Thursday, 21 September 2023

" Thought is our enemy " UG

Thought fakes identity (I or the self) through separation. And then gives itself continuity or protection through purpose (rights and wants).

Thursday, 14 September 2023

"The intellect has not helped me..." - UG

Intellect is the showman that runs the transactional world (or the superimposed reality -UG)
Demonstrably, intellect (methodical, refined thinking) is capable of dealing with myriad problems of existence, whether it is learning a technique, finding a job, building a home, driving a car, using a on.
This gives rise to the erroneous notion that intellect is a comprehensive 'problem solver'.
UG debunks this myth and points out that intellect cannot resolve 'the living problems' of life like love, hatred, anger, jealousy, division etc. The instrument is hugely limited and singularly incapable of finding solutions for many problems associated with living in society.
Problems born of thinking, cannot be solved by thinking.

Thursday, 7 September 2023

Psychology - the tenacious world of superimposed reality

Psychology - the tenacious world of superimposed reality

In this deep dive, UG de-constructs and lays bare the roots of 'conditioning' or 'psychology' or 'superimposed reality.'

Conditioning is layered atop biology for the sole purpose of 'functioning sanely and intelligently (sic) in the world.'

This process of conditioning helps the biology to actually survive in two different ecosystems - the natural environment (where all living creatures get schooled or conditioned...or the biological conditioning) and the artificial environment (where humans get soaked in the superimposed reality of culture, society, religion, god...or the fallacious psychological conditioning).

"It is neither physical nor psychological transformation" ~ UG

JK and UGK - T he Anarchist Duo     The current audio clip has been sourced from two separate recordings of UG's conversations. Here,  U...