Thursday, 28 March 2024

" There is no creator" - UG

Q: You mean to say that there is no Creator and no evolution?
UG: There are no beginnings and no endings, nothing is ever created, nothing is ever destroyed!
See what has created this problem (god, creation or creator) for us is the THINKING that has created SPACE and TIME!
Thought has created time, ‘thought is time’!
So, the moment you fix a point here (cause), you create another point(effect), and (hence) the SPACE or the span of space is created (invented) by thought. So, we have to invent a CREATOR ( in order to account for this notion of ‘cause and effect’).
The logical thinking cannot accept anything and everything, and that the whole thing (around us) can be acausal.
UG explicates that it is this logical (distorted) thinking about CAUSE and EFFECT that invents TIME.
TIMELINE is the artificial projection linking 'cause' to 'effect' ( a mental projection or 'a mind game' celebrated as rational or scientific approach)
Thinking is responsible for projecting TIME and SPACE.
We can create artificial reality, make characters come to life, on a screen, simply by manipulating images to appear rapidly in a sequence…causing an artificial TIME LINE.
All life events around us get their ‘reality and causality’ through the illusion of TIME, a 'logical premise' of the mind or thought.
Logic and magic continue to sway the vulnerable human minds!

Thursday, 21 March 2024

" The World Mind is creating 'You! " - UG

TRANSCRIPT (The World Mind - UG)

Q: You said that the ‘experiencing structure’ is built into us

UG : Yes…where is it?

I said at the very beginning, it is responding to the stimuli - all that comes from outside.

You see the culture, the society or whatever you want to call it, I want to use the word ( for want of a more adequate expression) the WORLD MIND, the World Mind means the totality of man’s experiences, thoughts and feelings, that is passed on from generation to generation ( and I maintain that I have no way to make any definitive statement that, that is also transmitted from generation to generation through genes)…

But the WORLD MIND I am talking about has created ‘you’ and ‘me’ for the sole purpose or main purpose of maintaining its status quo, that is all it is interested in.

Without the use of that (collective) knowledge (the WORLD MIND), you have no way of experiencing your separateness from that and the very fact that you are alive (self-consciousness) also cannot be experienced without the help of that (world mind).

Your existence as you know yourself, as you experience yourself, is possible only though the help of that (WORLD MIND) …

Just the way I have to feed myself to have the energy to keep this physical body going, you have to use that (the WORLD MIND) to maintain your continuity, as a separate entity (‘you’).


The World Mind - UG

In this explosive clip, UG posits the WORLD MIND, the full salad of human knowledge, experience, thoughts and feelings, both past and present. The WORLD MIND has tremendous momentum and has fostered an entirely different artificial reality or superimposed reality.

We humans are deeply soaked in this ‘psychological environment’, the augmented reality (AR) of the WORLD MIND.

UG emphasizes that this psychological climate is responsible for breeding the psychological entities - the ‘You’ and ‘I’.

‘You’ and ‘I’ are born as the response to the stimulus (of the WORLD MIND).

Saturday, 16 March 2024

" You are not dealing with something (desire, anger) living there " - UG

UG points out that our acquired thoughts, values and norms condemn natural emotions like fear, anger and desire while goading us to pursue their opposites.
We are saddled with all kinds of culturally imposed thoughts about raw emotions. We borrow 'the lens of thought' for everything and have stopped dealing with life or its raw emotions 'directly'.
The false pursuit of desirelessness, of freedom from anger, freedom from fear keeps us ignorant about life and its eternal flow!

"It is neither physical nor psychological transformation" ~ UG

JK and UGK - T he Anarchist Duo     The current audio clip has been sourced from two separate recordings of UG's conversations. Here,  U...