physical body is involved.

It is not just going to happen like that.

So, the whole of your physical organism is involved.

'How' has no answer (but) that 'how' itself is the redeemer, you understand?

So, it cannot move, it cannot split itself into two. That (how) is the question of all questions. 'How' can I understand, 'how' can I resolve this problem?

So, unless you reject completely and totally any help from outside agency, however extraordinary it may be, you cannot proceed at all.

You can't say, I reject this, that is nonsense, this is nonsense, this is absurd, that is absurd. You cannot say that. 

The outside agency you are talking about, is there inside of you.

That question 'how' is there in every cell in your body, in every nerve in your body. 

This is all the time trying to say that how is not going to disappear just like that. When that how disappears, it blocks every gland, every nerve, every cell in your body.

It is not just asking an intellectual question 'how'. 

The whole of your being is that question 'how'.

It is not just asking an intellectual question 'how', but that 'how' is the whole of this mechanism.

So, then it has GOT to find an answer, if there is any answer!

Saturday, 23 November 2024

" If the thought remains one, without splitting into two, that does the trick! " - UG

    The question of 'how' has been instrumental in plumbing the depths of nature and revealing to us the many secrets, giving us science, technology and also driving the human progress. 

    'How' propagates reductionism and science, is the golden key to all our knowledge. 

    UG in this penetrating discussion (see the audio clip below) points out that the same 'how' is also responsible for creating the illusion of 'duality', the artificial division between the 'question' and 'questioner'. 

    " The question you are asking 'how' is NOT separate from the questioner when the question 'how' remains as one, without splitting itself into two, splitting itself into two means - 'the questioner' and 'the question'. "- UG

   As the instrument of inquiry, the 'how' fabricates the artificial division or split in the inquiry (thinking) by creating the 'questioner' (thinker) as an illusory entity different from the 'question'(thought). 

   "So, when once it dies to this duality (thought splitting into question and the questioner), what is there is an immortal thing, not that there is something which becomes immortal, but life is immortal because it has no beginning, it has no end." - UG 


Audio Clip (Source


Audio Transcription

    UG: This body is not an isolated point in the totality of the electromagnetic field.

    What creates or what gives you the impression that it is an isolated point is because the thought is creating an isolated point there (as the ‘I’ or the ‘self’). It is separating, you see, from the totality of the things.

    And so, the idea of integrating these two things, to me, has no meaning, you see. It is already an integrated unit.

    So, what you are trying to do is to separate yourself from that (thanks to culture that brands ‘you’ and maintains ‘you’ throughout as an independent identity) and then try to integrate these two things.

    Q:  No, no. You see, the gist of what all I have understood is, our thoughts, our knowledge, our trying to do certain things in some beliefs is the one that is causing the separation, and we have to do away with it. No, but the thing is, how to go about it? You see, that is where...

    UG: The question ‘how’ is the stumbling block, you see, that is a very, very clever thing, you know. It is only interested in continuity.

    So, when you come to a point where you think there is an impasse, you ask the question, ‘how can I break through this impasse?’

    So, the how implies continuity, that is the basic question, the how, the why and what.

    These are the three basic questions. You always put these questions to yourself, how, why and what.

    And wait for an answer for these questions, either from within or from outside.

    So, when this ‘realization’ or whatever you want to call it, dawns on you that no outside agency can be of any help to find an answer for your questions, the helplessness that you feel because of your dependence on outside agency also goes with it.

    Q:  I was only thinking, you see, when the child just has to know how to step, you are going to give that free wheeler. Once it starts walking it has no use. (UG:  I know all the similes.) So, I was thinking, you see, maybe there are certain things which are means to an end, but if you entirely depend on that, you would really depend on that totally and you can never depend on it.

    UG: The very question which you are asking, ‘how’ means time, you see, I don't know. 

    The time, because the questioning mechanism there has come into being in the course of time, you know, in the course of time. So that cannot conceive of the possibility of finding an answer or a solution for the question except in terms of time, you know. 

    If there is no answer to that question ‘how’ then the how cannot stay there.

    It is that how I was talking about that one thought, if it remains as one, without splitting itself into two, then that does the trick.

    Nobody has any answer for that question.

    You have to come to that point, the outside agency cannot help at all because the answers given by others or by me or by anybody, those are not the answers. Otherwise, the question wouldn't be there.

    This is what I am trying to emphasize.

    So, they are not the answers. When they are not the answers, how can this question remain there?

