Thursday, 30 November 2023

" My path can never be your path " - UG

The real guru or the sage frees you from himself. He refuses to become a puppet of those who receive his wisdom and benefit from it.

It takes real guts and gumption not to succumb to sentiments of gratitude, adulation and affection that could easily sway and enslave an ordinary, attention-seeking, crowd-gathering guru who actually ends up as a follower (puppet) of his own followers, dancing to their tunes.

UG rejected reputation and following, a rare individual who walked the talk.

Thursday, 16 November 2023

" If you try to copy them (models), you are lost..." - UG

With UG, all man-made models lost their meanings. He made us breathe freedom, freedom from vicious clutches of imposed models and goals.

He made us realise how societal impositions and goals could become addictive, burdensome and debilitating.

Thursday, 2 November 2023

" Religious thinking has no answers for our problems today." - UG

UG emphasised that the so called solutions have created problems in every walk of life. Solutions that are inadequate, incomplete propogate more problems.

On the otherhand, UG laid emphasis on technology as the hope for many of our stubborn problems. Technology and not Politics, nor Religion holds the key for overcoming many of our problems.

The prudent application of frontier technologies like the AI, ML, IoT, Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, 3 D Printing, 5G Networks, Blockchain, Bio Synthesis etc. could drive innovations that could 'provide more with less' and solve the nagging problems of hunger, nutrition, education, health, medicare etc through their phenomenal reach, access and affordability.

Agri Tech, Food Tech, Process Tech, Precision Agriculture, EduTech Bio Tech, Med Tech, Pharma Tech etc. are indeed game changers that need to become part of the curiculum and pedagogy of every school and university.

Thursday, 19 October 2023

" There is no way you can listen to anything without interpretation" - UG

UG is reminding us that we are no more than socially engineered 'reference points'.
Human interactions and transactions are a daily social necessity. Understanding, translating or interpreting is the only way to function sanely and intelligently within this social order or framework.
Because every social interaction or transaction is rooted in this 'reference point' , every act of understanding or interpretation will only strengthen, fortify and legitimize the social beast.

Thursday, 12 October 2023

" Problem of living has become a very tiring business " - UG

UG is a master disruptor. He cuts to the chase and peels off layers of acquired meanings that have crept into our verbal structures and got deeply entrenched.
Every thought, word, expression, meaning that we have inherited is culturally soaked and biased. Heaps of misinformation and disinformation lie buried beneath our indomitable belief structures or value systems.
UG here, is explicating life and living, in the simplest of words stripping off all the mystery.
For UG, the questions on life and its meaning, however profound, are just abstractions, mental gymnastics.

He focused on ground realities, our problems of living, pointing out that they are our own creations. Problems of poverty, hatred, terrorism, cultural wars, all the problems of living, he maitained have their roots in our ways of thinking and the inherited value system.

Thursday, 5 October 2023

" Intellect is the cause of destruction..." UG

UG is de-constructing Buddhi or Intellect here.
The constant use and reshaping of thought is the intellect. This, by the way is the process of human learning. The more we learn, the more we experience, the more we gather knowledge, the more we end up sharpening the intellect.
Artificial Intelligence (A I) mimics this exact process of human learning. ChatGPT is just the beginning!
A I machines gather 'intellect' using enormous computing power and speeds
( hardware ). Trained initially by the humans with the help of powerful algorithms and unfailing mathematical models, the machines are then exposed to enormous amounts of information (or Big Data) in any field.
The machines then go on the 'auto' mode and by constantly running and re-running thier algorithms and using statistical models on the big data that they acquire, begin to 'learn' ( Machine Learning or M L) and 'see' patterns, 'recognise' things, places and people, 'make' judgements, 'take' decisions and 'predict' events all on their own without any explicit instructions. That is pretty much all of the attributes of a regular human intellect.
A I , the experts predict, will surpass the human intellect very soon. The greatest intellect, Einstein, with an I Q of 160 will be no match to the acquired intelligence of a machine in just a few months from now, say the experts.
UG here speaks of intellect turning into a weapon of its own destruction and so do the experts who say that A I could soon turn into the next 'nuclear bomb' in the wrong hands!

Thursday, 21 September 2023

" Thought is our enemy " UG

Thought fakes identity (I or the self) through separation. And then gives itself continuity or protection through purpose (rights and wants).

"So, for the first time, the individual becomes a human" ~UG

'I' or the 'self' is the 'product of culture'      Our names  or  labels are the tokens that facilitate various aspe...