Friday, 17 January 2025

"Thought has millions and millions of years of momentum, just passing through you." ~ UG

Neurotic levels of social engagement
    Today's insane levels of social engagement with round-the-clock connectivity through mobile and internet means endless whacking of senses from morning till evening. 

    Most of us live in a punch-drunk state pounded by a million reels, notifications, news, views, posts, vlogs-blogs etc. flooding the social media, streaming nonstop on our mobiles.  

    No, social media is not a fad anymore, rather it is a must-have 'survival kit' for businesses and self-employed individuals, and a channel for social commerce. Also, subscribing to some form of social media (WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook etc.) is now part of a larger group dynamic, an obligatory show of allegiance to a community or group. 

    All this means neurotic levels of cyber engagement, 24x7x365, making life highly stressful and burdensome. 

    Adding to this are the biting realities of life including extremes of climate - the fury of fires, storms or floods, the rising levels of racism, loss of incomes and jobs, inequality, hatred and growing number of regional and global conflicts, divisions, wars etc. 

    While the real world and the cyber world are vying with each other to kick up high levels of stress and paranoia, people are seeking alternate forms of reality as remedy for the malady. Many kinds of thought control, meditation, yoga, a myriad therapies and techniques, countless number of mobile apps (guided meditation) are readily available to pacify tormented souls, for a price of course. 

    The demand for peace and solace is an extremely profitable business run by self-proclaimed gurus, mentors, counsellors as well as professional therapists and psychiatrists. Not to forget the perennial demand for narcotics and antipsychotic drugs that bring about chemical changes in the body, lulling and dulling the mind. 

    The exponential growth of spiritual centres (ashrams), resorts, mental healthcare units, de-addiction or rehab centres, are all pointers to the rising levels of stresses and the ever-increasing demand for remedies or solutions. 


The dubious science(?) of 'thought control'

    Thought control is nothing new. It is proclaimed as an effective measure for taming inner demons of restlessness, anxiety, agitation, frustration, fear, uncertainty etc. with a goal to achieve inner tranquillity. Accordingly, there are several meditation or contemplation schools and practices, old and new, prevalent across many spiritual and religious traditions of the world. 

    But the mechanics or the science (?) of thought control, as it is actually applied or practised, remains questionable and dubious. Thought control is a grey area. Breath control (pranayama) as a means to control thought is a temporary measure and requires professional or expert guidance, else could prove dangerous. Practitioners of breath control report partial relief. Yes, it is just an icepack, a temporary relief, but not a permanent cure for living problems. 

    Any form of thought control is a sellout in the spiritual bazaar bringing windfall for profit-seekers - greedy gurus, charlatans, con artists who sell their own brand of 'thought control' as panacea for mental maladies. 

    UG snubs the exploitative gang of thugs who loot and con people promising them 'peace', 'happiness', 'tranquillity' etc., 

" What these guys offer you is shoddy piece of goods. A prostitute is much better, she is an honest person, she does not cheat. She offers you something tangible for your money. "   

    In this audio clip, UG gives us a glimpse of what we are up against, when we talk of thought control. For him, thought control is a doomed mission right from the word go. He explains that there is no way humans can escape the 'gravitational pull' of the powerful 'thought field' or the 'thought sphere' that has accrued over the ages. 

    In several of his talks, UG maintains that thought is not a mere human legacy. Thought, functioning as 'memory and recognition', is a common attribute of all living creatures. Birds, insects, animals build their nests, map out their living space, forage far and wide, and return again to the safety and comfort of their nests. All this is made possible thanks to 'thought' in some primitive form.

    Natural conditioning means adapting to nature. Thought as memory or 'the residue of experience' makes it possible for living creatures to function sanely and intelligently in the natural environment full of threats and traps. In a way thought acts as the 'primary medium of conditioning' or adaptation. 

    Like all other living creatures, we humans too undergo 'natural conditioning' for survival in the natural environment. This form of basic conditioning helps us only to survive and live naturally but it does not help for societal living. We might end up more like Mowgli in the Jungle Book (the Rudyard Kipling classic based on true life of Dina Sanichar; a feral boy raised by a pack of wolves).

