Thursday, 7 September 2023

Psychology - the tenacious world of superimposed reality

Psychology - the tenacious world of superimposed reality

In this deep dive, UG de-constructs and lays bare the roots of 'conditioning' or 'psychology' or 'superimposed reality.'

Conditioning is layered atop biology for the sole purpose of 'functioning sanely and intelligently (sic) in the world.'

This process of conditioning helps the biology to actually survive in two different ecosystems - the natural environment (where all living creatures get schooled or conditioned...or the biological conditioning) and the artificial environment (where humans get soaked in the superimposed reality of culture, society, religion, god...or the fallacious psychological conditioning).

Thursday, 6 July 2023

UG is a pointer, not a promise!

Every cell, every tissue, every human perception is contaminated and colored by knowledge. Conditioning, on the other hand, is inevitable for human beings in society.
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad describes the corruption of senses by 'knowledge and experience' (superimposed culture) as the death of the senses. (Chapter I, Third Brahmana, B.U.)...freedom from knowledge (dying to acquired knowledge) as true liberation.
Calamity or death as described by UG, in his case, was a natural, acausal event that put an end to the tyranny of human knowledge and experience of centuries.
For us, UG is a phenomenon that points to the vast unknown dimensions and possibilities of human creation. And will debunk the many assumptions and presumptions in the extant literature on such phenomena.
UG is a pointer, not a promise!

Thursday, 1 June 2023

" The demand to bring about a change - is the cultural input. " - UG

Humans perhaps been around for millions of years on the planet.
But the fundamental nature of how humans live has been upturned in the past few thousand years - with the invention of religion that altered the way communities live among themselves and with the environment.
Furthermore, in the last two hundred years, mother earth has seen such plunder and destruction never seen before since 5 billion years of its existence due to 'mechanisation' that replaced the muscle and 'automation' that is now replacing the human mind or thinking to facilitate the 'mindless' plunder.
Humans, unlike other forms of life, singularly continue their destruction of nature's resources belonging to all living creatures, in a delusional, incurable sickness 'to change things.'
UG deconstructs this gluttony for 'change' as the cultural demand.


Friday, 26 May 2023

"Everything is genetically controlled" - UG

Biology is nature's design, 'psychology' is a social and cultural design.
The way humans behave when in crisis (thought gets suspended during 'fight', 'flight' or 'freeze' moments) is biologically or genetically coded. Our primal behavior is influenced by the biological apparatus.
Scientists, Nobel awardees (the likes of Eric Kandel) tell us that there are serious, genuine limitations on what we can see, hear and sense, they point to 'how the senses distort reality'. They say senses capture only the 'shadow' of life but not life (Thought cannot capture or contain or give expression to life - UG)
Intellect is superficial, it plays an insignificant role in how the body really functions or operates.
The intellect or refined thought (the only instrument we have and there is no other instrument - UG) processes only 'the snapshot of reality', the mere shadow of the living, dynamic moment.
Thought, no doubt has changed the face of the planet with the advances in engineering and technology but has no way to solve the human problems of love, hatred, anger, greed, jealousy which have deep roots in genes or biology. There is nothing we can do. UG rightly recommends, 'stop thinking, start living!'.
Truly remarkable is the native intelligence of the body which is unparalleled (no technology or innovation can ever match it) that takes care of functioning and survival of the body under all circumstances.
This revelation is truly humbling!

Friday, 19 May 2023

"If anyone thinks he can help you, he will inevitably mislead you..." - UG

The wisdom to see reality as beyond a single teacher or a single path or a single tradition is imperative in the exploration of Life.
Only UG says it bluntly and so does Taoism of ancient China, that teachers or gurus or masters play only a peripheral role.
Taoism goes a step further and says that any Teacher is not fundamentally different from the Disciple but only a little more advanced in the journey, only he or she has had an early start.
Taoist sages caution us not to be stuck with one teacher due to sentiment or tradition ( many times inadequate or un-enlightened ) because a single teacher provides only a small window, a very circumscribed view into the vast expanse of reality.
To be eternally grateful or thankful, or to hold dearly onto relationships or sentiments could indeed be counterproductive in our individual journey or the appreciation of reality.
Many a soul is lost and trapped in master-disciple, guru-shishya quagmire!
Let us hear UG's take on gurus, in his own words:
"If anyone thinks he can help you, he will inevitably mislead you. And the less phony he is, the more enlightened he is, the more misery and mischief he will create for you!”


Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Encountering the Sage and the Psychological Crisis

The Mythological Churning of the Ocean ( समुद्रमन्थन)

In our relentless search for reality or truth, if we are lucky, we could meet up with a real, genuine master or guru who has fathomed the unknown depths of reality. 

The initial encounters with such a sage could indeed prove to be a devastating experience for many. The meetings could send shockwaves that could throw us off balance resulting in psychological crisis or catharsis ! 

Our internal struggles suddenly get amplified, a crisis of faith ensues, the battle between the acquired faith and self-doubt takes the centre-stage. We are thrown off our comfort zone. We become restless and begin to doubt the essence of our own reality, question the basis of our faith, conviction, beliefs. 

The psychological turbulence exposes our shallowness and emptiness. The sage holds the 'torch and mirror' and lets us see the very mechanics of faith, how our faith is a mere cultural product, driven by outside influences, the borrowed wisdom of books and speeches, of shallow encounters with inadequate gurus who lack true knowledge or wisdom, totally incapable of igniting clarity or certainty within us. 

