Sunday, 13 January 2019

"There is thought does not mean there is a thinker" - UG

Paul Sempe with UG

By Paul Sempé

[Editor's Note:  Paul Sempé was a dear friend of mine as well of UG.  
He was a retired tugboat captain in Marsailles and was for sometime
ardent follower of Gandhian way of thought.  He used to attend
J. Krishnamurti's talks in Saanen, Switzerland for a number of years
before he met U.G.  He had a keen interest in Philosophy as well as in
the Sciences.

Every summer, he came all the way from Marseilles to Gstaad to spend time with him and drive him and his friends around. I first met him in 1986 at the Berne railway station where he and UG came to receive me and my daughter, Shyamala.  That year and on several other occasions I had many interesting discussions with him and we became close friends.

The last I saw him was a little before the year 2000.  Soon after that, he met with an accident in the Bergerie near Marseilles where he used live like a hermit in rather primitive conditions.  He was found dead washed away by a flowing river.  His big smile, friendly manner and intelligent philosophical discussions are memorable. 

He sent this article to me some time before he passed away and it has been shelved until recently when I discovered it while I was going through my papers.  I thought it would be of interest not only to those who knew him, but also to UG readers in general.

The article can be read and downloaded at: And clicking on the top underlined link will take you to the article itself.




During two weeks of the summer l988, I have had many discussions with U.G.

I was at that time interested in some aspects of the evolution of man. Although what U.G. says has to do with the mechanism of thought, self-consciousness, space, time and logic, he insists on the fact that what happened to him is only 
physiological and not psychological. Since "physiological", in that case, has obviously nothing to do with exercises such as yoga, it seemed to me it could be linked to what I was studying about evolution.

Here is the outline of my reasoning:

The initial events that open the way to evolution are microscopic and fortuitous. But once inscribed in the DNA,      the accident is faithfully replicated and the organisms built according to this new plan are subject to the laws of natural selection (see J. MONOD : "Le hasard et la nécessité"). There may have been a day where some Australopithecus used for the first time an articulated symbol to represent a concept. It is easy to see the fantastic superiority this capacity gave 
to this hominid and his descendants: better communication,   accumulation of knowledge, etc....Such might have been the beginning of thought : an utilitarian feat. The same could be said of self-consciousness born out of thought.

From self-consciousness as a center, the outer world is seen through the coordinates of space and time. Konrad LORENZ shows how space and time, as well as the laws of "pure reason," depend on structures of the central nervous system that developed just as any other organ, according to the laws of the natural selection, during the millenniums of evolution. (see K.LORENZ: "La doctrine Kantienne de l'"a priori" a la lumière de la biologie contemporaine", in "L'homme dans le fleuve du vivant"). In the same way, Professor LWOFF says that the rules 
of logic  -- as well as the words -- are inscribed within our neurons.

We are considering here thought, self-consciousness space, time and logic (in that sequence) as produced by evolution. Many people in our culture think that they have a divine origin (as did KANT). They certainly have a right to do so. What I want to show here is that looking at things from the evolutionary point of view gives a new approach to what may have happened to U.G.

If the mechanism thought, self-consciousness, space time and logic has been built through evolution, and is inscribed in the DNA and the central nervous system, there may be a line of human beings coming from the first ages, in which the inscription is unstable and may disintegrate partly or totally.

What could then remain is what U.G. calls the "natural state" where the body lives its own life in accordance with the laws of nature. There are many reasons why these beings are small in number: they are less competitive; their reproduction
is limited, since sex disappears (says U.G.) in that state; they can probably survive only in countries where the religious dogmas are not too rigid, what may be the case of India.