   Therefore, in order to adapt and survive in the human jungle or the cultural environment, we need yet another round of conditioning - the 'cultural conditioning', over and above natural conditioning. UG explains that cultural environment is the 'superimposed reality' and the 'only reality' for all practical purposes. 


Thought has millions of years of momentum

    So, as a primordial conditioning tool or adaptation tool, 'thought' has played a crucial role in our survival on the planet. Thought has subsisted for millions of years, preceding the birth of culture or society or religion that happened only a few thousand years ago. 

    Thought or 'conditioning', therefore, is a psychophysical phenomenon, biologically rooted or hardwired to ensure physical survival.

    Therefore, playing with thought, a powerful instrument of survival, could prove highly detrimental with serious ramifications,

" If you try to control your thought, you are not going to succeed, because it has a tremendous momentum, millions and millions of years of momentum. 

You have nothing to do with it, you see.

It's just passing through you, you know " ~UG

    To borrow from an old African proverb, thought control is like the foolhardy attempt 'to block river Nile'.  A mighty river, forcefully blocked, will inundate and drown the entire surrounding land resulting in large scale destruction

    UG uses the very same analogy in one of his talks:

“So, if you try to control or stop the flow of a river through all these artificial means like putting a dam, and all that, then it will inundate the whole thing.

That’s why every time you control your thoughts, to watch your thoughts, to observe your thoughts, to be aware of your thoughts, you find that the thoughts are welling (up) there all the time.” ~ UG

    Again, here in the audio clip:

So, if you say they are good thoughts, they are pious thoughts, they are virtuous thoughts, and the other thoughts are bad, you see, sinful thoughts, they are what they are, you see.

So, what have you to do with them? You have nothing to do with them.

So, when you want to do something with them (achieving a goal, a thoughtless state) then you are creating a problem for yourself. " ~UG

    UG cautioned us against thought control saying it is unnatural, leading to serious chemical changes in the body, resulting in pathological disorders. 

    UG would often repeat (about any thought or experience), "Let it be, leave it alone!"

    An ancient Taoist saying echoes his wisdom, "It is not that the objects encroach, but simply I pay no mind ". 

    Rather than attempting thought control, abandoning needless engagements or pointless goals and simplifying our lives is a wiser approach to peaceful living.



Audio Clip

Audio Transcription:

UG: You do whatever you want to do.

I am not saying that you should not meditate, or you should meditate.

So whatever you want is already there, you see. You know.

If religiosity is what you are interested in, it's there, it's there in your Christianity.

You have never even looked at it, you see.

How can you be dissatisfied and brush it aside without testing that, you see.

So, try this.

All the fashionable things are coming. I am not saying that you should not meditate, that you should not do yoga, all that is nonsense.

I am not saying any one of those things, you know.

I am just pointing out what you are actually doing, you see. Your goal, you see, is altogether different.

He wants to stay awake, you know. So this puts you to sleep, that's all that I am saying, you know.

It makes it difficult for you to stay awake. 

If you try to control your thought, you are not going to succeed,

Because it has a tremendous momentum, millions and millions of years of momentum. 

You have nothing to do with it, you see.

It's just passing through you, you know.

So if you say they are good thoughts, they are pious thoughts, they are virtuous thoughts, and the other thoughts are bad, you see, sinful thoughts, they are what they are, you see.

So what have you to do with them? You have nothing to do with them.

So when you want to do something with them, then you are creating a problem for yourself. You cannot but do that. You cannot but do that, but you are doing that, you see.

So what do you want to control your thoughts for? No, not you, you see, that's what we were discussing all the time.

To achieve something, you see, some goal.

So the goal is here already, you see, not out there, not after your meditation,

Or ten years of meditation, but whatever you want, you see, it's already here, it is there.

You cannot look at it, you see, because you are looking there (elsewhere), there, you see, the goal is there.



Monday, 6 January 2025

"Those thousand ‘hows’ have not helped you, why do you want to add one more 'how' to that? " ~UG

Random vs Purposeful thoughts

    In our daily lives, ‘random thoughts’ or 'thought bubbles' keep popping up all the time. 

    Merely looking at some face or flower, or listening to some sound or music, or reading some snippet or news, is enough to push us into reverie or rumination or some form of preoccupation. This distracts or hijacks natural awareness. 

