Sunday, 19 November 2017

“It never occurs to me that you are different from me.” - UG

UG with Dr. Moorty ( video courtesy: Chandrasekhar Babu)

This write-up revolves around a very interesting excerpt from Dr. Narayana Moorty’s Book on UG, Being Yourself.
The book is a compelling account of Dr. Moorty’s long association with UG. In his characteristic ‘no-holds-barred’ style, Dr. Moorty shares some interesting episodes and encounters with his readers. This is a ring side view of the sage from an accomplished scholar who straddled both the Eastern and Western philosophies.
UG and Dr. Moorty shared many common interests and remained buddies for decades till the very end. UG personally paid for the First Class round-trip ticket from US to Italy to have Dr. Moorty visit him during his last days.
I admire the sheer guts of this nonchalant professor.
Seems once UG and Dr. Moorty set out on a wandering spree and ended up in a way side inn with a kitchenette. Between friends, they wanted to hammer out a deal as to who should pay the bill, and who should cook. UG was magnanimous and let Dr. Moorty take the call. Guess what – without batting an eyelid, Dr. Moorty gleefully offered to pay up the rent and enjoy the stay, while UG ended up in the kitchen cooking for both of them, for the rest of their stay!


Here is the excerpt from Dr. Moorty’s book:

“Another morning, UG was talking away and was trying rather unsuccessfully to remember a Sanskrit verse about Vedantins, Naiyayikas, Bauddhas and other philosophers. I told UG that it was possible to get the exact text of the verse from the Internet. He said “Do it!” I went into the anteroom and fished for the verse on the Internet. It didn’t take long. I copied it in the Devanagari script and showed it to him. He said he would be more comfortable reading it in the Telugu script. So I wrote it in the Telugu script on another sheet of paper and he was able to read it with ease.” 

(Source: Being Yourself: Essays on UG Krishnamurti and Related Topics, Kindle Edition.)

This was really interesting ! After reading this, I promptly got in touch with the ever reliable and resourceful Chandrasekhar Babu for more details . The meticulous and kind Babu dug into his archives and shared with me not just the verse, but even the video clip that showed UG and Dr. Moorty engaged in conversation about the very verse. Babu even sang the verse for me in his melodious voice. Seems this was a personal favourite of UG!

The verse bears a special significance in light of the sombre settings of the scene. These were UG’s final hours in the physical realm.

(Image Courtesy: Chandrasekhar Babu)

The verse is self-explanatory. It is supposed to be inscribed on a stone tablet (dated 1380 A.D.) in the world-renowned temple of Belur in Karnataka. The author of the verse is Udayanacharya, a 10th century scholar and logician of Naiyyayika school of Reasoning.

Here below is the most ancient source for the idea of the inscription, from the Vasishta Gita of sage Valmiki. 

The verse attempts to reconcile the essence of all religions and doctrines, just in three short pithy lines. It boldly proclaims that there is one Cosmic Spirit that is animating the entire creation and that its votaries call it by various names.  

Chandrasekhar Babu pointed out that Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Ex-President of India, a good friend of UG, had at some point improvised the same verse to append a line that brought into fold the other two names - Christ and Allah.

“Kraistvah Kristuriti kriyapararatah Alleti Mahammadah Soyam”  

(“Whom the Christians devoted to work as Christ and the Mohammedans as Allah.”)

UG’s choice of verses is truly amazing! He had a ready stock of Sanskrit quotes in his repertoire and could easily handpick any verse from any source, in a flash. He enjoyed a profound understanding of all the major religions and doctrines. He was well-clued in Vedas, Vedanta (Upanishads), Buddhism (he especially liked the Chan Buddhism), Taoism, Eastern and Western philosophies as well as psychology. 


In the early ‘70s, in the years that followed his Calamity, UG is known to have interacted with many pundits, scholars, intellectuals, many who were well versed in Vedas and Vedanta (Upanishads).

UG met Dr. K B Ramakrishna Rao, the Principal of Sanskrit College in Sringeri (North Karnataka) who later moved over to Mysore as Professor of Philosophy in Manasa Gangotri, University of Mysore. He was an accomplished scholar in Advaita philosophy. UG regularly visited his home in Mysore for several years till Dr. Rao’s death in the late ‘80s.

Dr. Rao created the first UG portal in Mysore and introduced UG to many of his learned friends. UG met up with many luminaries of the time there.

Also, Dr. Rao personally held many discussions with UG on Upanishads or Vedanta, the distilled wisdom of the Vedas, the crest-jewel of Oriental teaching. These interactions with UG seemed to have inspired his own book on the Bhagvad Gita. Also Dr. Rao penned the first ever biography of UG ( Illi Vaadavilla, Iruvudella Veda - ಇಲ್ಲಿ ವಾದವಿಲ್ಲ, ಇರುವುದೆಲ್ಲ ವೇದ ), a short introductory book in Kannada.