    So, you don't brush aside those answers, reject those answers because you are rejecting the man (or guru or guide or scripture) who has given the answers, you see.

    The authority of some scriptures which you have taken for granted is in jeopardy.


    The question you are asking 'how' is not separate from the questioner when the question 'how' remains as one, (that's all that I am talking about) without splitting itself into two, splitting itself into two means - 'the questioner' and 'the question'.

    So, the how demands time.

    Because you don't know, if you knew you wouldn't ask that question. They are so interrelated. 

    So, is there anything that you can do to prevent this separation and the isolation?

    There isn't anything that you can do through any volition of yours, that's all that I am saying.

    So, it is there that the 'luck', I use the word luck not in the general sense of the word, some strange chance.

    That is the duality that I am talking about, not the soul and the other.

    So, when this comes to an end, that is the end.

    The immortality that those Upanishads talked about, I don't want to use it because you think that I am interpreting.

    So, when once it dies to this duality (thought splitting into question and the questioner), what is there is an immortal thing, not that there is something which becomes immortal, but life is immortal because it has no beginning, it has no end.

    But the thought has a beginning, and it has an end.


Thursday, 31 October 2024

" You have to live in this world " - UG

Many of us deem 'enlightenment' as the silver bullet, the cure-all, the ultimate panacea for all our mundane problems or the problems of human relationships.

UG, in his uncanny way, points out that search for any solution (enlightenment) is the real problem as it siphons off all our energy and resources away from getting to know the real problem.

The constant worry, the anxiety, the fear and restlessness are all consequences of our neurotic preoccupation with uncertain, unknown (projected) problems of the future. 

We love to hate uncertainty and we erroneously believe that we ought to be prepared for any eventuality in the future.  Our waking hours are relentlessly spent in thinking about anticipatory problems and their imaginary solutions.

Because we are able to solve many a technical or transactional problem, we tend to mistakenly believe that we could easily solve all human or living problems.

Firstly, UG goes about shooting down our obsession with imaginary problems,

" What are the problems?

You don't have any problems there."

Consider the case of anger. When something is being denied to us, or something is being snatched away from us, we get angry with some explosive reaction. 

"Anger is a tremendous outburst of life energy" - UG 

We later begin to regret our action and look for some means to control anger in the futureSadly, we are not at all concerned about the underlying cause of anger. 

We never see that it is our ambition, our pursuits, possessions or investments that are the root cause of the 'anger' problem

We keep chasing after all kinds of wrong solutions instead of getting a handle on the real problem. We focus on anger that is a mere symptom of the underlying disease which is much more deep rooted - our craving or attachment or possessiveness. 

'How to control anger?' is our biggest problem, and not ' Why do we get angry?'

We are always looking for some technique or strategy to overcome anger. But that is like the application of the wrong medicine which is worse than cure. 

Anger is a 'living problem' for us. It is a living reality like fear or jealousy. 

We are part of a culture or society that values, encourages and celebrates success, wealth, power, status, possessions, fame etc. When we fail to achieve or attain any of these goals, we end up as victims of anger, fear, jealousy etc. 

UG nails it:

" That is why I am telling you, this is the only reality.

You have to live in this world, and you have to move between the pleasure and pain, happiness and unhappiness."

Happiness and unhappiness are both artifacts of the same value system. 

To be part of the society is to struggle to fit into its framework or value system. It is a constant battle and the cause of our sorrow. We are presented with fait accompli and doomed to live a societal life with no other option.

As UG points out, we have to function in society sanely and intelligently but not  succumb to its dictates by ' leading a life of uncomplaining, uncompromising self-reliance.'


Audio Clip

Audio transcription:

Whatever you want, you can get it.

There is no guarantee that you will get it.

You see, you have to work hard (for) anything you want.

But what you want is you want ten different things, hundred things you want, enlightenment you want, you see.

No, not a chance.

You will not get enlightenment, because that is not what you want.

What you want, you see, is the ultimate pleasure, you see.

If I had that, if I am enlightened, that would help me to solve all the problems.

What are the problems?

You don't have any problems there.

That is why I say it is very dangerous, you see.

You want to be free from pain and not pleasure.

You see, if this kind of a thing hits you, it knocks off both.

You cannot be free from pain without losing pleasure, not only in one area, in every area.

So, it is too dangerous to play with that kind of a thing.

It will burn everything.

That is why I am warning you.

That is why I am telling you, this is the only reality.

You have to live in this world, and you have to move between the pleasure and pain, happiness and unhappiness.