    “The only difference between you and me is that you are ‘preoccupied’ and I am not.” ~UG

    UG, in this audio clip further clarifies that while random thoughts are ever present, they stay 'disconnected and disjointed' and therefore, are not all that burdensome,  

" If you don't use that (thought) for any achievement, spiritual or otherwise, then it is not a burden. Then it becomes disconnected and disjointed. " ~UG

    Apart from the random thoughts that bombard us all the time, there are the goal-oriented or the achievement-oriented thoughts. 

" Thought with motivation is the 'thought'." ~UG

    Thoughts backed by 'motivation' or 'intention' are purposeful and forceful and trigger all kinds of actions. But, chasing after some impossible, incompatible or non-existent (spiritual) goals could only lead one to misery or frustration,

" Using that thought - to achieve some goal that is not there, is misery." ~UG

    We primarily oscillate between the random or the 'chattering mode', and the purposeful or the 'thinking mode'.

    This dualistic nature of thought, 'random’ or ‘purposeful’, could be further unscrambled using the analogy of the common ‘clutch’ found in automobiles.

Intention acts the clutch of the mind.

    All of us are familiar with the mechanism of the clutch used in cars to engage or disengage the rotating engine shaft with the wheels of the car through a gear-train, aka 'transmission'.

    In the 'clutched mode', upon selection of a gear, the clutch 'engages' the engine shaft with the wheels of the car, putting them either in forward or reverse motion. 

    This 'clutched mode' could be compared to the workings of a purposeful, goal-oriented 'thinking mind'. 

    The 'clutched mode' of the mind is where 'ideas' are set into motion. UG describes this as the 'movement of knowledge'. Here, intention or motivation acts as the 'clutch of the mind' propelling thoughts or ideas into movement to achieve some goal or purpose.     

    As per UG, the side-effects of this 'movement of knowledge' are actually far-reaching, leading to stubborn illusions and delusions.

The 'movement of knowledge' is the (illusory) 'I' or the 'self'. " ~UG

    We will leave it at that, and turn to the other mode, the 'declutched mode'.     

    Here, upon selection of the 'neutral', the clutch disengages the engine from the wheels, unloading the engine and putting the engine in the 'idle' or 'the freewheeling mode'. 

    Declutched mode is typical of our regular ‘chattering mind’. With no intention, purpose or motivation, thoughts are random, freewheeling, disconnected and disjointed. 


  An aside: 

   Interestingly, UG coined the word 'declutched' to describe his own way of functioning. He doesn't call it the 'declutched mode' but instead, calls it the 'declutched state'.

   By the way, 'state' denotes stability and permanence while 'mode' describes volatility and impermanence. 

    UG used 'declutched state' or 'natural state' synonymously to describe his way of functioning. He also explained that in this state, thoughts played only a functional role. 

    We could think of UG's natural state as a state where thoughts work only 'on demand', and only temporarily, and only for functional reasons - whenever he wanted to visit the post office or buy cream or purchase airline ticket.

    UG emphasized that his 'declutched state' was devoid of volition or intention or purpose and explained, "thoughts cannot stay there -- there is no continuity, no build-up."

    In his innumerable talks and discussions spanning over half a century, UG described many counterfactuals ('declutched state' etc.) that help us appreciate several unknown natural phenomena.  


    From all this, we can see that, thoughts by their very nature, are random. They do not last long, they do not build up, they do not take root unless backed by some wilful participation or intent or motive.

    The caveat therefore is clear. Any intention or motivation could easily blind us and bind us to the consequences of our actions.

    Perhaps this is the reason why, in the ancient wisdom texts of the Bhagavad Gita or Yoga Vāșișhta, the authors caution us about 'intention' ( सङ्कल्पं or sankalpam ) in no uncertain terms. 

    These classics mince no words and characterize the 'real human' or 'sage' as 'non-initiator of actions' (सर्वारम्भ परित्यागी - 'sarvaarambha parityagi'). 

    The Chinese Taoism too resonates with this truth, " Sage is purposeless, acts when he must." 


The burden of knowledge

    Those of us working for a livelihood or taking care of families need necessarily to engage with society and strive for material goals, there are no two ways about it. We can't be freeloaders or a burden to others or society.