Now, let us consider again the sequence: thought self-consciousness, space, time and logic. If we look within ourselves we see the sequence in the reverse orderr. We see it rather in the same way as the Bible does: first there was space (the earth), then time (day and night), man and finally thought (the names man gives to things). We feel at ease in that biblical and Newtonian world: a three-dimensional space (corresponding to the three semi-circular canals we have in
the ears), a clock hanging somewhere (preferably in Greenwich), " and a book of history to which we can refer to measure time, and human beings strolling about inside of that receptacle thinking things preferably in a logical way. And since logic has become a necessity, we put God on top of the whole thing as the Creator and the President of the circus that develops inside the receptacle.

Now, let us take again each item in the classical sequence.


What is space for U.G? If you ask him how, he sees an object moving in the surroundings, he will probably tell you that the object is moving inside of him. What does he mean? When we, "normal" people, see the object, the perception
[splits in two: one part is "I" who observes, and the other is the image of the object that we project in the three dimensional space and, so, appears to be at a distance. ("distance" here, has nothing to do with the "distance" between the imaginary
and the supposed "real" object in the old philosophical problem that has no solution). 

In U.G., it seems that there is no split, no projection and no distance. So the object is in him so to speak, and he has no knowledge about it, unless the necessity commands it, as he says, in which case memory dictates mechanically the necessary reactions. That seemed obvious to me, one day, while I was looking at  him looking at a photo of himself. I thought he had a strange look. "Well I told myself; after all, it is the only moment where he "is" U.G.".


Besides the clock, we measure the flow of time on a scale admitted by all human beings: that is the history of humanity. It is probably the projection on that 
collective scale of what happens inside of us that gives us the feeling that the flow of time is regular. In fact, the flow is not regular if we loose the mental ' contact with the scale; its velocity changes with age, boredom etc. Very important distortions appear in dreams, particular states of consciousness and probably the moment when we die.

That reminds me of a conversation with U.G. He was ending some rather obscure (to me) demonstration with the strong statement: " "So, death doesn't exist." Then I woke up and asked: "Please U.G., can you say that again, U.G.?" "Yes the body cannot die, it only changes form; as for the entity that you suppose is thinking cannot die either, since there has never been life in it."

I said hopefully: "So death doesn't exist!" U.G. replied: "Death doesn't exist for me; but that is not so for you, Paul." That is "not for you, Paul" reminded me, later, of something I read, long ago, in the "Tibetan Book of the dead where what was lived as an eternity filled with horrors by the dying man was lived as a short time by the assistant in a "normal "state. And the assistant kept saying something like: "Don't bother, old chap, all that is nothing but an illusion." From that point of view, eternity, hell and paradise do exist and also the last judgment with the worst of all judges: yourself; until the mechanism disintegrates. Because, after all, we also shall have our disintegration. Only it won't be partial.


Self-consciousness reminds of Descartes.He is my most favorite philosopher. I see him with his beard and moustache, his wig, lace around the neck, lace around the wrists,sitting at his table ( Louis XIII style), the quill pen up. He is asking himself: "Is there anybody sitting here?" And the answer: "Since there is that thought, then there is somebody who thinks --'Cogito ergo sum.'" That is so much better than "I thinkm therefore I am." That is real tabula rasa. And then, having made sure that 
he exists. he proceeds with his philosophy.

So it was a real shock to me when U.G. told me one day: "Descartes made a profound statement, but it was all wrong". I can still see the place where I got the shock. "What??!! What do you mean U.G.?" U.G. replied: "The fact that there is a thought does not mean that there is a thinker who exists before the thought. It works the other way around: the thinker is produced by the thought, and, since it wants to survive, it fills the gap between two thoughts with another thought and the whole mechanism gives you the illusion that there is a continuous entity thinking thoughts and you call that "I".

I went back home very upset, feeling myself as a deduction more hypothetical than ever. As soon as possible I went through the books written by Descartes to see if I could find a trace of such an unusual interpretation. I did not. Well, I told myself that such a thing cannot possibly have escaped him; but he didn't say it because they would have burnt him in these days.Poor chap. Besides, for all practical purposes, his formula is as good as ever. You can, and even you must, extend it: "I command, therefore I am". "I fight, therefore I am". "I grumble, therefore I am". "I pester, therefore I am", There is no limit. Descartes is everywhere.