All the things are there, and you are doomed.

Saturday, 26 October 2024

“ You can’t keep such people under the bushel” - UG

" If there is one (a true individual), you see, (s)he won't be hiding somewhere, you see, you know. (S)he'll be there shining like the star.

You can't keep such people under the bushel. To be an individual is not an easy thing, you see. That means you are very ordinary. " - UG

Ordinariness is the hard way but the only way out of the societal mess, the way out of the burden of pretence or the artificiality of living for the sake of others or society. 

In some of his discussions with philosophers, UG used to highlight the fact that 'becoming' and 'being' are one and the same thing. They both are a psychological burden that guzzle away tons of vitality and energy. Contrast this psychological battle or struggle with children who are totally free of 'being' or 'becoming', no wonder they come across fresh as flowers and full of beans.

To be ordinary is to own our flaws, limitations or weaknesses, it is to be wholly and solely responsible and accountable (total ownership) for all our actions. 

To be ordinary is to reject all external moulds or models, to discard all psychological dependencies. 

To be ordinary is to embrace utter simplicity and honesty. 

To be ordinary is to stop and abandon all attempts at escaping the 'brutal' reality of the world. It is to stop chasing a non-existent heaven or some other utopia. It is to refuse to succumb to all kinds of social, cultural or religious pressures. 

" Wanting to fit yourself into that framework is the cause of your sorrow" - UG

The most ancient and pragmatic tradition of China, the Taoism advocated sages (Taoism called sages - the Real men and women) to never abandon society but to be fully and actively engaged in day-to-day society, silently carrying on activities that are beneficial to humanity.

Ordinariness is tremendously powerful as it directly taps into the vast reserves of life energy connecting the individuals to the source. 

Ordinariness unburdens and heals, restores vitality and energy, bestows sanity and intelligence thereby giving the individual the courage to walk alone. 

The greatest of sages from across ages and lands have led the most ordinary and simplest of lives. Their secret was ordinariness. This enabled them to lead uncomplaining, uncompromising lives amidst the worst brutalities and conflicts of the mundane world while healing, unburdening and empowering their fellow beings.

" To be ordinary is extraordinarily difficult " - UG


Audio Clip

Audio Transcription

I have been everywhere else in the world.

Seeing people, and so I can say human nature is exactly the same, not one.

If there is one (a true individual), you see, (s)he won't be hiding somewhere, you see, you know.

(S)he'll be there shining like the star.

You can't keep such people under the bushel.

To be an individual is not an easy thing, you see.

That means you are very ordinary.

It is very difficult to be ordinary, you know.

You want to be something other than what you are.

To be yourself is very easy.

You don't have to do anything.

No effort is necessary.

You don't have to exercise will.

You don't have to do anything to be yourself.

But to be something other than what you are, you have to do a lot of things.

All the restlessness you have is only because you think that you must be doing something more interesting, more valuable, more meaningful than what you are doing.

This is a terrible bore to you.

That's all there is, you know.

There is nothing else there.

You see the dog, all the time (it keeps) running from one end to the other.

Why it's doing?

I don't know.

It knows.

It doesn't even want to know.

You acquire so much garbage.

We think we know everything.

The more you know, the more difficult it is for you to be a very ordinary person.

You talk of humility.

You talk of this sensitivity.

You talk of so many things, you know.

How can you be...

How can there be humility as long as you know something?


They can talk of humility.

If you know anything, you see, you can't be a person of humility.

Just to be the ordinary person.

It's not so easy. Because we have psychological norms, religious norms, everything is set there, behavior patterns.

So, you're wanting to fit yourself into that framework is the cause of your sorrow.

Sunday, 29 September 2024

"The whole movement has to slow down, and come to a stop!" - UG

( Photo: Heinz-Richard Vieten )

The Enchanting Spiritual Goals

    Many feel that there is some magical or enchanting quality about spiritual goals that is simply absent in the material goals. That is not to discount the lure of material goals that are tangible and gratifying.  

    Those of us who are chasing after spiritual goals do so for various reasons – either we have sufficient bank balance, insurance and property but are plain bored with the din and grind of everyday life, or we want to attain moksha or salvation or enlightenment prescribed by some spiritual book or guru, or we want to awaken the hidden spiritual power or kundalini  or the enormous potential within ( self-actualization), or we wish to escape the harsh realities of life, or boss over legions of followers by becoming future gurus or leaders or guides.