    And for the likes of us, dealing with the daily stresses of societal affairs, UG offers great pointers that are of immense help,

“I get affected by everything around me, but I am not involved.” ~UG

    UG makes it clear that though we have no choice but to live in society, and no choice about external events or people or places, it is within our reach to either say 'no', or give consent, or get ‘involved’ in endless affairs of the world. 

    Indulgence or dalliance could be detrimental to our health, both mental and physical.

    Intention or motivation is a very potent force. Also, it acts as the 'binding glue' for thoughts to coalesce or crystallize or solidify (as the fictitious 'I' or 'self') whenever there is intent or motive. Intention, therefore, sets the 'wheels of knowledge' (or ideas) into motion, till the goal is attained or reached.

    UG’s 'declutched state' offers a stark contrast to all this. His system was so finely tuned that the delinking or disengagement from 'engaged' thinking was total and complete, and natural,

“Sometimes the sensual memory of making love to my wife comes suddenly from nowhere. But when these thoughts try to take root there, everything in you tightens -- you don't have to do a thing. The thoughts cannot stay there -- there is no continuity, no build-up -- one knows what it is, and there it ends -- something else comes up.”                                 

                                                                                ~UG (The Mystique of Enlightenment)

  Occasionally we do witness something similar. There are rare moments in our daily lives when we suddenly or abruptly 'wake up' from daydreaming or rumination that is distracting us from the task at hand. But habits die hard and our neck-deep involvement in society doesn't help us either.

    No wonder UG cautions us again and again, “Thought is your enemy.”   

    Only when we clearly see the dangers of intentional or motivated thinking behind our actions can we refrain from getting involved or entangled in needless affairs of the world. Our intention or motivation holds serious consequences not only for ourselves but for others in the social world. 

    Thought is very potent, how it gets employed can make for fortune or calamity.  The many dangers and misfortunes associated with thought begs the question, 

    "How to be in a thoughtless state?", 

    UG answers the question in this audio clip with a resounding sound bite,

" So, you see, by demanding ‘how’ to be in a thoughtless state, you want to add more knowledge to that 'movement of knowledge', that is the trick it is playing. Through knowing more and more, more and more is burden, the movement of the known, or whatever you want to call it, is not going to come to an end, that is the reason why it is asking 'how'.

So, you have thousand ‘hows’ there, and those thousand ‘hows’ have not helped you, why do you want to add one more how to that, that is all that I am saying.



Audio Clip

Audio Transcription

    UG: If you don't use that (thought) for any achievement, spiritual or otherwise, then it is not a burden. Then it becomes disconnected and disjointed. 

    The continuity, the demand to continue, through the repetition of that thought, is not there. You have to experience that again and again, and again, otherwise, 'you' are not there.

    Thought with motivation is the thought, you see there are no thoughts, that's all that I am saying.

    You cannot know anything about thought, what all is there is - ‘about thought’ but not thought. There is no thought there at any time. (Thoughts are only) about thought first, and then using that thought - to achieve some goal that is not there (some spiritual goal). So, that is why, it is misery. 

    So, it has created the goal of 'thoughtless state' (Q: which is not there).

    It has accepted from the statements of those people who say that they are in a ‘thoughtless state’, so it has accepted that there is such a thing as thoughtless state and wants to be in that thoughtless state, right?

    So, it is this thought that has created the ‘thoughtless state’. How can you be in a thoughtless state through the use of what you call thought, you can’t!

    Q: Thought eliminates itself when you are in that state. 

    UG: When you don't use this (thought) to put yourself into a 'thoughtless state' or 'timeless state' the thought is not there. So, why do you have to go through this laborious process, painful process, of frightening situation to put yourself into struggle, to be in a thoughtless state?

    Q: How do you get over this thoughtless state?

    UG: You are asking how - you want to know, this I repeat again and again, what is there is (only) the movement of knowledge, the knowledge that ‘it is a thought’ and that ‘it is going to be in a thoughtless state’ and all that kind of thing, you seem to know. You actually don't know.

    So, you see, you are asking me how to be in a thoughtless state.