I should say that thought is U.G.'s specialty. In the West, we have been heavily conditioned by Greek philosophy, and specially Plato. In Plato, and particularly in 
the "Phedo", you learn to believe in thought and you read, page after page, how thought and reasoning are the sure path to Truth and Reality while you have to beware of the body and its sensations. Furthermore, that view of things has been enhanced by Christianity. 

So, if you are a normal representative of the West, you can expect problems with U.G. Now, let us look at the East. At about the same time when Socrates, through Plato, was upholding thought, the Buddha was claiming exactly the contrary, saying that thought was the origin of all sufferings. Did it make any difference, as far as misery and sufferings are concerned? Certainly not.

Now, what is the approach of U.G. on that subject?

It seems rather similar to what you get if you consider thought as a product of evolution. From that point of view, thought is utilitarian and it does not change its nature when it is extended to the so called spiritual or moral fields. On the contrary, in these fields, thought remains interested and adds hypocrisy. Such thoughts as goodness, generosity or whatever have no content at all. It is not cynicism, it is mechanics.

The fact remains that in order to live in society we have to make the difference between a "good" thought and a "bad" thought. From this point of view, each thought refers to a cultural system. It is like in Relativity. In Relativity, each 
observer uses his own measure of space and time, and to pass from one set of measures to another, you have to use the transformations of Lorentz, since classical mechanics are not valid any more.

No more Newtonian receptacle. With thoughts, to pass from one system to another, we use the transformation called brainwashing. No more absolute morals. That is why Descartes invented "provisional morals". Here I may be bit too much in favor of Descartes. That type of morality has had many inventors.


You'll never score points off U.G. by using logic. Not because he is a good logician. He is anyway. But, besides that, he might say one thing now and something appears to be contrary a moment later. After all, life has been flowing between the two moments and circumstances are not the same.

The fact is that you cannot depend totally on logic. 

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. All philosophers have noticed that,

and ever since Aristotle each one of them has written his own laws and notes on the use of logic. It is not a story of success. 

Even before I met U.G., my Descartes never convinced me that I was a solid entity because of my thinking. And I am not going to lose my sleep because I need to know what comes first, the egg or the hen, the thinker or the thought; the answer will be no good anyway.

It may be with logic as it was with thought: it was born to work in a very simple material way, in a very limited field, to help our far gone ancestors to survive; the extension of that capacity to unlimited fields may not be valid. 

In spite of that, it seems that pretending to renounce thought and logic is the silliest thing man can do. He has no other instrument. He could perhaps have a better look on his long evolution to understand what has happened. In that perspective, men like U.G. may be living witnesses who should be considered seriously.


By Paul Sempé

              (Sincere thanks and gratitude to Dr. Moorty for sharing the article.)

Thursday, 27 December 2018

Sage and the housewives

Sage and the housewives

UG , Kaushalya Ben and Sugunaji

In UG’s company, the word ‘personal’ had no meaning! The humdrum, the toil, the fatigue, self-conflicts, everything ‘personal’ evaporated into thin air and became utterly meaningless and pointless.

When UG chose a place to stay, he pervaded the whole atmosphere, everything would revolve around his magnetic presence. Even the hosts jettisoned everything personal to serve as the chosen guardians of his portals.

Here is a potpourri of anecdotes. A window into how UG impacted people, especially the ladies of the household – the housewives who played pivotal roles at the portals where he stayed and moved.

In Bombay it was Kaushalya Ben (Mrs. Parekh) who was in charge of UG’s portal. In her, we find striking resemblance to the other, Sugunaji (Mrs.Chandrasekhar Babu), the graceful housewife who devoted her life to serving UG and maintaining the Bangalore portal for several decades.

