Friday, 23 October 2015

" Joining Politics is Suicide " - UG

Mahesh Bhatt with UG

There is no friendship or kinship in politics - only a mad rush for POWER.               

Several years ago, UG was on his annual visit to Bombay and was put up at Parekhji's place in Santacruz.

UG's 'shop' opened early morning that day and sometime later Mahesh Bhatt walked in. Soon after, he received a call from a famous politician, a national political leader.

A conversation ensued between Mahesh and the honcho in a loud voice. It was difficult not to overhear what was going on between the two. 
Mahesh then shouted across the hall to UG! "Sir! L. is making me an offer to join Rajya Sabha from his party! "

UG simply returned a blank stare.

I was seated at UG's feet, directly in front, with my back to Mahesh. I blurted out, "Sir! Joining politics is like committing suicide".                   

UG leaned forward, put his hand on my shoulder and quipped, "What did you say?"  I repeated that joining politics is like committing suicide." No", shouted back UG, "Joining politics is SUICIDE"

(Suicide used here in the connotation of killing one's conscience).


An aside:

Sri Nityananda of Ganeshpuri

A sagely perspective on India's Freedom and Indian Politics by Swami Nityananda

( The following excerpt is from the Archives of Sri Nityananda of Ganeshpuri  by Captain M.U. Hatengdi . Source :: )

One Saturday night, with India's independence only four weeks away, Nityananda made some weighty pronouncements about the future. First he asked, "What does swaraj mean?" Defining it as ''freedom'' or ''self-rule,'' he said that India needed additional time to complete its training, hinting that considerable begging and suffering remained for our country. He seemed to say that India's continued dependence on outside assistance would limit our freedom. 

He added that greedy parties were forcing the situation in the same way that people try to force fruit to ripen before its time. He even predicted our country's division into several states because of petty rivalries and jealousies. And everything he said has come to pass........

Months later, in September 1947, I again heard the Master speak about a great national leader. 

He said that little time remained for this individual and he wondered whether he was satisfied yet with his fame and accomplishments.

Why, Nityananda asked, did he not simply retire from politics, close his eyes, and think of God--for God would come to him, implying that he was a spiritually advanced soul.

He added that a person alone, regardless of greatness, cannot do everything.

Instead we should each treat life as a relay race, covering the bit of track meant for us as fast as possible before passing on the baton

Four months later, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated.

" Rabindra ( Nath Tagore) was born great; Mahatma Gandhi achieved greatness ; Jiddu ( Krishnamurti ) had greatness thrust upon him. " - UG


"It is neither physical nor psychological transformation" ~ UG

JK and UGK - T he Anarchist Duo     The current audio clip has been sourced from two separate recordings of UG's conversations. Here,  U...