    So, the answer I give (only) adds to the knowledge you have of that or contradicts that knowledge. That is all that I am saying. So that is why it throws this question ‘how’ to be in a thoughtless state. So, you want to know how to be in a thoughtless state, so what will you do with that knowledge, you will think. 

    "So, you see, by demanding ‘how’ to be in a thoughtless state, you want to add more knowledge to that 'movement of knowledge', that is the trick it is playing. Through knowing more and more, more and more is burden, the movement of the known, or whatever you want to call it, is not going to come to an end, that is the reason why it is asking 'how'.

    So, you have thousand ‘hows’ there, and those thousand ‘hows’ have not helped you, why do you want to add one more how to that, that is all that I am saying.

    At least to this extent, you can be free from adding one more to that and settle for the thousand you already have and try your luck." ~UG


Saturday, 28 December 2024

"So, for the first time, the individual becomes a human" ~UG

'I' or the 'self' is the 'product of culture'

    Our names or labels are the tokens that facilitate various aspects of our societal living and functioning. UG never misses an opportunity to call the bluff about our false identity hinged upon names or labels. In the current audio clip, he is once again at it, hammering away the falsehood,

" There is no Ramaswami there...

That Ramaswami is the product of culture".

    Once christened by parents, names get slapped on our foreheads for the rest of our lives. Ram or Sita, Mohammed or Sarah, John or Jane, Chang or Chun serve societal purposes acting as IDs or passcodes for social transactions and contracts. 

    We actually need two kinds of currencies, the intellectual and the monetary, or knowledge and money, to survive and thrive in society. Money apart, we gather enormous amounts of knowledge over lifetime from our ecosystem of parents, friends, schools, family or society. 

    Society or culture is fundamentally rooted in the 'collective experience and knowledge' of humans from time immemorial. UG referred to it as the 'thought sphere'. Knowledge is an essential prerequisite to remain productive in a knowledge-based society. Society, for its own survival and propagation, ensures that the legacy of knowledge gets passed on from one generation to generation, handed to each and every one,

"Ramaswami, UG or Srinivasan is created by that culture for the purposes of maintaining its continuity. So, that is why it educates them, teaches them."            ~UG  

    Knowledge, incidentally, is the very 'prop' or the 'mental stuff' for the psychological or the subjective world of the 'I' or the 'self', pivoted entirely on a name or label. 

    "So, all your thinking, feeling and experiencing depend upon that (culture or acquired knowledge)." ~UG

    Every thought or feeling or experience gets deeply anchored to our names or labels. This establishes our social or cultural or psychological reality or 'identity'.

 Identity vs Individuality

    In this short and engaging clip, UG is focused on the much overlooked distinction between 'identity' and 'individuality'. His sharp observations are both revealing as well as intriguing. 

    While maintaining that Ramaswamy or 'you' or 'I' might be a culturally fabricated 'identity', UG avers that there is also the extraordinary 'culture-free' 'individual' dormant in each of us. UG refers to this naturally and richly endowed 'individual' as the 'human', also sometimes as the 'human flower'. Interestingly, Taoism too refers to all 'individuals' who have come into their own as 'real humans'. 

    In many of his talks and discussions, UG brings up the idea of the 'individual' or the 'human' as a completely self-sufficient, autonomous, independent, intelligent and efficient functional unit of life, not isolated from the rest of life around. Closest parallel to this description of the individual is the human or the animal cell.  

    The human body is made of trillions of 'individual cells'. Each cell acts like a micro universe, holding its own copy of the entire human genome, powered by its own battery pack (mitochondria), made of key functional units (organelles), having complete autonomy to operate as a fully self-sufficient unit. But, while being completely self-sufficient, the cell intelligently operates as a consummate team player, not merely focused on its own survival, but working in the larger interest of 'totality' or 'unity' of the whole organism. We see here the real empathy or 'connectedness' in operation, yet another demo of the unitary nature of life.  

    Each cell seems to be uncannily 'aware' of the whole or the 'big picture' of the entire physiology and its response therefore is in lockstep or unitary with the whole organism. The entire human genome lies dormant within each cell serving as a 'memo' or reminder to inform the cell about its true design, its place, its role, its responsibility and functionality as part and parcel of the whole. This uncanny 'awareness' of the cell about the 'totality' or 'unity' of the 'whole' makes it truly an individual. 

