Sunday 7 July 2024

“Logic and rationality are not separate from you. If that goes, you go!" - UG

Imagine taking away 'logic & reasoning' from experts, or 'belief and faith' from believers, all nothing short of a devastating body blow.
In this exposé, UG probes deeply into our lifelong investment in 'logic and reasoning' (or the 'intellect'), the be-all and end-all of rational existence.
Here, UG highlights the serious limitations and futility of logic on dealing with 'living problems' of life, the problems that we encounter on a da-to-day basis while dealing with or living with others - the problems of love, hatred, jealousy, anger etc.
UG points out that our logic could be as good or shaky as our own intellect, and therefore, could be highly flawed and limited.
Being otherwise the sole instrument behind our successes or achievements, the ending of logic or rationality could simply mean the end of 'I' or the 'self'.

“Logic and rationality are not separate from you. If that goes, you go!"

- UG


Audio Transcription

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There is nothing higher, lower there. You see, your life is not run on logic. You would love to believe that life is run on logic…There is rationality, some bastard invented the word, man is a rational being, man is not a rational being, he is the most irrational being. You don’t seem to be logical…no.

The logic is good to discuss, it is a weapon, it is an instrument like an arrow, gun. Used in an argument with somebody, to win the argument, it does not help you to understand life, life is something living.

You see the problems are ‘living’ problems. Anger is something living there. Jealousy is a mighty…if somebody makes a pass at this girl of yours, what is there is something living…you understand?

The filthy culture, the human values tell you, ‘Don’t’, it’s that ‘don’t’ that is destroying the living thing there that cannot harm you.

Anything that is happening there, is a living thing. This body is not dead. All your logic is dead. All the teachings of all teachers are dead words, dead ideas. So, they can’t touch anything living there. They can’t help you to solve any problems in your life.

In exactly the same way what you are saying is not true, you may get some insight into your own problems. You may feel that you have some insight as a result of discussing things with me. But I am telling you that, that insight is yours, it is created by yourself, and so that insight, however extraordinary it may be, is not going to help you to solve your problems. No, it will not help you at all!

So, the logic has no meaning there, except as an instrument which you use to win the argument with somebody else, it’s a sharper weapon, but don’t forget this that there is always somebody in this world more intelligent that you are, you know, so when you meet that challenge, you will be surprised that the logic is not good. That’s all its useful, in that area. But if through logical thinking, you feel and think that you can solve your living problems, you are not going to succeed….

You ain’t got a chance here in the sense you can throw all that logic at me. You see, if you accept what I am saying, you are not accepting, your acceptance is to try to fit what I am saying into that logical framework so that logical framework can continue…

You see when once the logical framework there collapses, you are in trouble! So, you have necessarily fit what I am saying to fit into that framework so that you can strengthen that logical structure there. Logical structure there is worthless, its good in a certain area, in a particular field, but it’s not going to help you to understand anything and solve your living problems.

I can say that, but you have tremendous faith in logic, not only faith, but you are made up of that logic, you are made up of those experiences, you are made up of that rational thinking, so it is not going to go! All that will go once you become a dead corpse. There is no other way!

So, don’t even try! It’s not in your interest to do that kind of a thing. The end of it, is the end of you. So that is not somewhere, it is not that you are ‘logical’, you are ‘rational’, logic and rationality are not separate from you. If that goes, you go! That’s the problem there! So, you have necessarily to fight, strengthen that and fortify that.

You cannot for a moment say that logic is worthless, it is very useful, very effective in your daily life. Don’t you do that all the time? Both of you are doing the same thing …He is trying to win the argument over you…that’s a fact in your life. Or if she succeeds that’s the end…both of you can make up for all this argument in the bed, that’s all! And then it starts all over again…Everything else ends up in the bed, sorry! Ends up in the bed, making love and you forget…I am rude and crude, but that’s a fact.

The logic that you have is borrowed from somebody, that’s the logic, so what’s so marvelous about the logic? It’s not yours, there is nothing of yours there…we have learnt how to be logical, if logic fails, you become violent. That’s a fact!

If you fail to win someone over to your point of view, through every means you have, through explanation, through logic, through this, through fight, through love, (in the end ‘love’ you see), and when that fails, what you are stuck with is frustration, you are frustrated, frustration is anger.

So, you can’t deal with anger, you are not dealing with anger, frustration. You are frustrated, because you can’t have your way! You are dealing with something totally unrelated.

It’s not jealousy you are dealing with there, fear of losing, so you have taken for granted that it is yours, otherwise why should you be jealousy, somebody makes a pass at her, you possess her, can you possess a living being? You can’t even possess a dead corpse, its stinking, so you throw away it.

You can possess some filthy ideas, experiences, dead things, property, your paintings, that’s all you see!

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