Thursday, 30 January 2025

" Communication with yourself has to STOP" ~ UG

 Threats of the cultural kind 

    Constantly communicating with oneself or talking to oneself is the way we spend our waking hours. Apparently, there is more to this self-talk. After all, it could be part of a survival instinct, a tactic to navigate or negotiate the complex, conflict-ridden 'cultural environment', 

"Culture is the superimposed reality, that is the 'only reality' we have" ~UG

    Physical hazards galore in the natural environment. Thankfully, nature has endowed us with a biological 'survival kit' that is efficient and sufficient to handle the myriad physical threats.

    But the fact is we also face serious existential threats from an unlikely source, the cultural environment. The deadly demons of race, region (nationalism or tribalism), religion, colour, language etc., do pose a serious challenge to our survival. 

    The question is, are we equipped to handle these cultural threats? 

Culture as 'the force of good' 

    Culture, as we know, has a brief history of only a few thousand years. It is of the order of a few microseconds on the planetary timescale of around five billion years. Nevertheless, culture is a dominant force that impacts the lives and fates of billions of people.

    Culture, in its simplest form, is considered 'the force of good'. Culture assimilates local folklore, tradition or religion. It also appropriates the sayings and doings of wise men and women (UG called them 'human flowers') from the bygone ages. Culture, in its true sense, is universal and catholic (with a small 'c') in scope and approach with 'unity of life' and 'humanity' as its core values.

    History tells us that in every region, every geography where humanity appeared, there appeared some fine human flowers. These worthies led simple, natural and benevolent lives leaving behind a vast body of beneficial knowledge and ethos that has been passed on to us from generation to generation.

    The human potential is infinite, and it flowers or blooms when one gets tethered to the source of life. How it happens, is still a mystery. But it has happened to individuals in the past, and the possibility of such happening lurks in each and every one of us. This is the same Natural State (Sahaja Sthiti) that UG described as his own way of functioning after the 'calamity' (his death and resurrection on his 49th birthday). 

    "Go back' (to the source)" ~ UG

    Simple, natural living is 'life expressing itself'. It is the unleashing of human potential, the blooming of human possibility and creativity. 

     No wonder, the ancient cultures of the world, all the way from Greece to Egypt, Middle East to India and China were rich and vibrant civilizations. They gave us all the major religions of the world. Also, they introduced humanities and sciences, medicine and agriculture, astronomy and metallurgy, prose and poetry, music and dance, art and theatre etc. 

    The awe-inspiring architecture and monuments of the ancient past stand as relics to this day and give us a glimpse into the lofty levels of enlightenment, refinement and creativity of these ancient worthies.

    But what about culture today?  

'Culture' has calcified into a 'cult' 

    Yes, we could wax eloquent about the great human heritage, but where are we today? 

    Culture seems to have taken an about-turn, going back to the dark, pre-culture days of animalism and barbarism. Today's cultural environment, to say the least, is toxic. Culture is now a misnomer. 

    The dehumanizing cry of 'us versus them' is the cultish outgrowth of the bygone culture. It has turned into a handy tool for ambitious leaders, politicians and profit seekers eager to divide communities, to grab power and plunder.

    Culture has calcified into a cult due to narrow or parochial ways of 'thinking'. 

    All social or cultural evils are rooted in thought. 

  Thought is your enemy."~ UG 

   Thought is a powerful double-edged sword. It can cut both ways. When employed for technical or functional or transactional purposes, thought is a boon, a highly beneficial instrument.

    But when driven by profit or motive, thinking turns into a self-centered activity. The thought of 'me' and 'mine'; 'us' and 'them' harbours the deadly evils of division and conflict, hatred and enmity. Such thinking is a clear path to danger and self-destruction. 

    Here is a deep dive by UG about the psychology of threat resolution and its possible fallout,

 " The demand to be prepared for 'all future actions and all situations' is the cause of our problems. Every situation is so different; and our attempt to be prepared for all those situations is the one that is responsible for our not being able to deal with situations as they arise. " 

                                                                                            ~ UG (Thought Is Your Enemy)

    This is the reason why we keep talking to ourselves all the time. We keep strategizing and planning for the non-existent threat or situation in the future. This is typical of 'crossing the bridge before reaching there', a tremendous drain on energy, a wasteful form of daydreaming.

    When one encounters a physical threat, say, a deadly cobra, the biology responds with a pre-programmed 'fight or flight or freeze' response. There is no thinking, only immediate action to avoid the danger, thought elopes!

