Saturday, 28 May 2016

“All your spiritual experiences are just worthless experiences ! " -UG

My life journey began as a simple pursuit of worldly success! As a dreamy youngster, the word 'success' became my mantra. I never spared a single book that promised success. I started consuming all the inspirational stuff in libraries, blinded by the thought of making it big in the world! 

Inspiration, howsoever great, coming from outside of ourselves, would ultimately end up in frustration! The lucky ones are self-inspired, they get their priorities right and are wise enough to choose their true love as also their career! 

You will find out that many a motivational, inspirational writer or evangelist who peddles ‘self-help’ as the mantra for success in life, for some reason, dedicates an entire chapter on God, grace, luck or destiny. This aspect, we are made to believe, is detrimental to success beyond the regular necessary ingredients like sincerity, hard work, focus and determination! 

God or luck or fate, for most of us, is a formidable excuse to camouflage our ignorance on matters of life. Who can know how life operates or who can fathom its bewildering uncertainties? 

During my maiden encounter with UG , his first wise crack was on 'self-help', “They say God helps those who help themselves. Tell me, if we can really help ourselves, then why do we need God?”

I was crazy and hell-bent on exploring various aspects of success. My ambition was to make it big in the world! When I read about God, luck, as an indispensable attribute to success, it posed quite a serious challenge! I now started digging deep inside of books seeking answers for the God-riddle. 

UG was to point out much later that seeking answers about life or God is just a futile exercise! All the answers given by others were their own discoveries and could not help in solving any of our problems. In fact, the answers given by others triggered more questions as we made futile attempts to understand and seek clarification! This indeed is a self-perpetuating process - answers, not our own, multiply our questions!

UG clarified, " All your questions are born of answers....they are the answers provided by fact, there is no such thing as your own question!", adding," I cannot help you, in fact, no one can help you find your answers. The only thing I could help, if at all, is to let you formulate your own question...!" 

In my search for answers, one thing led to another and soon 'self-help' books gave way to spiritual classics. I segued into ‘The Autobiography of a Yogi’, leaving behind ‘The Laws of Success’. More spiritual books followed. 

Every serious inquiry or exploration eventually leads one to 'mother of all questions' - What is life, is there a God or soul? I found myself asking the self-same question that has confounded mankind from the beginning of time to this day!

I began seriously exploring 'soul' or 'atma' or 'spirit'!  Strangely, spiritual realm seemed to hold greater charm, more promise than all the worldly goodies! Spiritual success seemed to guarantee even greater glories and awesome power over people and events! At least, that is what the books said! 

Little did I realise at the time that I was walking into a trap - the deceptive world of spirituality - ripe with conmen and godmen! Spiritual kingdom is the last port of call for many a desperate seeker!

At this point, my spiritual pursuit became the be-all and end-all of my life and I became seriously hopeful of getting 'there'! I swapped my material goals for the new-found spiritual goals!

As I reflect back, I think UG nailed it, "You will replace one goal with another, your spiritual goals are no different from your material goals, they are one and the same !  All your goals including the so called spiritual goals are selfish are merely seeking gratification all the time! You will never give up your search because the end of search is the end of you!" 

My foray into the spiritual wonderland was not entirely without excitement. 

It proved quite eventful. Much before this, during my high school days, I used to experience 'death' every night. As I lay on my bed, an invisible 'vacuum cleaner' ( an analogy borrowed from UG who had the uncanny knack of coining verbal equivalents to our wordless experiences!) would start operating, scaring me to death, sucking away my life, even as I desperately fought to wriggle out of its clutches....I would eventually slip away into the 'unconscious'. Next day morning, I would wake up normally! This continued for several months at a stretch!

Now, years later, once again, I began to experience strange things! As I foolishly and feverishly threw myself into yoga, meditation and other spiritual practices (recommended by books!), unsupervised, I began to experience strange things - I felt tingling sensations, crawling of ‘ants’ in my spinal column, sudden expansion of consciousness, inexplicable blissful states and much more! 

I felt intoxicated, I felt that I was really getting 'there', and that I had begun to taste success in my spiritual journey! I started believing that these experiences were an endorsement or validation of my spiritual progress. I felt a sense of achievement!

I couldn’t have been more deluded! Unbeknownst to me, I was treading a dangerous path!

Mine was a heady mix of 'arm-chair' philosophy and 'acquired' knowledge, a sure-fire recipe for delusion and disaster. I had no one around me for course correction, no one like UG to 'put me in my place'! 

At this time, there was another serious problem in my life! I had to grapple with the formidable issue of sex, right in the middle of my spiritual pursuits! My sexual cravings and urges got the better of me every time, setting my youthful frame up in passionate flames. 

Given the spiritual context, the natural and common urge like sex became a burning problem! 

I was caught in a dilemma unable to reconcile my spiritual life with my biological reality. The pangs of sex violently tore me up from inside. It bothered me no end!

Self-deception, in my case, was nearly total! My meeting with UG would change all that very soon!

In my maiden encounter, UG was intense and scorching ! He pounded down my spiritual pride into dust! He pooh-poohed all that I held as profound and sacred. His words were piercing, cutting through my deception and delusion:   

“All your spiritual experiences are just worthless experiences ! However profound, they are just petty little experiences, shoddy piece of goods ! If they have really helped you at all , why are you here? Why are you still seeking answers? Anyway, what is it that you are looking for? Okay, assuming for a moment that your experiences are really true, in what way are you different now? You are the same old person carrying on with the same old prejudices, same old fears and burning with the same old desires....has anything really changed there at all ? You see, you cannot experience anything without the experiencing structure there ( if there is no 'experiencer' there) long as there is the experiencing structure, whatever you experience will only fortify and strengthen that structure (the ego or self)....All your experiences are coloured by knowledge. Experience fortifies knowledge and knowledge fortifies experience. You cannot experience anything new, there is no such thing as new experience at all!"

This lambasting, this much needed awakening brought me to ground zero! I didn't have the guts anymore to narrate my so called experiences that I was so proud of all these years. After listening to UG, they really began to look 'shoddy' and 'petty' indeed ! UG was bang on!

UG held a mirror for the first time in which I could clearly see the reality of my situation! He got me off the merry-go-round of spiritual pursuit. 

I got more grounded and began to settle into the realities of life. 

UG also gave me the strength to accept my sexual urges as natural and common and healed my nagging sense of guilt thus putting an end to my inner dichotomy! 

I discovered enough courage inside of me to shed the falsehood and abandon the sham life that I had foolishly embraced! 

Every little experience - spiritual or otherwise had only added to my baggage, and increased my psychological burden, preventing me from leading a simple, burden-free life. 

Thanks to UG, first time in years, I walked out as a free man, more human than ever before!

"It is neither physical nor psychological transformation" ~ UG

JK and UGK - T he Anarchist Duo     The current audio clip has been sourced from two separate recordings of UG's conversations. Here,  U...