    Most of us wittingly or unwittingly get initiated into the spiritual journey at some point in our life. Regardless of the goal, the spiritual domain remains an obsession, a promised land. But it is also a minefield of perils if we discard reason, caution and discretion. Our spiritual pursuit could then turn into a life-wrecking misadventure.


Experience-seeking Minds & Spiritual Misadventures

    Rarely do we encounter a firebrand anti-guru like UG who holds a mirror to our search and clinically dismantles the very basis for the reality or factuality of the enchanting spiritual goals. 

    UG advocates healthy scepticism as an antidote to spiritual fevers of all kinds. He asks us to stop the search and step back for a moment, and ask ourselves a few simple, honest and fundamental questions about the reason for our search. 

    UG dissects our spiritual pursuits by calling into question two fundamental assumptions on our part, 'our clarity about the goal' ('what do you want?') and the reason for the pursuit or 'our intention' ('why do you want it?').

    Yes, rather than being impulsive, naive and gullible, we would be better off in any spiritual undertaking by initiating a sincere and honest probe into the rationale for our search on the lines of UG's questioning

     "What do I want in life? What is my real intention? Am I honest enough to see or admit my own ugliness or weakness? Am I afraid to face my own reality? Am I chasing after something which I really don’t know? Have I considered the possible missteps or traps or dangers in my blind pursuit? 

    What is the basis for the ideology or teaching that is beckoning me? How genuine or authentic is the proponent of the teaching or the guru? What is the basis for his or her teaching? Does (s)he really walk the talk or does it really operate in his or her own life? 

    By any chance, am I walking into a dubious cult that could blow up later in my face? Am I being manipulated by some uncanny group dynamic or mass hypnosis? Am I following or ignoring the dictates of my own heart? Am I being led up the garden path by someone else, however close, well-meaning (s)he may be? 

    Do I get to see both sides of the coin -the public and private life of the guru or the walking god before committing to his or her path? Am I afraid to question the teacher or the teaching? Am I infirm or reckless? Do I lack the assertiveness to say 'no' to avoid any future pitfalls? Do I possess the courage, in case of need, to walk out of any tenuous and demanding spiritual relationship? Can I walk alone if the situation demands it?"

    UG warns us that we are merely chasing mirages when we go after spiritual experiences. There are plenty of gurus, godmen or phonies in the spiritual marketplace offering cheap spiritual goodies and experiences. 

    The seductive power of spiritual experiences is akin to the pull of narcotics. The drug-induced experiences give a taste of an alternate reality that is full of temporary 'out-of-the-world' experiences or euphoric states. Market gurus promise more lasting, petty spiritual experiences. No wonder the spiritual market has a lot in common with the narco business. Both are highly seductive, lucrative, powerful and notorious. 

UG categorically dismissed all kinds of spiritual experiences, 

"All your spiritual experiences are just worthless experiences. However profound, they are just petty little experiences, shoddy piece of goods. If they have really helped you at all, why are you here? Why are you still seeking answers?" - UG

    UG rubbished all kinds of spiritual experiences as either illusory, or thought-induced (self-hypnotic), or pathologically induced (out-of-body experience due to physiological or chemical imbalances like high blood pressure etc.). Just like drugs, these extraordinary experiences only turn us into mere addicts or slaves. 

    Petty spiritual experiences make us feel special, superior and arrogant and push us into self-deception and delusion. This sets us up to be vulnerable to deadly spiritual traps and predators. No doubt, personal tragedies are very regular and common in the spiritual realm as well as the narcotic world.


The Idea of Change & Psychological Time

    The 'idea of change' is central to any holy business. And also, it is key to every social or political movement. Changing the behaviour of people and programming the minds is at the very core of all conversions. 

    Individually every one of us is invested in the 'idea of change'. We believe in bringing about a change not only in ourselves but also in others and even in society. 

    Basically, the whole idea of change or the idea of improvement revolves around making oneself more adaptable or acceptable or successful in the society or the value system where we want to belong. Or it may be that individually we may want to become someone or  follow a role model. 

    For UG, the idea of a 'perfect human being' is anathema. He explicated that nature does not use a single mould for all of humanity. There is no duplication or repition in creation. Nature does not use anything as a model. For nature, there is no one individual who is 'preferred' or 'special' or 'the chosen one'. Every human being is unique and unparallelled just like any two leaves or flowers.