Just like the Babus, the Parekhjis were wonderful hosts. Graceful and considerate, they neatly withdrew themselves into the background, letting UG hold forte. They left behind no trace of themselves or their private lives in the living rooms. Their role as hosts and facilitators was sublime –unassuming, unobtrusive and invisible. Their mission - to provide a platform and facilitate UG’s interactions with people who thronged his portals.

Nothing short of complete surrender and selfless generosity on the part of the hosts could ensure that UG could choose to make a portal of their homes. Really speaking, UG and the ‘seekers’ had the whole place for themselves 24X 7 for the entire duration of his stay!

UG, in a masterly way made sure that the hosts never felt burdened or intruded, nor the visitors stifled or miffed. Sheer UG magic! All of us felt at home and threw away all inhibitions. There were no barriers or frontiers. People poured their hearts out, spilled their deepest secrets and expressed their innermost fears and anxieties out in the open. UG brought everything out into the open - the tears and the laughter, the million shades of emotions and the unmistakable human drama, it was there for all to see. Our personal fears and anxieties, inhibitions and complexes began to pale out in the glaring light of UG’s intense scrutiny and observations.

The place turned into UG’s ‘Karma Bhoomi’. At times UG would joke that his portals were akin to a ‘Barber’s Shop’. He likened himself to a barber who ended up giving a free ‘haircut’ (a real dressing-down of ego and falsehood) to the endless stream of visitors who trooped in!

I enjoyed great rapport with the Parekh couple. They loved to share their spiritual journey, their ‘sadhana’ and bared how intensely UG had impacted their lives. They were quite deep and as UG would say, they had done their ‘homework’!

It was a shock of my life to learn that neither of them had stepped out of their dwelling for years, letting the servants do the errands. They never felt the need even once to step out of their four walls! Such was their resignation and approach to life. Their children were all well to do and settled in the US, and the couple remained supremely content in their humble abode.

During initial years, the Parekhjis had practised ‘Vipassana’. After UG’s arrival into their lives, all spiritual practices gradually faded away and they began to enjoy peace and contentment! The aging couple suffered from their share of physical problems and age-related issues but nothing ever came in the way of their services to the master.

Kaushalya Ben had servants and cooks. She treated them as her own family. With UG around, the place was buzzing with constant influx of friends and visitors. She would supervise the food preparation for all and also personally lend a hand in the kitchen. Despite numerous chores, she would every now and then walk into the living room to catch up on the proceedings, the lively debates and discussions. She was a keen observer of people and their strange ways.

On that day, after failing to catch a glimpse of the lady the whole morning, I barged into the kitchen. There she was with the cook organising lunch for UG and the ‘gang’. I expressed my surprise and enquired her why she had not shown up the whole morning? I was shocked when she pointed to a deep gash on her forehead. She didn’t want anyone to know that she had a fall. She was in great pain! While bathing she had a fall, hurting herself badly. Her nose was still bleeding. She took it all in her stride, prayed for strength and got back on to her feet to attend to the task at hand. None of us were made aware of her pain & suffering! This the stoic lady, Kaushalya Ben!

Her fortitude and courage remained exemplary even when she lost her life partner of several decades.


A few days after the demise of Parekhji, self , Kamal and his mother decided to call on her. She was delighted to receive us all. What struck us most was her extraordinary composure. She explained that UG had given her the inner strength to carry on with her life! She said she never felt the loss of her husband, saying she could feel the energy with her! She attributed this to being with UG for decades. He had steeled her and given her the courage to accept the vicissitudes of life. She felt tremendous peace and tranquillity.

Even on the day of our visit, she was in total control of the house. She wasted no time and organised our breakfast! There was no change in her graceful demeanour. Her presence was as tranquil and benign as ever, there was not even a hint of bereavement in the family.

When we finally took leave of the beautiful lady, Kamal’s mother, a widow herself, burst out, "Oh my God! She is a true Yogini! So composed, radiating so much peace. I wish I could be like her! I could never bring myself to be like her, she is so graceful even in the passing away of her husband!" 

