Thursday, 1 February 2024

" You cannot be free from all this (mind, soul, enlightenment) easily..." - UG

There are two kinds of 'spiritually inclined' people - the curious and the serious. 

The curious are cautious, and dive into spirituality like they are pursuing a diploma or a degree course, with a greed to 'know' more and  acquire spiritual knowledge. 

All of us, without exception, belong to this category. 

This arm-chair spiritual pursuit or curiosity has its downside. It has a tremendous commercial potential, provides a fertile ground for spiritual 'talkers'. Wordsmiths reign as gurus and become larger than life cult figures. 

The curious thus not only hurt themselves but pave way for con artists who then exploit the gullible.

The serious ones are 'courageous' and are free of gain-seeking of any kind. 

Inquirers like Sri Ramana Maharshi and UG just 'abandoned' everything, throwing caution to the winds, with no thought of any security, plunging headlong into inquiry, pure inquiry for the sake of inquiry. 

With no agenda for any self-aggrandizement or self-attainment, the sages ( only a lucky few) see reality as it is, and turn into beacons that guide humanity. 

Every living and breathing creature knows the truth when one hears it. The moon will never be mistaken for the sun. 

The Real McCoys discourage seeking answers outside...

UG debunks enlightenment and maintains that there is no 'there' there! Nothing other than the most ordinary or natural state of being!

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