"Nature is only interested in creating perfect species but not perfect individuals." - UG

    For UG, the idea of any psychological change, the idea of trying to follow in the footsteps of someone, however great or noble is unnatural and a crime against nature. He warned us that it will only lead to dichotomy and inner conflict disturbing the supreme balance, peace and harmony inherent in our biology. Nevertheless, most of us are irrevocably caught up in the act of change, trying to become somebody - 'I am ugly but tomorrow I will be holy', 'I am fallible but tomorrow I will be noble', and so on. 

    One of the greatest inventions of the human mind is the idea of 'tomorrow'. Tomorrow forms the basis for all psychological time. Without time, there is no future. It is the idea of tomorrow that makes possible all of our psychological journeys. We humans cannot live without a calendar. Our transactional world will fall apart without the benefit of a calendar. 

    No wonder 'the idea of change' and 'the idea of tomorrow' are always tied together.


The Planet Is Not In Danger But We Are In Danger

     Being the organic part and parcel of the society where we belong, we can never bring ourselves to question our role models nor do we question the wisdom or rationality of changing ourselves to become one like them. We succumb and submit, blindly and willingly, to the dictates of society. 

    UG decried the whole idea of change as utterly flawed and therefore the root cause of all our problems.

    In the social world, the chaos, the wars, the ongoing conflicts are nothing but the result of flawed ideologies or doctrines or theories of just a few powerful leaders or individuals who took it upon themselves to bring about a change in swathes of people or society. 

    Each leader or messiah offered some social model, a framework or value system based solely upon his own individual life events, guided by his private experiences, his personal successes or failures under the prevailing social or political order of his times. Many such value systems or social models are outdated, incompatible or irrelevant to the times in which we live in today.

    There cannot be a bigger fallacy than the dictum: 'one size fits all'. All the chaos and conflicts we see today in the world are the direct or indirect consequence of this extreme position or groundless fallacy. 

    All 'isms and 'cracies - socialism, liberalism, communism or theocracy, democracy or autocracy are such models or experiments trying to fit all of us into a common framework with grave consequences. 

    Currently there are plenty of on-going wars and conflicts, the result of trying to force a change or impose a different social or political order on whole lands or nations.

"It is your desire to bring about a change, to create a heaven on earth that has created this hell for all of us." -UG

    Consider mother nature. Anything that we do to alter or change the natural order of things put in place by nature over the course of millions of years, is only counter-productive to the established order and harmony of the planet. All that science and technology can offer is more and more comfort or convenience. 

    UG averred that everything that is needed for human survival already exists in nature, that too in great abundance. But our disruptive inventions or technologies are impacting the planet in such a way that it will be detrimental to our very safety or survival. 

"The planet is not in danger, but we are in danger." - UG

    It is again ' the idea of change' in the name of progress and development that has brought us all to the brink of disaster with rampant and relentless exploitation of natural resources by only a handful of powerful countries. 

    In the name of creating peace & heaven we are sowing the seeds of war & hell.


End of Search Is The End of Psychological Time

  In this revelatory audio clip, UG explains in simplest terms how thought as psychological time has turned into our biggest stumbling block that prevents us to see the living reality of the world. The moment we look at anything or anyone, immediately the thought interferes and distorts it by either invoking the past or the non-existent future.

    UG in no way discounts the significance or the role of time, its value or purpose in building or construction, or for travel, or for learning or for practicing an art or technique, or even for making progress in our careers. All this involves chronological time.

But the goal of becoming an enlightened being is intrinsically tied to the idea of change from what one is to what one should be. And this involves psychological time.

UG offers a great pointer to ending of all distortions and delusions caused by psychological time by simply dropping search or seeking:

“So, whenever such a thing happened, it happened to those people who had given up completely and totally all their search.

You know, that's an absolute requisite for that kind of a thing.

The whole movement has to slow down, you see, and come to a stop, but anything you do, to make it stop, is only adding momentum to it.” 


Audio Clip

Audio Transcription

Unless the past comes to an end, there can't be any present, the now, the present moment.

And that present moment is something which cannot be captured by you, cannot be experienced by you, you see.

So even assuming for a moment that the past has come to an end, you have no way of knowing that it has come to an end.

You see, so then there is no future for you at all.

There may be a future ( the psychological time measured in terms of achievement), tomorrow you will become boss of your company in which you are working, I don't know.

The school teacher becomes the head of the institution and the professor becomes the dean, you see. That possibility is there, but you have to put in a lot of struggle, you know, that takes time.

So you are applying the same technique (to achieve spiritual goal or enlightenment), you see.

That (thought) is the only thing, that instrument which you are using to realize whatever you are interested in and so it puts it (out) there, in the future.