Mrs. Parekh came from a traditional Gujarati business family and was very sharp and pragmatic in running not only the household but even her personal finances. She knew all about the stock markets. In her leisure, she would sit next to her telephone and trade on the Bombay Stock Exchange by placing calls. She confided that she had made quite a fortune from these calls. She had amazing insights about the stock market and could discuss the market trends like a stockbroker! She said the money she made gave her financial independence and that she never ever turned to her children for her needs. With these earnings, she sponsored education and marriage of her servants’ children and also supplied the wherewithal to run their families!

In Sugunaji, we find a parallel to Kaushalya Ben, hers is an equally endearing and appealing life. She, along with Babu, is the architect of UG’s Bangalore home or portal.

When I visited Sugunaji and Babu shortly after UG’s demise, Sugunaji was heavy-hearted. She couldn’t bring herself to face the reality of UG’s death. Even their marriage was solemnised by UG. She slowly recounted her extraordinary life journey with the sage!

UG was literally the patriarch, the father-figure who practically oversaw the running of the Babus’ household. She fought back her tears several times reliving those beautiful moments. The couple turned to UG for everything in their life and now it seemed a total vacuum was staring at them after nearly four decades. The reality was hard to bite into!

Sugunaji was reminiscing UG’s guidance in their lives and his participation in every aspect of daily life. She recollected how he would accompany her to the grocery shop, the vegetable market, the tailor’s shop. UG would even accompany them to cinema halls and melt into the crowds becoming one with them. He was their guide, holding hands and walking along with them every step of the way.

Sugunaji rarely participated in grand discussions or debates that went on right under her nose. She said she had no questions to ask UG. Only once she had been curious and had queried, “You are so fearless and strong, tell me whether you have ever broken down or cried, UG?”

UG, in a rare gesture, could not hold back the truth from this gentle soul and admitted to her that indeed he had broken down once in London! This was during his tumultuous years in London when he was reduced to stewarding at local restaurants to earn a meal. Being homeless, he had no choice but to spend long days and nights on the benches in Green and Hyde Park, out in the biting cold! During one such occasion, while recollecting his journey from his birth into a wealthy family, his blazing career as an international lecturer, and the plunge into destitution, finding that his whole life had finally amounted to nothing, UG just broke down!

Only Sugunaji could have brought this truth out from a ‘tough cookie’ like UG!
Sugunaji and Kaushalya Ben stand apart as great enablers. They quietly and diligently toiled away to keep the portals alive and ablaze, night and day, enabling innumerable souls to pass through UG’s portals and benefit therefrom!

Salutations and gratitude to these extraordinary women!


Saturday, 22 September 2018

" Thoughts come from outside the body!" - UG

UG , Dr. Subba Rao & Dr. Sreedhav

Till that momentous day in Chennai, I had never dared to interview UG or offer him any sort of medical advice whatsoever! UG had adequately forewarned me that all those who had interviewed him had ended up losing their jobs!

But destiny had its plans… 

On that fine morning in Chennai, I got to ‘formally’ interview ‘the Natural Man.’

The interview took place in my uncle Malladi Krishnamurti’s house. My dad Dr. Subba Rao, a senior medical professional also sat in attendance, privy to the entire proceedings!

All my questions were prepared carefully and written down beforehand!

UG was actually waiting alone outside on the lawn, with chairs neatly arranged in rows!

Before the interview began, being aware of UG’s renowned flair for ‘butchering’  the questions and the questioner, I, with great trepidation firstly extracted a promise from him that he would not shout me down (while I was playing the ‘devil’s advocate’). UG graciously agreed that he would not raise his voice against me ( that he never did, in the entire fourteen years of my association with him!)

Here was my first question to UG ,

"Sir, how do you know that the endocrine system has taken over the running of your body?”