    The individual cell therefore goes about fully cooperating with all other cells to form clusters of tissues or organs, and organs come together to form yet higher order systems and so on. Thus cells, individually and collectively work their way up the evolution ladder to realise and express the full potential of the whole human organism as per the genome or the blueprint stored in individual cells. 

    Importantly, the cells or tissues or organs do not compete with each other for resources like water, oxygen, vitamins, proteins etc. (except in dire situations like a runaway disease or illness), rather they fully share and distribute every resource available to every other cell in the body thus mutually supporting and nourishing each other. This makes the cell a true representative of what UG calls the 'individual' representing the unity of life.

    In nature too, we see that every living creature (except man) is acting as a true 'individual' being uncannily aware of the totality of life, acting out at the individual level but working together with other interconnected life forms for the health and wellbeing of the entire ecosystem.

    Insects, birds, animals, plants come together in harmony as entire teams, and in supreme cooperation and coordination work to keep the balance and order of nature.

No experience without the 'I'

    UG held that while human identity might be tethered to the name etc, it is the knowledge that is giving it a fake reality,

'I' is nothing but the 'movement of knowledge' ~ UG  

    UG also emphasised the importance of knowledge or thought in our day-to-day lives. He underscored the role of knowledge as a real enabler helping us to function 'sanely and intelligently' in society. 

" So, you have necessarily to use that 'movement of knowledge' (solidified as 'I' or 'self') that is passed on from generation to generation. 

You see, that is essential in the sense that you cannot experience anything without that (culture). You cannot feel anything without that. You cannot think anything without that."

    Even sages can't do without knowledge as long as they are operating within the framework of society. They employ the 'thought' borrowed from the same thought pool, like the rest of us, to function sanely and intelligently. But they use thought purely 'on demand' and therefore thought only has a pure functional value for them minus the emotional or sentimental payload,

" Thought or UG comes into play whenever there is a need to go to the post office or to buy an airline ticket. " ~ UG

    What then makes the regular humans self-destructive and harmful?

    UG answers this question for us,

"Thought is your enemy."

" Thought in its birth, in its origin, in its content, in its expression, and in its action is very fascist." ~UG

    Unlike everything else in nature, human society is founded on culture or thought. Thought fabricates the 'I' or the 'self' as 'movement of knowledge'. The 'I' makes for division or separation in humans leading to comparison, competition and control, paving way for conflict, destruction and harm. 

'Go back to the source'- UG
UG defines religion as 'going back to the source', a turning back or a reversal or a kind of metanoia.
In this context, I recollect the powerful words of a traditional lady, a spiritually inclined, devout housewife, Mrs. Prasanna Malladi, the wife of late Malladi Krishnamurthy who served UG for many years during his yearly visits to Madras.
Self, and dear friend Satya, on our last visit to the Malladis in Bangalore requested the lady to share her takeaways from her long association with UG. She shared a short UG 'mantra' of just two words that had given her tremendous relief and peace.
UG told her to "Go back".
'Go back' does not suggest action, rather it is a call to stop all action that is taking away oneself from the 'source' or 'fountain of life'. This means to stop doing anything that is either forced upon us by someone, or is self-imposed, including all forms of meditation, yoga or other spiritual practices, anything with an end-goal in mind that gives lease of life to thought or thinking.
All methods or practices only lead to restlessness, agitation and hopelessness, disturbing the tremendous peace already inherent in the organism, and muddying the calm waters of life.
Here is a great passage from Taoism that further elucidates UG's 'going back',
" Reversal means 'going back' to the origin of life. It is like someone who has left home and gone far away, turning around and returning is called 'reversal' because it goes contrary to the course of action of ordinary people."
" The Inner Teachings of Taoism", Thomas Cleary
'Going back' is the equivalent of 'wu-wei' in Taoism ('doing nothing' because 'you are seeking nothing'). It is the complete or total abandonment of all wants or undertakings without any end goal or purpose or agenda of achieving some spiritual state.
'I' or the 'self' is very cunning and takes the most deceptive forms, impossible to detect. 'Search' or 'hope' is nothing but the 'I' in its most subtle, disguised or concealed form, notoriously deceitful.
Only a real teacher can help us see all these subtleties and nuances pointing to the utter futility of 'search' while ensuring that he or she does not turn or become a crutch for the seeker.
All those who have sincerely, intensely tried and discovered for themselves (UG called it the 'homework') the utter futility of spiritual undertakings can clearly see through the 'guru game' and avoid its many traps and perils.
Perhaps it is the true sincerity, intensity and clarity of inquiry that acts as a powerful force that pulls the real teacher into the field of the inquirer, much like a 'tuned' radio antenna pulling the electromagnetic waves of a specific radio channel (say, BBC) into the receiver. That is the reason perhaps sages declare that 'the teacher appears when the disciple is ready'.
But voluntary shopping for the guru does not cut it, no, it might even lead to immense harm for the seeker.