So, it has produced tremendous results in this world (that you can observe).

So, how can that instrument be not the instrument to achieve your spiritual goals, if there are any spiritual goals you have before them?

So that is not the instrument, obviously, because you have tried, you see, you have done everything possible.

Even those who are burning with (spiritual) hunger, they find it, you see, it's impossible, you know.

In India everybody, you see, tried this, you wouldn't believe that, you see. Not one was lucky enough.

So, whenever such a thing happened, it happened to those people who had given up completely and totally all their search.

You know, that's an absolute requisite for that kind of a thing.

The whole movement has to slow down, you see, and come to a stop, but anything you do, to make it stop, is only adding momentum to it.

That's really the crux of the problem.

So what you are interested in, doesn't exist.

It's your own imagination based upon the knowledge you have about those things.

And so, there is nothing that you can do about it.

You are chasing something that does not exist at all.



Friday, 20 September 2024

"Actual relationship between two individuals is relationship between two images." - UG

    UG led a truly untethered life making sure that none of his associates could ever manage to build any relationship whatsoever with him or around him. This was indeed a remarkable feat, a demo of real guts and gumption to reject the lure of power, control and worldwide followership, the ultimate goal of all greedy gurus and godmen. 

" I don't want any circus or buildup here...I don't need you, and you don't need me...there is nothing you can get from me or from anyone else, for that matter. Stop seeking what you already have." - UG

      Friends of UG, across the globe, got to meet him for a few days or weeks of the year. He ensured that those times were joyfully spent with no burden of the past nor anxiety of the future. He was a real, genuine friend and placed no demands of any kind whatsoever, on anyone. His company was truly unburdening. Time spent with him provided a real break, a pause from all the suffocating daily grind or societal nonsense that is our life. The many concerns and problems of living, the feverish chase, the meaningless goals, all took a backseat in his presence.

     Is it possible to live with someone without mutual expectation, obligation, dependency? Is it still possible to be committed to bringing out the best in the other person? Also, is it possible to fearlessly point out the fallacies or shortcomings of the other person even if it meant losing a relationship or a friend?
    UG proved that it is indeed possible to associate this way with many of his friends. If there is any definition of true friendship, this, by far, is the closest that you could ever witness. 

    Real friendships can happen when we truly possess the courage to walk alone. In UG's words, it means:

"Uncomplaining and uncompromising self-reliance"

    Association with UG demanded only one thing - brutal honesty about oneself and that took real courage!   

    In the audio clip, UG lays threadbare the hollowness and shallowness of all relationships, and the enormous amount of psychic energy we expend to keep them going. 

    In this unique take down, he gets to the bottom of all relationships,

    "The most important thing is the security, you see, and then, the possessiveness." - UG

Audio Clip

Audio Transcription 

We are not honest, decorous, and decent enough to admit that all these relationships are built on the foundation of what do I get out of these relationships.

It is mutual gratification, if that is absent there, to keep that relationship for whatever reasons, for social reasons, or for other reasons, children, property, activity, and all this.

Part and parcel of the whole, the relationship business that we are all trying to maintain, when that fails, when that doesn't give us what we really want out of this relationship, we superimpose on that what we call love. So, it is just not possible to have any relationship on any basis except on this.

But the whole culture, for its own reasons, has created this situation for us. It has created the value system.

But the most important thing (in all relationships) is the security, you see, and then, the possessiveness.

I want to possess the other individual.  When my hold is becoming weaker, for various other reasons, it wears out after a while, you see, you cannot maintain this lovey-dovey relationship, that the relationship started between man and woman, all the time, because it is based on two fundamental images that we create for ourselves.

So, the actual relationship between two individuals is the relationship between the two images.

But your image is changing, and the image of the other person involved in your relationship also is changing, changing constantly.

But the demand to keep it in the same basis, the same image level, is just not possible. So, when everything else fails, we use this final, the last card in the pack, and the marvellous romantic ideations around that thing called love, to me, love implies two.

Wherever there is a division there, whether it is within you or without you, that relationship cannot last long.

The relationships are formed, and then the relationships are dissolved, and both of those things happen in the same frame, in the same frame.

So, that is really the problem.

To me, you may think that I am a very crude man, but if anybody talks to me about love, it is to me a four-letter word…

That is the only basic relationship between man and woman.

"It is neither physical nor psychological transformation" ~ UG

JK and UGK - T he Anarchist Duo     The current audio clip has been sourced from two separate recordings of UG's conversations. Here,  U...