Wednesday, 16 August 2017

“What he (UG) says doesn’t matter! I see Jesus there sitting in front of me!” – Larry Morris

Larry Morris and UG

There were many among UG friends who just hopped on to the first available flight on the slightest pretext to be with UG, even if it meant that it was a red-eye, long-haul, trans-oceanic voyage! 

Larry Morris, ‘the pastor’ was one of them!

In UG portals, there were people who made their presence felt through relentless chatter and incessant questioning but on the other hand there were those who made a mark with their non-obtrusive, non-invasive, benign presence soaked in peace and silence.

You would invariably find Larry with his huge girth filling out the entire profile of a sofa,  spread out next to UG, sporting a benign countenance, apparently lost in a ‘trance’. 

Larry, the wise man, perhaps feigned sleep to keep away unnecessary, needless conversations most of the time. He seemed to enjoy the exchanges people had with UG day in and day out. Under the hood of siesta, he was ever alert to UG’s presence and would respond immediately as soon as UG called out his name, eager to oblige the master!  

Larry’s biography, U.G. Krishnamurti: Dangerous Friend” is a rare gem, a dedication straight from the heart, to his true friend, philosopher and guide, UG. 

Larry adored and revered UG silently and immensely!  


Larry describes what UG meant for him in these words:

 " With me, it was all or nothing with U.G. Once about halfway into my relationship with him, U.G. called me and told me to come immediately to California. I explained I had a family commitment and I could come in a few days. He simply said, "One less" and it was obvious this was not a matter of negotiation. I got on a plane that day and subsequently lost that family relationship."

From the book, Morris, Larry. U.G. Krishnamurti:  Dangerous Friend (p. 143). 


On that day in Bangalore, UG was in a murderous mood bashing up Jesus Christ who he called ‘the misguided Jew’ and even offered to explain his 'mysterious' antecedents, his vicious attack appeared unstoppable! 

Right in the middle of this verbal storm, I queried Larry as to how he being a Christian, and that too being a minister in a chapel, could stomach this blasphemous tirade against the sagely Jesus?

Pat came Larry’s reply, What he says doesn’t matter! I see Jesus there sitting in front of me!”


UG used to narrate (rather repeat) a small story about Larry and Jesus, familiar to many UG friends.

Seems Larry once confessed to UG about his delicate financial situation. His chips were down! The confession happened during one of his numerous visits to Switzerland. They were at the time travelling in a car. UG asked Larry to immediately pull the car to a stop by the roadside. The road formed a bend near a small valley. 

UG then directed Larry to walk down the valley in a certain direction saying that he would find a certain church there. UG further suggested that Larry should pray to Lord Jesus alone there seeking his intervention in the matter and that Jesus would certainly help him!

Clueless about this unseen chapel, Larry began his trek down the valley and very soon found an old chapel!

After accomplishing his mission, Larry ambled back towards the car. As he reached the car, UG had a surprise waiting for Larry, “ Do you know, after you left, your Jesus came here and said, ‘ your friend wants some dollars , tell me how I can find them here, that too in this ‘godforsaken’ place?”

The story finally had its happy ending!

Upon his return to the US, on reaching home, Larry had a task waiting for him - the funeral service for an old lady who had just passed away in the village. Surprise of surprises - the old kind lady, for some unknown reason bequeathed a considerable amount of money to Larry, our pastor!

Who really came to Larry's rescue, Jesus or UG ?

Jury is still out on that one!


Strange but true!

Many friends of UG found help when they sincerely besought UG’s ‘intervention’! Many anecdotes!

What made people seek such things from UG still remains a mystery, especially from one who always said, “I have no powers, I would rather be known as a con man than a Godman!”

Major Dakshinamurthy recalls UG’s ‘boon’ to an old man who wanted to extend his life span. 

Seems once an old man of eighty years approached UG and pleaded that he wanted to live for five more years as he had to fulfill some tasks. UG said, “OK, so be it! You shall live for another five years!” 

The old man disappeared and again resurfaced after exactly five years with yet another application for extension, this time a lease of life for another five years! 

This was again repeated once more!

Major who was a witness to the occasion says that the man was very earnest and sincere about what he was asking and from whom! 

On both occasions, UG did not disappoint him.

Finally the man returned to UG , now all of ninety-five years, he pleaded with UG, 

“Sir, I now wish to die peacefully! I have nothing more to seek. I am ready to go!”

 “So be it!” was UG’s reply and that is exactly what happened! He died shortly afterwards.

Chandrasekar Babu recalls that UG's friend Brahmachari Shivarama Sharma (or Swamiji, to his friends) who was suffering from cancer, once besought UG, “ Sir, grant me that I die painlessly in my sleep”, UG assured him, “ Yes sir, you will be gone before my next visit (to India) !”

True to UG’s words, Brahmachari who hailed from Mysore and was on a visit to Bangalore to attend some family wedding,  went to bed after the ceremony and never woke up!

UG dismissed all such incidents as pure coincidences and declared that he had absolutely no part to play in these natural events!



  1. Larry Morris'book is replete with incidents of UG coming to his help on several occasions. UG is a 'wish fulfilling Tree'- KALPAVRIKSHAM!
    Very happy to read about the 'Ramabhakta'- the old man who got extension after extension to his life. I had also mentioned about him
    in my 'Stopped in my tracks'book.

    1. True sir! Countless people have benefited from UG's association. Affectionate Regards, Suresh

  2. Supernatural events always surrounded the Natural Man!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  3. A small correction: Larry was a Jew, not a Christian. I didn't tell UG about this until many years later.

    Anyway, interesting stories.

  4. Dear Sir, nice to hear from you after a long time! Who knew better about Larry than your kind self...your special bond with Larry is so evident in Larry's book....So if Jesus was the 'misguided' Jew, turns out Larry is the 'misguiding' Jew..I stand corrected, thanks for the input! But Larry never protested when I asked him that question on Jesus...I had no clue honestly till now. Shall call you soon. Affectionate Regards, Suresh


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