Audio Clip

Audio Transcription

UG: Let me put it this way.

UG is not a separate UG, no  

Q: There is no entity....

UG: No (entity there)! There is no Ramaswami (Questioner) there, even now.

That Ramaswami is the product of the cultureYou are trying to be an individual.

It is not possible for you to be an individual as long as you use that (culture) - for your survival, not just for communication only, for your very survival. You see, that is essential in the sense that you cannot experience anything without that (culture). You cannot feel anything without that. You cannot think anything without that.

So, you have necessarily to use that 'movement of knowledge' (solidified as 'I' or 'self') that is passed on from generation to generation.

So, your thinking, feeling and experiencing depend upon that (culture or acquired knowledge).

So when once that (culture) is finishedyou are thrown off that, there is no feeling, there is no experience, there is no thinking there...

Thought is not used for the purposes you use - to maintain the continuity.

He (or she or the individual) thinks, feels and experiences the way everybody else feels, thinks and experiences.

So (when once that (culture) is finished), for the first time, the individual becomes a human.

For the first time!

Q: the individuality is lost.

UG: No! He becomes an individual. 

And, that individual has no use for the society.

Because Ramaswami, UG and Srinivasan is created, by that culture, for the purposes of maintaining its continuity. 

So, that is why it (culture or society) educates them, teaches them. 

So, body functioning on its own, has no relationship at all, except the relationship that is 'integral with every living thing'.

Friday, 20 December 2024

"You are a sitting misery, walking misery, talking misery, living misery." - UG



    As humans, we live and function in a complex environment. Firstly, there is the natural, physical environment we share with all living creatures, and then there is the superimposed layer atop the physical - the cultural environment, unique and peculiar to humans.

    The body's native or inbuilt biological apparatus is hardwired over millions of years to live, function and survive all kinds of threats in the physical or natural environment.  

    The cultural environment, on the other hand, is rooted in thousands of years of human thought, since the dawn of human society. The cultural layer, as such, is referred to as the 'thought sphere' by UG. It is the 'psychological universe' or the 'mental realm' of social traditions, relationships, transactions, norms, values, isms, beliefs, ideals and goals. UG called it the 'superimposed reality' or the 'only reality' in which we all live, breathe and die.

     What Krishna, Rama, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Socrates, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed or Marx or Hitler (UG added Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse to the list) said or did, have all impacted the collective human consciousness, and is part of our culture. The culture, per UG, percolates our biology. Science is probing this fascinating phenomenon of transmission of culture through genes, the study of 'epigenetics'.

    Every thought of ours is borrowed from the 'thought sphere'. We see, hear, think and act as per its dictates. Right from birth, we begin to siphon off tons of thoughts, experiences, artifacts and beliefs that belong to the whole human race or the 'thought sphere'. 

    One of the most powerful, persistent, intimate, stubborn, die-hard belief among all the borrowed beliefs, is the belief in the 'I' or the 'self', foisted upon us by culture. 

    Culture therefore is the crucible where the 'self' gets forged, then maintained or perpetuated through the mechanism of social algorithms or memes. In fact, every social transaction validates and legitimizes the belief in the 'self' or the 'I'. 

  Every walking human is like a 'thought bubble' on the surface of the 'thought sphere'. Individually, we as thought bubbles affect the others, and in turn, we too get affected. All social transactions or contracts are exchanges between two thought bubbles. 