This was the same period when UG came in touch with another friend, Brahmachari Sivarama Sharma, a great scholar, also well versed in Vedanta and a close associate of Dr. Rao. 

At the time, Brahmachari was getting groomed to take over as the pontiff of Kudli Mutt, as its successor. Kudli Mutt is a spiritual centre in Shimoga that owes its allegiance to Adi Shankaracharya of the seventh century, the proponent of Advaita doctrine or Monism.

UG immediately saw a threat to his friend’s life and prevented Brahmachari from getting embroiled in the ‘politics of spirituality’ and weaned him away from his pursuit and let him lead a peaceful and contented life.

While in Udupi, UG briefly interacted with another great scholar Bannanje Govindacharya, an expert in the Vedas and Indian philosophy, a scholar of great repute and renown. During this meeting, UG and Bannanje seemed to have exchanged their notes in Sanskrit!

Coming back to the verse, it is interesting to note UG’s recollection of the verse at a time when he was nearing the end of his earthly sojourn!

What makes this verse and its timing significant is the fact that it is a pointer to UG’s position on God!

Did UG ever consent to the idea of a personal God or Godhead?

Never! There was not even a slightest hint about his stance on Personal God anywhere in his innumerable talks and discussions. Rather, he was always seen ridiculing and blasting gods and goddesses, and calling names.

Obviously, UG could not bring himself to reconcile to the ‘idea of a Personal God’. According to him the ‘idea of God’ is born in a mind that is infested with fear.

“It is the mind that has created God, out of fear!”

The weak, fearful and greedy minds have a need for God and therefore invent one!

Devoid of 'self' or 'ego', the sage does not suffer from separation or division from rest of creation. Life is just one boundless ocean of energy for the sage, everything is his, he is everything and therefore there is nothing to seek, nothing to fear.

The sage is just the pulsing of Life Energy! Sage and Life are not two separate things!

This is not some far-fetched theory, but a living reality that we see operating in the life of sages.

A sagely life validates the universal truth that “Life is undivided organic whole!”

World has seen great sages and seers, many unsung, unknown teachers ‘whose footprints have been lost in the sands of time’, from every ancient land. Whether from Africa, Egypt, the Middle East (the cradle of the three Abrahamic religions), India or China. all the sages spoke in unison and proclaimed the truth about the ‘Unity of Life’!

On numerous occasions UG pointed out, “There is no one here. UG comes and goes whenever there is a demand!”

Again, “It never occurs to me that you are different from me.”

Our minds were confounded and then UG explicated his situation with the beautiful analogy of the circle.

Wherever there is a 'centre', the circle is limited and bound by its circumference. In other words, it is the 'centre' that defines the circumference and limits the circle. In the absence of the 'centre', there is no more circumference, and the circle just explodes into infinity.

UG explained that, in our case, it is the ‘self’ or ‘ego’  that forms the centre. It is this centre that imposes serious limitation and defines the bounds of life energy. Without this centre, Life is boundless and infinite, encompassing everything in the universe.

Sages seem to operate in this boundless, limitless field of Life energy.

UG referred to this limitless energy field in his talks as 'Intelligence' or 'Life Energy' just to keep matters simple and uncomplicated.


There are countless anecdotes where UG ‘encompassed and became’ the person he was watching….In Casino de Paris, he couldn’t tell whether he was the dancer or there was some other dancer on the stage!

Dr. Sreedhav narrates another anecdote in Major’s farm house in Bangalore, when UG refused to use the toilet for three consecutive days. He had discovered a lizard in the commode that stubbornly refused to leave its new abode. UG could never bring himself to flush away the poor creature, how could he ever do that to  himself?

Dr. Moorty recollects yet another incident. 

Once UG and himself were sitting in a hotel lobby waiting for their turn to check in. UG, for some reason, appeared extremely agitated and in intense pain. It turned out that he was fixated on the front desk where a young girl was struggling to cope with her multiple roles as a receptionist, telephone operator, manager, and concierge loading, unloading heavy luggage pieces for guests. The extreme stress levels of the girl, as she laboured on and struggled, to cope up with her gruelling work, began to manifest in UG!

In UG's life, we see the practical demonstration of the universal truth about “The Unity of Life”

If there is a singular message that keeps reverberating time and again, in the ancient wisdom of the Vedanta or Upanishads, in the spirited discussions and debates that resounded in the serene forest universities of eminent sages, or in the discourses held in spectacular courtyards of India’s greatest emperors and kings, it is this plain truth– ‘Universe is an organic whole’! This is the essence of Vedanta, Brahma is that organic whole!

Short of acknowledging God, UG took a much more rational, sensible and realistic position, “God is irrelevant!”  while re-emphasising the Unity of Life! 


Here is the audio clip carrying the melodious rendering of the verse sung by Jesudas in the Kannada movie Malaya Maruta. 


"It is neither physical nor psychological transformation" ~ UG

JK and UGK - T he Anarchist Duo     The current audio clip has been sourced from two separate recordings of UG's conversations. Here,  U...