He gently asked, "Why do you ask?"

I replied," Since you refuse to undergo blood tests, refuse biopsy of these swellings in our (planned) efforts to prove that they are indeed of Endocrine origin!”

UG, keeping his word ( not to shout me down) calmly said ,"You have to take my word for it!”


The second question was about his constant refrain on ‘conditioning from birth’! 

I started,

" UG, I have medical proof, contrary to what you are always emphasizing, that ‘the conditioning is from the moment we are born’  but the fact is it actually predates birth! In this context, I wish to narrate an incident, if you promise me not to interrupt."

UG, in a pleasant tone, "Go ahead sir!"

I recalled,

" When I was a House Surgeon, a pregnant lady was wheeled into our Casualty Wing, barely conscious and in labour! Ultrasound revealed that the baby inside had the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck, choking it slowly.

The lady was wheeled straight into the Emergency Operation Theatre, where we were forced to open the abdomen, the caesarean section, in order to save the child.

The procedure was a success, both the mother and child survived.

There was a minor problem though! The baby's  blood Glucose was very low! Fortunately, amidst our team we had a terrific paediatric surgeon, who wasted no time, and fashioning a wick out of sterile cotton, he dipped into an opened I.V. Glucose bottle and just touched the liquid to the baby's lips.

The baby instantaneously started sucking on the wick, with a slurping sound. The surgeon patiently repeated the process until the glucose levels returned to normal. The baby actually smiled, started breathing normally and finally slept off. Only then the paediatric surgeon got up!"

I paused at the end of the long narration, and then promptly shot my next question,

"Sir, where is that ' conditioning right from birth' that you speak of , as there is no way for the just delivered foetus to know what it was sipping, the baby smiled as if it knew the SWEETNESS in the Glucose wick, as a pleasurable, palatable taste? How could this be?”

UG sat there, throughout my narration without interruption and with total attention.

           UG now said,

"Your question will prove to be longer than my answer!
Don't think I am giving a clever reply! THIS CONDITIONING IS PRE NATAL !”

(I felt elated, " I finally got him…!")

I went for him,

"What exactly do you mean by prenatal? You reject the traditional Hindu concept of reincarnation!"

UG simply said, "It's GENETIC sir!"

I was like a terrier dog that morning!

I protested, " That's a geneticist's answer. Since you reject for support any authority, how can you say it's just genetic?"

His unforgettable response followed!

UG threw back at me a pointed question, "Has not the dormant poetic gene in you, surfaced at the right moment?” ( referring to my sudden transformation into a poet and the torrent of poems on UG that just seemed to flow from nowhere!)

"What you call, ‘knowledge’ carried over from last births is poppy cock and it is only these genes that surface, when need be!

In that child, Glucose was paramount for its survival and thus that sensory gene for identifying sweetness surfaced!

That's why I affirm that the human organism is tremendously intelligent and the incident you just narrated is just a proof of that!"


The interview flowed on,

"Sir, you say the human brain is an antenna at best, whereas newer and newer studies are proposing a more dominant role in the body! Why do you downplay the brain's role?"

UG, again calmly said, "I have never denied its ( brain’s) role in motor function and in the reception and translation of the SENSORY signals! But, you have to stop there!"

Thoughts come from outside the body! Brain is just the ‘antenna’ to receive signals from what I call 'the World Mind.'  Human brain is not the site of the 'MIND'. Western scientists are spending billions of dollars to locate the site of the mind in the Brain and they are bound to fail!"

I pressed on, "Sir, what about the Hypothalamus?"

UG, Though your neuro scientists consider hypothalamus to be part of the brain, it is in fact an ENDOCRINE GLAND!”

( It turns out that UG’s position now has a scientific basis. Please see the links below)


My final question to him that day, “ From where do you get all this information? "

UG (pointing his index finger up) said,

"The World Mind. I use that term for want of a better alternative. That's where the totality of human thought is constantly stored. 

