Friday, 14 August 2015

" Stimulus and response are a unitary movement " - UG

Once in Bombay, some elderly gentlemen in mid-80s sat around UG reminiscing good old days. I, in my mid-thirties, happened to be the youngest in the crowd. An impish thought entered my head –‘what on earth could the oldies do other than gossip?’ The very moment, UG caught me and said, Sir! We are all oldies here, we have nothing better to do, we are useless. Unlike you, we have no work, we simply sit here and chat the whole day !", and with a mischievous smile added, “We are idlers but good observers!"

At various points in time, UG, the ‘biological freak’, as he 'idled around' the globe, spoke of the way he functioned saying that there was no purpose to his talks and actions. They were only in response to questions posed, or to situations to which he was exposed. One could clearly see the distinct lack of purpose or intention behind his words and actions at any given moment. He seemed to personify that hackneyed phrase, ‘living in the moment.’

Living in the moment perhaps is possible only if there is complete freedom from the past, from all kinds of preoccupation. UG had this to say about how he operated, “Stimulus and response are a unitary movement!"   A rare insight indeed but confounding!

 For us, logically grounded minds, burdened with knowledge, it is a puzzle how the stimulus, something external, could be unitary with response, something internal or subjective? To us, they appear as two distinct and diverse events! We are not in a position to appreciate the phenomenon that presupposes the total absence of the 'subject', as is the case with UG.
‘Action is born of stillness', says the Taoist sage! Perhaps it is stillness or absence of thought or thinking that ties the stimulus and response (action not born of thought or premeditation) into a continuum and makes it a unitary movement. It is the thought or thinking that divides this unitary movement into two distinct events - the stimulus and the response.

Also stimulus and response is a unitary movement when one is facing a physical threat or danger.  We instinctively shy away from a stone pelted in our direction. There is no thinking involved ; there is no division or choice in our response! As soon as we see the stone coming, we duck!

Being part and parcel of the social environment and its offspring, the psychological world,we are stuck with this superimposed reality. UG very often reiterated, The only reality is, that which is imposed on us by society."  

Thinking gets invariably triggered when we are faced with a psychological challenge or stimulus. We then respond like robots programmed with premeditated choices born of incessant conditioning from childhood.  

There is no way for us to see or grasp the unitary nature of stimulus and response that UG and the Taoist sages talk about!


Those who have tasted the 'sugar' (the reality of life) see no separation or division. They see no 'others', they see no 'world' ouside of themselves. They are rightly called the 'seers'.
We are lucky, we have examples like Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Ramana, Sri Nityananda and others in the past century who operated in that division-less state.
In this context, UG's observation that 'response is not separate from stimulus' is revelatory.
When 'thought' or 'agency' or 'self' is absent in 'stimulus and response', then response does not spring from the past (or the acquired knowledge) and hence it is complete, total or untainted.
Thought, UG emphasised causes the division between stimulus and response as an agency that weighs the options on how to respond. The absence of thought makes the phenomenon unitary.
Are there any acts of ours where thought is absent and the stimulus-response is purely unitary?
Perhaps empathy is the closest in our vocabulary that denotes the unitary nature of the 'stimulus-response' continuum.
Unlike empathy, sympathy involves thought. Sympathy is when we see 'someone' suffer, we see the 'other' as separate but do not suffer viscerally. Sympathy, a result of moral and ethical or cultural programming gives rise to action, which is an after-thought - a conditioned response which is metered and calibrated by thought!
Empathy, on the other hand, is the 'house on fire' response, it is visceral. Hence empathy is total action, not calibrated. Here there is no thought or agent or self. There is only action! Like you jump into the pool and save the baby, may not be yours!
Action is empathy, donation is sympathy!
All of us go through these fleeting moments of empathy and we just act.
Yes, these are tiny, little moments that give us a glimpse of what is a 'stimulus-response' continuum which has no trace of thought or premeditation present in all our day-to-day actions.
May be an image of text that says 'Stimulus and response is a unitary phenomenon. ~uG Krishnamurti (Mind is .h) a'



  1. Time immemorial Totality is manifested throuh INDIVIDUALS like UG. One day old child to man dying is only REALITY is unitory movement and moment also.Rest is description.

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  5. Suresh , as usual you are unparallel and uncomprising like Master. You make us easy to visualise the incident by your words.

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  11. Uday ji, thank you for your time and comments. My apologies, I deleted the repeated comment , perhaps you pressed the Publish button several times by mistake. Yea, I continue to be the 'blind man describing the untamed elephant, UG' ! Driven by inexplicable inner urge. Very kind of you to spare your time and words. Pranaams!

  12. Dear Udayji,Life and death are just a unitary movement - rest is all description - you have put it beautifully! Thanks!

  13. Stimulus and response are a unitary movement not just for UG but everyone of us. To understand this, one needs to understand what a stimulus is and what a response is. My eyes seeing an image is the stimulus and my brain identifying the image as a man or a woman or a stone is the response. There is no man "out" there until my brain matches the image it received to be that of a man "in" here. That's why UG would also say you never know what's out there. Because all we know is what's in here in the brain as it matches a sensory stimulus with its memory based response in one unitary movement. And that's why the only reality we have is the one superimposed by memory which is unique for each of us.

    Suresh Natarajan

    1. Unitary Movement

      " This living organism is not separate from things that are there around...any action born of action here is an action that separates you from the totality of the electromagnetic field and creates an individual isolated field here....the action I am talking about is the response to the stimulus...even that is not on your conscious level because it is the thought that separates or creates a division between the stimulus and response....UG.

    2. Sir,what UG highlighted is the 'unconscious' part that is the essential nature of the unitary movement. Many of our actions are born of thought / thinking and conscious decisions and acts except when you simply get up and open the door when you hear a door bell and such other cases...I wish to carry an episode soon where he spotlighted this kind of action and explained KARMA. Thanks for your kind tim& feedback. Regards, Suresh

    3. action 'born of thought'...'not born of action'.... typo

    4. Thanks for your response and that quote from UG on actions born of thought. Yes thought creates division between stimulus abs response in our conscious actions. But there's no such division not only in the unconscious actions like opening the door as you pointed out, but also in immediate our perceptions of the world around through our senses. The action of us seeing a chair and recognizing it as one has no division between stimulus and response either. But yes, in the realm of conscious actions, we let thought control and divide us. Thanks for all the great UG anecdotes you share on your blog btw. Best Regards.

  14. Its ironic that there is censoring of comments on a blog about UG.

    1. Dear, Just deleted a repeated comment posted multiple times...


"It is neither physical nor psychological transformation" ~ UG

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