Wednesday, 16 March 2016

“ This is the meaning of Karma" - UG

UG & Parekhji

Most confounding question in our day to day lives: "What is the right action in a given situation?"

UG was staying at Parekhji's Santacruz apartment in Mumbai. Many of us, regulars, hung around him, including some Western friends.

UG sat in his usual 'hot seat' in the spacious main hall.

There was a lull in the conversation that had lasted the whole morning. Everyone sat idly in the silence that followed. Parekhji sat on his single bed with both legs stretched out, his usual posture, given his arthritic condition. UG insisted that he should feel free and stretch his legs out & not bother about the constant influx of people.

Parekhji was then in his late 70s. As a young man he had worked as an engineer in a famous British Civil Engineering  firm. During early part of his career, he he had supervised the construction of  Sharavati Dam as a site engineer in Karnataka. The dam supports a Hydel plant near the famous Jog Falls.

Parekhji was a simple, unassuming person, a kind-hearted soul  who played host to UG and friends for many years. His gracious wife Kaushalya Ben was a housewife and managed the affairs of home efficiently and handled a retinue of servants. She was a great support to their families and looked after education and welfare of their children.

Silence reigned supreme in the living room, everybody sat listlessly...and all of a sudden, the doorbell rang! There was a gentle attempt to push open the door! I immediately sprang to my feet, quickly reached the door, unlatched the bolt & let in the visitor and went back to my place on the floor in front of UG.

UG wasted no time, immediately turned to Parekhji, "Sir, this is the meaning of Karma ! " and  pointing to me said:  " He heard the doorbell,  got up, opened the door, came back , is there any premeditation there? Or any trace of action? It is all over, no carrying anything in the head. This action is total, complete, a response to a stimulus, this is true Karma!"

On another occasion as I sat in front of UG, lost in reverie, under the same roof, he had pushed his finger hard into my chest and said emphatically, “The only difference between the way you are functioning and I am functioning is this - you are preoccupied but I am not!”

Here is UG explicating his state, “…. My way of functioning is that I am always occupied with what is happening at that moment and there is no room for any preoccupation. You are preoccupied with the things that are not happening there. You see, this seems to be the only difference, if there is any difference…..”

Coming back to the episode on Karma, during the afternoon lull that day Parekhji sent word for me from his private quarters where he would retire for an afternoon siesta. Those were intimate moments when he would bare his heart and share personal matters including his ‘sadhana’ with me.

Parekhji asked me, “Do you recollect what happened this morning? I had long wished to know from UG, what is the true nature of Karma! But I couldn’t ask him for some reason or other. You see today he gave me the answer. I wrote it down in my notepad here (showed me). UG was really spot on! He explained it so beautifully using your example of opening the door! There cannot be a simpler explanation!"

The Parekh couple had practiced Vipasana Meditation for decades. UG was introduced to them by a common friend and became a frequent visitor. But UG never once interfered with their practice! Once finally when the couple decided to seek his advice on whether they were on the right track in their spiritual practice, he just told them to continue whatever they were doing and do it with whole heart. 

UG insisted that they should see the whole thing through and discover for themselves whether the meditation really helped them at all. His advice was clear - to see the whole thing through for and by themselves and not seek others’ opinion or listen to what he or anyone had to say about such matters!

Parekhji’s joy of discovering the meaning of true Karma was quite palpable! He appeared thrilled at the discovery of the true essence of action!

Having read treatises and commentaries on Karma, I too felt relieved that after all Karma is really that simple!

UG maintained all along that all action is born of conditioning including the so called responses to various stimuli. UG held that there is no such thing as Pure Action, the traditional definition of Karma as doled out by Vedantic scholars or pundits who read more into the simple conditioned response to a stimulus and complicate matters for others and themselves!



  1. Dear Suresh,As every time again you are impressive with your expression.
    The very moments spent with UG are filmed in core of your heart.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Dear Sir, thanks for your kind feedback!Regards Suresh


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