Whenever I need answers, a channel opens and the necessary thoughts enter to supply the answer and later get ejected!"

The trepidation with which I started this interview ended with great relief at his unique answers !

This was a formal interview back in 2001.

Like all the others before me who had interviewed UG, I too had to face the consequences! I ended up losing my lucrative practice. In my case it was the chronic upper spinal issue, medically termed the ‘Thoracic Spine Disc Degeneration’ (intervertebral) that put an end to my medical profession!

With UG, there are no exceptions to the rule!

                                                                            Dr. Sreedhav, MD, Nellore, India



I am thankful and grateful to Dr. Sreedhav for sharing his most personal encounter with UG, one of his best till date! This is nothing short of ‘stepping on the tiger’s tail!’

UG, at times, could be highly unwieldy and unpredictable! I commend Sreedhav’s sincerity, integrity and guts in going about the business of interviewing one of the toughest customers, despite the clear warning of 'personal risk to his own medical career!'

An aside:

I was once with UG at the boarding lounge at the Mumbai airport. As we sat there awaiting the boarding call, I noticed that UG was clutching something tightly in his right hand! I was curious but let that be, didn’t want to needlessly probe him.

There was very little verbal exchange going on between us. This was always the case. I simply let myself get soaked in an ‘ocean of silence and peace’ with a rare human being in whose company words were pure noise and clutter!

The final boarding call sounded on the PA!

UG bid me good bye and moved over to the Gate, and suddenly turned back and came hurriedly to where I was standing, unclenching his fist he revealed to me a piece of crumpled paper on which was written the words ‘Oxytocin’.

“ Sir, they talk of love, and I always say that it is nothing but a four-lettered word! Look here! It is nothing but chemically induced phenomenon!

(And pointing to the scribbled word)

“ They (scientists) seem to have now found out that 'this' is the chemical ( Oxytocin) giving rise to the sensation of ‘love’.
That is why I always maintain that it is all a mere  play of chemicals, nothing more!”

And quickly disappeared through the Gate!

I was left wondering about the twisted and distorted notions of ‘love’ and ‘life’ that we all carry, cherish, believe, defend and propagate! To UG, humans are no more than ‘fortuitous concourse of atoms’ – specks of stardust, recycled by nature, over and over again!

( As per the latest scientific findings, Oxytocin is the ‘love’ hormone produced by the

 Hypothalamus. UG was spot on! Today, Oxytocin is commercially popular. Companies

 spray oxytocin outside the showrooms to ‘seduce’ customers to increase walk-ins!) 


Sunday, 17 June 2018

" You doctors know nothing!" - UG

UG and Dr. Sreedhav

February 1992, Madras (Chennai).

It was 5 AM in the morning, I was on my morning jog on a road inside of the sprawling private Malladi Estate where I had my living quarters. 

As I was swishing past the Malladi Guest House (inside the Estate), out came Major Dakshinamurty (my uncle), and shouting across to me (as was his wont) beckoned to me, " Hey! UG is here! Come on in!"

Until that point in time, I had not even seen a picture of UG! I followed him into the house and stumbled right into a very handsome chap, dressed in trendy whites, seated on a sofa! Something inside of me told me, “Here is the Real McCoy!”

As is customary in this part of the world, I folded my palms and greeted him, "Namaste Sir" and UG too got up from his sofa and reciprocated!

The very first words that came out of him were, "Sir, though I am not a fatalist, I personally feel there is very little in your hands!" I was taken aback and felt a bit strange as what he uttered sounded totally out of context!

           During this first encounter, UG was focused on "demystifying" this whole business of Enlightenment! HE actually kicked off by saying, "The so-called realization is NOT a psychological phenomenon but a purely PHYSICAL change, where every living cell in the human body undergoes mutation. If it were in the realm of that dirty word "PSYCHE" anyone can claim to be enlightened, sir!"