" We are affected by everything and everyone around us." ~UG

    Thoughts dominate and dictate our lives.

" You can't even take a few steps without 'talking' or 'muttering' to yourself - 'this is a nice flower', 'it is a bright day' and so on... All the time you are thinking." ~UG

    While thoughts could be sporadic, episodic, focused or contextual, the 'solidification' or 'institutionalisation of thoughts' happens through the medium of the 'human collective' or the 'society'. 

    'Society' and 'self' are thus basically the manifestations of the self-same 'thought sphere', the obverse and reverse of the same coin. The two are perceived as distinct and separate due to the dualistic nature of social or cultural contracts like marriage etc. But the mental stuff or the substrate is the same! 

    Survival of the 'self' therefore happens to be the survival of 'society' and vice versa. Society will continue to propagate the big lie about the 'self', and the 'self' about the society, to ensure the artificial duality and mutual continuity. 

    A glaring example, right in front of our very eyes, is the transformation of a 'culture-free' infant, unaware of its own gender, into a full blown, 'self-sufficient' adult in the social world, fully capable of exercising 'his' or 'her' own will. 

    This is nothing short of a masterly 'simulation' (Maya) of the 'self' by the all-powerful, cultural environment. At least this is how the Eastern sages like Sri Sankara, Sri Ramana or UG see the workings of the 'superimposed reality' or 'thought sphere' in conjuring up the 'I' or the 'self'. They ask us to inquire into this sham reality and get over with it.

    UG and Sri Ramana Maharshi addressed the die-hard misconception about the 'self' being perceived as a separate and distinct entity from 'society'. 

    When someone queried Sri Ramana whether he should continue his non-profit, providing services to 'others' in the Americas, he responded with a poignant, "Who are the 'others'?" 

    On similar lines, when someone spoke of serving society, UG too observed, 

" Where is this 'society' you are talking about? 'You' are not different from, or other than 'society'. You' are the society." 

    Here lies the fundamental human problem, the painful act of straddling between two different, distinct, conflicting worlds, the biological (physical or real) and the psychological (mental or virtual). 

    UG, after his 'calamity' (death and resurrection), went about his business of cutting to the bone by brushing aside all kinds of social or spiritual authorities, and value systems. For him, all these were all noise and fluff. They are distracting and sidetracking us from the real problem of human restlessness and misery. 

    UG tracks down the origins of our neurotic situation to the constant friction between the physical and the mental worlds. The friction, he says is dissipating huge amounts of life energy, draining away all our vitality and vigour. 

    In this clip, UG makes it clear that 'wanting to end friction', in fact, causes even more friction due to overthinking, ("Wanting and thinking always go together") wrecking the inner peace and compounding the existing misery.

" It is very difficult to understand that (you have) to be free from the very demand to be free." 

"You will not get anything from anybody to be at peace with yourself.

All this is (only) disturbing the peace that is already there." ~UG



Audio Clip


Audio Transcription

UG: You will not get anything from anybody to be at peace with yourself.

All this is disturbing the peace that is already there.

Your idea of peace is altogether different.

Q: How would it look like if you had no ideas about it?

UG: So, you have to live with your ideas and suffer.

That's all. There is no way out for you. If somebody says there is a way out, go there and stand on your head, hang from the tree, or meditate, do what you like.

But the misery continues. 

There is another (new) misery.

Q: What do you call misery?

UG: Do I have to tell you?


UG: Do I have to tell you?

You are miserable.

That's why you are looking your way out.

You are a sitting misery, walking misery, talking misery, living misery.

You want to be out of that.

Get out of that. Whatever it is, you don't call it misery. Call it by whatever name you like. You are choked. What is it that is choking you?

What is it that is killing you? Destroying the very thing that you want.

All that human value, all the good things that you want to be.

The freedom. You want to be free. It is that that is killing you.

You don't seem to understand this simple thing. 

It is very difficult to understand that (you have) to be free from the very demand to be free. 

That's all that you have to do. It's not easy.


"It is neither physical nor psychological transformation" ~ UG

JK and UGK - T he Anarchist Duo     The current audio clip has been sourced from two separate recordings of UG's conversations. Here,  U...