Thursday, 31 October 2024

" You have to live in this world " - UG

Many of us deem 'enlightenment' as the silver bullet, the cure-all, the ultimate panacea for all our mundane problems or the problems of human relationships.

UG, in his uncanny way, points out that search for any solution (enlightenment) is the real problem as it siphons off all our energy and resources away from getting to know the real problem.

The constant worry, the anxiety, the fear and restlessness are all consequences of our neurotic preoccupation with uncertain, unknown (projected) problems of the future. 

We love to hate uncertainty and we erroneously believe that we ought to be prepared for any eventuality in the future.  Our waking hours are relentlessly spent in thinking about anticipatory problems and their imaginary solutions.

Because we are able to solve many a technical or transactional problem, we tend to mistakenly believe that we could easily solve all human or living problems.

Firstly, UG goes about shooting down our obsession with imaginary problems,

" What are the problems?

You don't have any problems there."

Consider the case of anger. When something is being denied to us, or something is being snatched away from us, we get angry with some explosive reaction. 

"Anger is a tremendous outburst of life energy" - UG 

We later begin to regret our action and look for some means to control anger in the futureSadly, we are not at all concerned about the underlying cause of anger. 

We never see that it is our ambition, our pursuits, possessions or investments that are the root cause of the 'anger' problem

We keep chasing after all kinds of wrong solutions instead of getting a handle on the real problem. We focus on anger that is a mere symptom of the underlying disease which is much more deep rooted - our craving or attachment or possessiveness. 

'How to control anger?' is our biggest problem, and not ' Why do we get angry?'

We are always looking for some technique or strategy to overcome anger. But that is like the application of the wrong medicine which is worse than cure. 

Anger is a 'living problem' for us. It is a living reality like fear or jealousy. 

We are part of a culture or society that values, encourages and celebrates success, wealth, power, status, possessions, fame etc. When we fail to achieve or attain any of these goals, we end up as victims of anger, fear, jealousy etc. 

UG nails it:

" That is why I am telling you, this is the only reality.

You have to live in this world, and you have to move between the pleasure and pain, happiness and unhappiness."

Happiness and unhappiness are both artifacts of the same value system. 

To be part of the society is to struggle to fit into its framework or value system. It is a constant battle and the cause of our sorrow. We are presented with fait accompli and doomed to live a societal life with no other option.

As UG points out, we have to function in society sanely and intelligently but not  succumb to its dictates by ' leading a life of uncomplaining, uncompromising self-reliance.'


Audio Clip

Audio transcription:

Whatever you want, you can get it.

There is no guarantee that you will get it.

You see, you have to work hard (for) anything you want.

But what you want is you want ten different things, hundred things you want, enlightenment you want, you see.

No, not a chance.

You will not get enlightenment, because that is not what you want.

What you want, you see, is the ultimate pleasure, you see.

If I had that, if I am enlightened, that would help me to solve all the problems.

What are the problems?

You don't have any problems there.

That is why I say it is very dangerous, you see.

You want to be free from pain and not pleasure.

You see, if this kind of a thing hits you, it knocks off both.

You cannot be free from pain without losing pleasure, not only in one area, in every area.

So, it is too dangerous to play with that kind of a thing.

It will burn everything.

That is why I am warning you.

That is why I am telling you, this is the only reality.

You have to live in this world, and you have to move between the pleasure and pain, happiness and unhappiness.

All the things are there, and you are doomed.

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"So, for the first time, the individual becomes a human" ~UG

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