Saturday, 22 September 2018

" Thoughts come from outside the body!" - UG

UG , Dr. Subba Rao & Dr. Sreedhav

Till that momentous day in Chennai, I had never dared to interview UG or offer him any sort of medical advice whatsoever! UG had adequately forewarned me that all those who had interviewed him had ended up losing their jobs!

But destiny had its plans… 

On that fine morning in Chennai, I got to ‘formally’ interview ‘the Natural Man.’

The interview took place in my uncle Malladi Krishnamurti’s house. My dad Dr. Subba Rao, a senior medical professional also sat in attendance, privy to the entire proceedings!

All my questions were prepared carefully and written down beforehand!

UG was actually waiting alone outside on the lawn, with chairs neatly arranged in rows!

Before the interview began, being aware of UG’s renowned flair for ‘butchering’  the questions and the questioner, I, with great trepidation firstly extracted a promise from him that he would not shout me down (while I was playing the ‘devil’s advocate’). UG graciously agreed that he would not raise his voice against me ( that he never did, in the entire fourteen years of my association with him!)

Here was my first question to UG ,

"Sir, how do you know that the endocrine system has taken over the running of your body?”

He gently asked, "Why do you ask?"

I replied," Since you refuse to undergo blood tests, refuse biopsy of these swellings in our (planned) efforts to prove that they are indeed of Endocrine origin!”

UG, keeping his word ( not to shout me down) calmly said ,"You have to take my word for it!”


The second question was about his constant refrain on ‘conditioning from birth’! 

I started,

" UG, I have medical proof, contrary to what you are always emphasizing, that ‘the conditioning is from the moment we are born’  but the fact is it actually predates birth! In this context, I wish to narrate an incident, if you promise me not to interrupt."

UG, in a pleasant tone, "Go ahead sir!"

I recalled,

" When I was a House Surgeon, a pregnant lady was wheeled into our Casualty Wing, barely conscious and in labour! Ultrasound revealed that the baby inside had the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck, choking it slowly.

The lady was wheeled straight into the Emergency Operation Theatre, where we were forced to open the abdomen, the caesarean section, in order to save the child.

The procedure was a success, both the mother and child survived.

There was a minor problem though! The baby's  blood Glucose was very low! Fortunately, amidst our team we had a terrific paediatric surgeon, who wasted no time, and fashioning a wick out of sterile cotton, he dipped into an opened I.V. Glucose bottle and just touched the liquid to the baby's lips.

The baby instantaneously started sucking on the wick, with a slurping sound. The surgeon patiently repeated the process until the glucose levels returned to normal. The baby actually smiled, started breathing normally and finally slept off. Only then the paediatric surgeon got up!"

I paused at the end of the long narration, and then promptly shot my next question,

"Sir, where is that ' conditioning right from birth' that you speak of , as there is no way for the just delivered foetus to know what it was sipping, the baby smiled as if it knew the SWEETNESS in the Glucose wick, as a pleasurable, palatable taste? How could this be?”

UG sat there, throughout my narration without interruption and with total attention.

           UG now said,

"Your question will prove to be longer than my answer!
Don't think I am giving a clever reply! THIS CONDITIONING IS PRE NATAL !”

(I felt elated, " I finally got him…!")

I went for him,

"What exactly do you mean by prenatal? You reject the traditional Hindu concept of reincarnation!"

UG simply said, "It's GENETIC sir!"

I was like a terrier dog that morning!

I protested, " That's a geneticist's answer. Since you reject for support any authority, how can you say it's just genetic?"

His unforgettable response followed!

UG threw back at me a pointed question, "Has not the dormant poetic gene in you, surfaced at the right moment?” ( referring to my sudden transformation into a poet and the torrent of poems on UG that just seemed to flow from nowhere!)

"What you call, ‘knowledge’ carried over from last births is poppy cock and it is only these genes that surface, when need be!

