Thursday, 18 June 2015

You are a frightened chicken with no govt. or policeman !

UG stayed for a few weeks in Mukesh Bhatt's ( Mahesh Bhatt's brother ) flat in Mumbai, during the late 90s.

It was evening time. A motley crowd had gathered around UG. Mahesh Bhatt who was missing from action since morning trooped in. After greeting UG in a loud voice, he settled down on a nearby settee. He seemed to be in a great mood, looking for some fun! There was a sudden surge in energy and a lot of expectation in the air!

With Mahesh around, invariably UG would light up! Mahesh teased out the very best of UG’s invincible repartee! 

As eloquent and articulate as ever, Mahesh began his speech, along the lines of a TV anchor,

“ Sir ! Please tell us what do you think will happen to the biggest democracy in the world? Elections are over, the results are coming in. My sources are telling me that it will be yet another hung parliament like last time! Things are not going well for us  poor Indians! They say you are an enlightened man, you are also holding an Indian passport, but you sit here the whole day and keep talking , you don’t seem to be really bothered about the man on the street .. Come on! ….Time for you to act….Act now…..Tell us how as an enlightened man, you can really help the suffering millions? We are subjected to this torture of elections and now this hung parliament ! I demand an answer….. !”

UG flared up ,

“ Hey mister, you are telling me about those suffering people? Take a look at yourself first! What about the millions you have amassed? Your millions came from those poor people, people on the street, from those slum dwellers ( pointing in the direction of slums in the neibhourhood ) they are the ones who made you rich and famous! They don’t mind paying any amount in black to see your B grade movies!

Get this and get this straight ! You are least bothered about those people. The fact is you are scared of hung parliament ! Not they! They couldn’t care if there is a parliament, hung parliament or no parliament! They know very well none will really help them! It is you - rich and filthy bastards, who are afraid that without a parliament, there would be no government! You are afraid that these guys next door ( slum dwellers ) will crash into your houses , attack your wealth and finish off everything that you have accumulated. You are scared that without a government, with no law and order, these guys might loot your houses, steal everything from you… You are a frightened chicken! You are utterly selfish and you need a government , you need the policeman, to safeguard your millions, to save your skin! Don’t you tell me that you are concerned about the people on the street…you only think of yourself and your money all the time…nothing else…don’t talk of a hung parliament …don’t give me the crap !”

     UG’s exposé on democracy was a lesson on the shallowness of the celebrated institution!

" Those who do not worry about the chaos of the world but enjoy order in their own bodies, can be engaged in the conversation about the Way ( Tao or Life ) " - Lao Tzu


  1. "Not they! They couldn’t care if there is a parliament, hung parliament or no parliament! "

    Typical UG's statement and UG's way of giving us the courage to stand alone.

  2. Yes Madhu, UG had no investment in anybody or anything that turns one into a dependent, makes one into a weakling, making one vulnerable. His walked the talk by living according to his oft repeated dictum ," uncompromising , uncomplaining self reliance".


"It is neither physical nor psychological transformation" ~ UG

JK and UGK - T he Anarchist Duo     The current audio clip has been sourced from two separate recordings of UG's conversations. Here,  U...