On that game-changing day in my life, UG bared it all, and showed me the many physical changes that had occurred on his person, and they were all quite profound and visible. 

As a preamble to what was about to hit me, he began, " Sir, whenever a thought enters my head, the brain begins to tighten and ejects that thought from the top of the head and it goes up as a spiral (he gestured), I don't know where!"

UG then showed me two prominent swellings on both sides of his neck (supraclavicular fossae) above the collarbones and said, "These are the Thymic swellings!"

The Thymus is an endocrine gland which auto-destroys itself by the age of twelve! It secretes a hormone named Thymosin, the function of which is not fully understood by the medical science to this day.

What followed was a physical demonstration of the various peculiar bulges on his neck, forehead etc. UG clarified, "Since you are a doctor, I am showing you all these!

UG threw the most amazing surprise when he pointed to a distinctly marked blue spot, and protruding veins on his forehead. He explained,

" Sir, this is your Ajna Chakra! Those ‘acid heads’ (Upanishadic seers) sitting in the jungles, drinking ‘soma juice’ also developed the same physical phenomena, but not knowing what exactly they were, misled you & everybody (else) by adding "mystique" to the whole thing!  These are the dormant endocrine glands showing up and taking over the running of the body!”

            UG then beckoned to me to move closer, and lowering the turtleneck collar on his shirt, and exposing the neck pointed to a clear blue spot, right at the base of the neck, (at the junction between the occiput (back of the head) and the cervical spine and calmly broke the thunderous news, "This is the entry point of that ‘shaft of light’ which hit me while entering the body, when I was seated on that bench, overlooking the Saanen Valley in 1967!


Finally, holding up his palms, UG prompted me, "Sir, observe these protuberances in my palms (I ran my fingers across his palms. They were not visible on the surface but I could feel them, they felt quite firm to the touch!). He explained, “These too are endocrine glands!”

I had stumbled into a wonderland, of sorts. I was in the presence of a strange man, witnessing strange things. I had never encountered anything remotely familiar, in my practice!

Back then, I was a practicing medical professional, and to say the least, it was mind-boggling to witness the wonders of all those physical changes in UG, who clarified further, “These are the actual "chakras’ that your rishis (seers) spoke of!"

Eventually I snapped out of the wonderment, and burst out," You are the first one to show, tell and clarify to me that endocrine glands exist even in the palm of our hands. This is nowhere mentioned in "The Grey’s Textbook of Anatomy!"

UG wasted no time, got into his stride in a jiffy, and shouted me down, "You doctors know nothing!"
Benumbed, I sat silently observing UG! I naturally began prodding my own palms and neck for any bulges! Hey presto! I felt two rubbery bulges on my collar bone! They were akin to golf-balls and were quite palpable. In utter amazement, I showed them to UG, who ran his fingers over and said, "Yes sir! They are thymic bulges!”  (Apparently, they seemed to be natural occurrences, very pronounced in UG’s natural presence, and they normalised soon after.)

Much later, during one of my visits to UG at Bangalore, I met Chandrasekhar Babu. Babu showed me similar but much bigger bulges on both sides of his neck and explained to me that they appeared during Full Moon and New Moon days!


          There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

Than dreamt of in your philosophy (science) - Hamlet

                                          - Dr. Sreedhav, MD, Nellore, India

Note : The Thymus gland looks like a bunch of Grapes, extending up! No wonder, when it enlarges,it goes to both sides of the neck!The small Green beads you see in the picture are Endocrine glands,the function we don't know!

On that " revealing day" in Feb 1992, UG, actually lifted up his sweater to show blue bead like swellings on both sides of the mid-line on the abdomen!These blue bead like swellings extended right down to below the umbilicus in him!

                                                                                                                       (Dr. Sreedhav)

"So, for the first time, the individual becomes a human" ~UG

'I' or the 'self' is the 'product of culture'      Our names  or  labels are the tokens that facilitate various aspe...