In that child, Glucose was paramount for its survival and thus that sensory gene for identifying sweetness surfaced!

That's why I affirm that the human organism is tremendously intelligent and the incident you just narrated is just a proof of that!"


The interview flowed on,

"Sir, you say the human brain is an antenna at best, whereas newer and newer studies are proposing a more dominant role in the body! Why do you downplay the brain's role?"

UG, again calmly said, "I have never denied its ( brain’s) role in motor function and in the reception and translation of the SENSORY signals! But, you have to stop there!"

Thoughts come from outside the body! Brain is just the ‘antenna’ to receive signals from what I call 'the World Mind.'  Human brain is not the site of the 'MIND'. Western scientists are spending billions of dollars to locate the site of the mind in the Brain and they are bound to fail!"

I pressed on, "Sir, what about the Hypothalamus?"

UG, Though your neuro scientists consider hypothalamus to be part of the brain, it is in fact an ENDOCRINE GLAND!”

( It turns out that UG’s position now has a scientific basis. Please see the links below)


My final question to him that day, “ From where do you get all this information? "

UG (pointing his index finger up) said,

"The World Mind. I use that term for want of a better alternative. That's where the totality of human thought is constantly stored. 

Whenever I need answers, a channel opens and the necessary thoughts enter to supply the answer and later get ejected!"

The trepidation with which I started this interview ended with great relief at his unique answers !

This was a formal interview back in 2001.

Like all the others before me who had interviewed UG, I too had to face the consequences! I ended up losing my lucrative practice. In my case it was the chronic upper spinal issue, medically termed the ‘Thoracic Spine Disc Degeneration’ (intervertebral) that put an end to my medical profession!

With UG, there are no exceptions to the rule!

                                                                            Dr. Sreedhav, MD, Nellore, India



I am thankful and grateful to Dr. Sreedhav for sharing his most personal encounter with UG, one of his best till date! This is nothing short of ‘stepping on the tiger’s tail!’

UG, at times, could be highly unwieldy and unpredictable! I commend Sreedhav’s sincerity, integrity and guts in going about the business of interviewing one of the toughest customers, despite the clear warning of 'personal risk to his own medical career!'

An aside:

I was once with UG at the boarding lounge at the Mumbai airport. As we sat there awaiting the boarding call, I noticed that UG was clutching something tightly in his right hand! I was curious but let that be, didn’t want to needlessly probe him.

There was very little verbal exchange going on between us. This was always the case. I simply let myself get soaked in an ‘ocean of silence and peace’ with a rare human being in whose company words were pure noise and clutter!

The final boarding call sounded on the PA!

UG bid me good bye and moved over to the Gate, and suddenly turned back and came hurriedly to where I was standing, unclenching his fist he revealed to me a piece of crumpled paper on which was written the words ‘Oxytocin’.

“ Sir, they talk of love, and I always say that it is nothing but a four-lettered word! Look here! It is nothing but chemically induced phenomenon!

(And pointing to the scribbled word)

“ They (scientists) seem to have now found out that 'this' is the chemical ( Oxytocin) giving rise to the sensation of ‘love’.
That is why I always maintain that it is all a mere  play of chemicals, nothing more!”

And quickly disappeared through the Gate!

I was left wondering about the twisted and distorted notions of ‘love’ and ‘life’ that we all carry, cherish, believe, defend and propagate! To UG, humans are no more than ‘fortuitous concourse of atoms’ – specks of stardust, recycled by nature, over and over again!

( As per the latest scientific findings, Oxytocin is the ‘love’ hormone produced by the

 Hypothalamus. UG was spot on! Today, Oxytocin is commercially popular. Companies

 spray oxytocin outside the showrooms to ‘seduce’ customers to increase walk-ins!) 


"It is neither physical nor psychological transformation" ~ UG

JK and UGK - T he Anarchist Duo     The current audio clip has been sourced from two separate recordings of UG's conversations. Here,  U...