Market gurus can be compared to the juvenile snake that simply is incapable and unable to gulp down or spit out a frog stuck in its throat.

There is a strong parallel to this psychological crisis or predicament or situation in the ancient Indian mythology called Ksheera Sagara Mathanam. ( or the 'churning of the celestial milky ocean' (call it - the ocean of consciousness). 

Samudra Manthan ( समुद्रमन्थन) symbolises the eternal conflict between the devas or gods ( the virtues ) and the asuras or  demons ( vices). More importantly, it symbolises the battle between counterforces say good vs evil, faith vs doubt and so on. This struggle is akin to our own inner conflict, psychological crisis upon meeting a true master. 

Interestingly the mythological struggle between gods and demons throws up many by-products - many celestial gifts and treasures. Relevant to our discourse is one such by-product - the 'Halahala' (हलाहल) or the 'deadly poison'.   

The gods and demons in the myth resort to the struggle or 'the churning of the milky ocean' to find Amritam (अमृतं ) or the elixir, the magical potion that makes one invincible and immortal. 

But the struggle throws up many more things.

The churning firstly throws up the the deadly poison or Haalahala (हलाहल). Upon meeting a true guru or sage, under the spell of his overwhelmingly benign influence, firstly, we encounter the 'poison' which takes the form of our psychological crisis. 

'Halahala' could be thought of as the psychological poison that induces loss of confidence, loss of self esteem, heightening our shame, bitterness, guilt, self-doubt or hopelessness. It delivers a death blow to our reasoning , our logic, intellect, acquired wisdom, our egotistic tendencies, certainties, beliefs, convictions picked up over a life time! 

A true guru induces this crisis deliberately. He challenges, questions everything, leaving us bare and naked , with no props, nothing to hold on to! A catharsis inevitably follows.

The deadly poison in the story is consumed by Shiva or Mahadeva, also called the Loka Guru or the World Teacher. The allegory is very powerful, only a Real McCoy has the power to handle the deadly poison of our psychological crisis and rescue and save us. 

As the myth emphasises, the churning will not end at the emergence of the poison. As the churning continues, more and more celestial gifts and treasures emerge. That is to say, a genuine struggle or inquiry ( UG called it 'home work') is supremely rewarding. 

Finally there emerges the Amrit or the magic potion that puts an end to all vulnerabilities, making one invincible and immortal. 

Only a true guru will ensure that the churning continues till the elixir emerges, in the process flushing out all weaknesses, falsehood , restoring back the inherent harmony and peace, thus curing, healing and soothing our system.

Sri Ramakrishna, one of the greatest sages used to explicate this total commitment and responsibility of a true guru for his disciples, saying - once admitted to his hospital ( his care ), the patient has no choice of his own, that he (the guru) will not discharge the patient, till completely cured of all sickness.

UG too, worked on his friends like the sage described by Lao Tzu: 

Tao Te Ching – Verse 3

If you overesteem great men,
people become powerless.
If you overvalue possessions,
people begin to steal.

The Master leads
by emptying people’s minds
and filling their cores,
by weakening their ambition
and toughening their resolve.
He helps people lose everything
they know, everything they desire,
and creates confusion
in those who think that they know.

Practice not-doing,
and everything will fall into place.

(translation by Stephen Mitchell, 1995)

Like Shiva, the world teacher, UG too consumed the poison of our inner struggles. In his own words, which is a rare admission, 'meeting with him was unburdening!



Monday, 7 September 2020

Psychological Theory of Relativity


The Psychological Theory of Relativity – ‘You’ exist only in relationship to your ‘Goal’ or Ideal!

It is the ‘ill-fitting’ dress or shoe (as opposed to the ‘best fit’) that will remind one of the existence of the body or feet. Otherwise we are not even conscious of our body or feet.

It is in relation to the ideal or goal of ‘the perfect, selfless, generous, magnanimous, free, happy’ that one is reminded of the existence of ‘self’ as its opposite - ‘the misfit, selfish, greedy, jealous, unhappy’ etc.

No ‘ideal’ means no ‘self’. The effort, struggle, restlessness or frustration in bringing about any psychological change to become someone other than what one is, reminds us of our existence!


Video Transcript:

UG: This state that you are talking about, your ‘state’ does not at all exist except in relationship with the ‘state you want to be in’.

See, you want to be happy for whatever reason, that is why you are unhappy. So I really do not know what happiness is like, so I cannot be unhappy, that is all that I am saying!

Questioner: I don’t even know myself except in relation to that state I want to be in.

UG: Exactly! So that is false and that has falsified me. What I am saying is that your very demand to be selfless is the one that has created the selfishness there otherwise you are not selfish at all! As long as you want to be selfless or you are going to be a selfless man tomorrow or in the next life, so long you will remain selfish.

The other day I was saying, if there is no trace of love in your heart, you cannot hate anybody, you can’t hate anybody. Only when you have some traces of what you call love there, then there is the danger of hating somebody. They always go together.

There is no way of looking at yourself and telling yourself that this is ‘me’ except in relationship with what you like to be, what you should be, what you ought to be and whatever it is…

Questioner: Basically these are not even super-impositions because ‘self-consciousness arose before superimposition.

UG: Self-consciousness is perpetuated through this demand to bring about a change.


"So, for the first time, the individual becomes a human" ~UG

'I' or the 'self' is the 'product of culture'      Our names  or  labels are the tokens that facilitate various aspe...