    Upon encountering threats of a social or cultural or psychological kind, there is no such biological or pre-programmed instantaneous response. To resolve a psychological threat, say fear or loss, born of thinking or imagination, ironically, we fall back upon more thinking or imagination. The one casting the shadow is also the one trying to catch the shadow.

    Talking to oneself is such a defensive manoeuvre we indulge in when we are confronted with a cultural or social threat. 

Mental 'Cud chewing ' or 'clarification of thoughts' 

    Remember the 'cud chewing' phenomenon in cattle? Cows or bovines are either grazing or lazing. While lazing, they spend a lot of time re-chewing or regurgitating their 'cud'. Cud refers to the semi-digested form of food or hay. 

    When we are talking to ourselves, we too indulge in mental 'cud chewing.' We engage in rumination or mulling over of thoughts. 

    We keep chewing on thoughts of fear, loss, competition, comparison that haunt us. We keep hashing and rehashing, ordering and reordering thoughts till we get some clarity on the situation. We are trying to 'understand' the problem.

    UG explained that 'understanding is nothing but clarification of thoughts'Understanding is our kind of 'cud chewing' wherein we look for patterns, meanings and desperately seek the 'familiar'. 

    Talking to ourselves is a form of our battle-readiness, a way of reassuring ourselves or insuring ourselves against future threats or situations. Observing this maniacal obsession with future or security, UG quips,

     " You are nothing but fear".

 'There is no need for us to talk "~UG    

    In this audio clip, UG clears the air by explaining to us the mechanics of self-communication,

" You communicate with yourself and then you use those words and try to communicate with me. But the communication with yourself has to stop there."                                                                                                                                         ~UG

    Unfortunately, self-communication doesn't stop there. We do not see the utter futility or the danger of self-talk or rumination. Not only it is an extravagant activity that burns up our psychic energy, but it is also one of the most distracting forms of preoccupation. It completely hijacks natural awareness and blindsides us to any current threats.  

    A person busy pushing the thread through the eye of the needle does not see a huge elephant passing by.

     "Stop thinking and start living" ~UG 

     Intelligence is to see the many dangers and limitations of thought. This is to junk wants and stick to needs. This unleashes the life energy otherwise bound or shackled by needless thinking. 

    Unleashed energy can handle a myriad affairs or deal with a myriad threats. This is the energy (mojo) behind all successful human undertakings, all great accomplishments and achievements. 

    Intelligent way of living is to drop all needless wants, goals and pursuits, to rid oneself of all forms of futile activities, relationships and engagements, to junk all psychological dependencies or crutches. This takes the oxygen out of the room, putting the brakes on neurotic forms of overthinking or self-communication,  

"Then there is no need for us to talk (to ourselves) or for you to talk to me, or to anybody." ~UG

    Living at ease, attending to things as they come, neither seeking nor rejecting affairs, nor abandoning the din and dust of society, one lives naturally.  

Here is a takeaway from the great Tao Master Guangcheng Zi on effortless living,

"Being a busybody will destroy you..."


Audio Clip

Audio Transcript:

UG: Why I do what I'm doing is, to make you see that, it is not really necessary to talk.

It's not necessary for me to say anything, it's not necessary for you to say anything.

Not that there is another level of communication, or a mysterious way of communicating something, but this we know.

We are trying to tell something to somebody, and that gives you a feeling that you have said whatever you want to say.

It is not in your saying or in my saying that the solution is. The answer to the question is.

Q: Yes, you're right.

UG: I know that many people are hurt because, first of all, I can't follow, you see.

We are making statements. You are making a statement, I am making a counter statement, you see. Then it goes on and on and on and on.

Q: Oh no, I didn't want to. I was coming here, and I was ringing to ask if I may come, because I had two questions.

And I want to know your meaning about that, because there are two problems, by me and I want to ask.

I don't want to debunk your arguments; I don't want to draw a whole evening between them.

No, no, no.

UG: You know, you see, no, no, you don't have to say anything, just stop there, that's all.

Yes, it's not that I am blocking, or I don't want to listen, you see.

You see, the flow of that has to stop there in you.

You don't have to tell me or tell yourself, first of all, you see.

You communicate with yourself and then you use those words and try to communicate with me.

But the communication with yourself has to stop there.

Then there is no need for us to talk or for you to talk to me or to anybody.


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"It is neither physical nor psychological transformation" ~ UG

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