(Matthew 21:13 Isaiah 56:7)
The revulsion of Jesus at the Temple could only be the response of a 'real human'. Like the eruption of a volcano, it was explosion of righteous anger upon seeing inequity - sheer display of audacity, wisdom and energy.
All of us, without exception, want to play it safe. We strive hard to build a fat bank balance, insure our non-existent future with surplus insurance cover, invest in physical and psychological assets like relationships etc. This is our way of allaying the gnawing fear, uncertainty and insecurity that eat into our vitals.
UG gleefully lobs grenades at everything that we hold close to our chest - our beliefs, values, relationships, rank or status, name or fame, position or power, and shallow and shadow identities.
Living with 'fire' is how it is with UG. At times, sagely intervention could be overwhelming or even frustrating.
The following anecdote is from someone who got singed in such fire.
We all know UG's role in the life of Mahesh Bhatt, the famous Bollywood filmmaker.
UG did everything to push Mahesh to unleash his phenomenal talent. He triggered and ignited him in so many ways to chase after stardom. To his credit, Mahesh heeded the sagely advice and enjoyed a successful trail blazing career. He dared to do things differently, breaking the stereotype, and carving out a niche for himself in the 'dog eat dog' world of Bollywood. And received several national and international awards.
Once, I remember Robert Carr (Bob also acted in some Bollywood films) asking Mahesh,
" Why don't you cast superstars in your movies? ",
Mahesh: " I don't need superstars, I make superstars."
Strangely, the same UG who pushed Mahesh to chase after name and fame, to secure a place in the sun, once did a complete U-turn on him, and blocked him from attending the Award Ceremony to receive a prestigious award.
When I reached out to Mahesh about this episode, he offered some startling details,
" UG stopped me from going to receive the President’s Award for (my film) 'Tamanna'. “Why should you bow your head to the President?” he said. “If you’re being honored, he should bow to you.”
That set me ablaze.
But years earlier, when I was struggling and out of work, I received an invitation from an American Consul to meet Robert Wise, the legendary director of The Sound of Music, who was visiting Mumbai. I turned it down. UG fought with me. “You must go,” he insisted. “You need work. Doors only open where people like this meet.”
I’m glad I listened. That night, I met the great Hrishikesh Mukherjee (famous Bollywood Director), who pushed me to enter (my film) 'Arth' for the National Awards. It won three. The film shot into prominence.
The rest is history."
The ways of the sage are inscrutable.
UG Krishnamurti: A Dangerous Friend
Larry describes UG as Siva, the dissolver (the dissolver of Saṃsāra, the baggage of worldly associations and relationships).
" Seeing how we were still clinging to things, he (UG) would say, "Are you ready?" Who was ready to let go completely and not be whatever you were or thought you were?
How many of us wanted to be a 'walking death'...
U.G. was the dissolver (Shiva) of so much in my life that I finally realized these connections were burdens, not benefits. He freed me in so many ways, I can still only begin to see.
He dissolved the connections with people I thought were friends forever, and there was nothing left between us. And we would connect to people from his life, friends, family members, but those connections too he would eventually dissolve, and we were left on our own.
Of all the hundreds of people from the U.G. days, there are few that I'm still related to. They came and they went, like waves on the shoreline."
Yes, UG was a raging fire fed by the fuel of life. He was fiercely independent in every sense of the word. This gave him enormous courage and strength not to allow any relationship or cult to grow around him. He would ruthlessly burn down all that was shallow and false in people.
UG never spared anyone, however closely associated or connected, denounced all forms of hypocrisy, however subtle or camouflaged. His brutal honesty, utter clarity and fierce intensity exposed all our hidden motives, greed, ambition, pussy-footedness, weaknesses, attachments etc.
To a close friend who needed some advice about a tricky issue, he said,
" Look, I will tell you what I need to tell you, even if that hurts you, even if I were to lose your friendship. You may not want to see me ever again."
His intervention in our lives was like that of a surgeon who lances the tumour that hurts or bleeds but rids you of cancer.
UG was anathema to all sweet talkers and fake gurus who sell cheap icepacks to relive the pain temporarily but keep the tumour going and growing.
Q: All these people, how do they feel at home?
Why do they feel at home? When they come to you.
UG: Chandrasekhar, you forget one basic thing.
All these years you have been made to believe, and you accept that assumption that you become better spiritually, morally. That's the one area, this individual will not help you.
Because all ethical codes of conduct are false. False.
Value system is false.
So, you think the benefit of being around this man will help you in that area.
It will not. It will destroy that.
It will destroy the mind.
So, it is not in your interest to be around this man. Because it will destroy the identity. It will destroy the mind. And what is left is the physical.
Any talent that you have. It will surface. Any potential you have. It will surface.
That mad bitch (referring to Bollywood actress) will become mad and mad and
Mahesh had a tremendous talent in him. And he is on the top of the world.
And Dr. Lin I knew that he would make plenty of money. And not hang around these spiritual people. He is a multi-millionaire today.
All those people who have come into this orbit (UG's influence) have been benefited.
If there is no talent like this bitch. It is too bad. She will remain a bitch. All her life. Throwing some empty phrases on J Krishnamurti.
There is no talent in this bitch. Nothing will happen.
Enlightenment you just forget.
If there is any talent.
The talent is not the spiritual thing.
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